Новини, Питання
Hey y'all!!!
Yes, it's me. Your eyes aren't deceiving you. I'm back! *wipes a tears because it ain't time to be all emotional and shiz* And I have *groans as I put down the bags of weirdness I hold with me* a lot of weirdness to show y'all, so be prepared! :p
Anywhore-ANYWAYS, How are you guys doing... In your houses? :)
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
I don't know if it's because I've matured or because I just truly lost care in the world, but I don't care that my birthday is coming soon. I don't care that school is starting. I don't care when people praise my sister for every little thing she've done and act like I've accomplished nothing. I don't care that my father cares about getting richer rather taking care of us. I don't care if my 'friends' are only around to use me for their own good. I just... I can't bring myself to care about anything anymore. Nothing seems important they way it used to be. I'm just watching people go around playing in my life until they win and get what they want. Is it because I became too used to this? To people not caring about me? And till the point I no longer care about the cruel situation I'm in? Now, nothing excites me anymore. Activities and people don't make me happy like they used to do. They just don't.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm trying too hard, but then again, I'm not trying enough. It's like everything I've done has gone vain, it's just not good enough for them. As if all I've done was nothing. As if I am nothing. But that doesn't bother me anymore.
Most of the time I have one these heart clenches on my heart, it's like my heart is tightly, pulling itself together to get smaller and smaller in hopes to finally disappear because the pain has become too much to bear. Every time, I do something to help someone I feel my heart clenching because I know, I just know it will all go vain. They will take it for granted. Whenever I sit down and listen to someone's problems I feel it too, my heart would smoothly, yet so painfully be tearing itself apart because I know when they finish weighing their problems on my shoulder to solve, they will pretend as if it never happened, just so they can come back to betray me when they find someone better. Even when I'm all alone, doing absolutely nothing, my heart starts to break because then I still can't help it, but feel bad about myself. I feel bad because I have things people would kill to have. I feel bad because I always step on my own feeling saying that others' feelings matter more. But most importantly, I feel bad because I've done this to myself. I have done all of this to myself without caring about the consequences waiting ahead.
I've locked my feeling too deep that I no longer capable of feeling them. I've set myself in an everlasting cage of isolation that I feel so alone even when I'm surrounded by all the kinds of people. I've done this to myself. All of the damage is done by me to me.
You're right. Because yes, I do not care anymore. Yes, I feel so bad about myself and who I currently am. Yes, I feel so alone. But I'm not done. I still have myself to fight for. Even though it's mostly broken inside. Even though I have nothing left. Even though it's always like I'm not good enough. I will fight because those broken pieces inside? Every little one of them is stronger than ever and is willing to go through the darkness for light waiting ahead. I will collect them one by one and I will mend them by myself until they're completed again. Even if I have nothing left, it doesn't mean that I'm hopeless. It means that what I had before wasn't meant for me. It means that in the future, I will achieve and gain much greater things. It means that the bad had escaped my life, so that I can start midway to get what I deserve. To get what is meant for me and will never leave me. Even if I wasn't good enough that doesn't mean I was not good. I was good, but not the way they wanted. But I'm more than enough for myself. And that's perfect for me. Everybody is good enough for their own self because if you weren't good enough for yourself, how do you expect to be good enough for someone else? Yeah, I admit I am broken, but I'm not unmendable. I still have hope. I still can fix myself by me, by being me. I'm strong. I'm capable. I'm talented. And I can sure as heck do it. And so can you.
Part 1
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
It's okay, just a little bit more. I thought as I run down the hallway eager to reach my destination. Obviously, running isn't the thing for me. I slowed down as a familiar wall came to my vision and sat in the corner panting. I looked around making sure not a single soul was around. Nobody is supposed to see this.
Should I do this? I've been clean for 2 months now, but this won't ruin it... right? It's only a pill.
I sighed and took out the pill. My dirty secret. The secret I carefully hid before they forced me to go to THAT place. I grimaced as I remembered the horrible memories I went through there. How they put that powder in my food just to get me fatter. I chuckled bitterly, getting fat was far the opposite from what I was trying to do. It was absolutely the most horrible experience I've went through so far that if not ever.
I glared down at the pill debating whether I should take it or just forget about the whole thing. If I took it, it wouldn't matter, right? It will only surpass my hunger for a while, it's not like I'm making myself vomit. I would still be clean.
"I would still be clean" I whispered, hoping to convince myself.
I felt my eyes watering as I stared at the pill. I'll be skinny. If I took it, I might finally become pretty... and I'll be happy then, right? Plus, it's not like anyone would care. They took me to THAT place without even batting an eyelash. They didn't want to take responsibility for me. She didn't want to take responsibility for me.
'Take it! Or do you want to stay fat? Ugly?' A voice rang in my head. 'Nobody needs to know about this', It said. 'You'll take it, then act as if nothing happened.'
That's right, I can just take it and nobody will know about it. As if it never happened. I took a deep breathe as I brought my shaky hands closer to my mouth. I'll be pretty...
"What are you doing?" I froze.
Those Eyes
In the world of darkness I lay
Staring into the eyes of a body
In the depth of sadness and misery I stare into those eyes
That lay miles away in the light
Yet in the brightness of the daylight And behind those bright, happy eyes
I stare into a hole in them
Where pain and emptiness hide from the outer world
In that moment
I realized that we're no different
Those eyes were only hiding
What lies beneath the happiness and joy
Those eyes held an unbearable pain
That was invisible
From the eyes of the others
But it wasn't invisible for me
It was crystal clear
And I was going to be there for her
Because I knew the pain she felt
I knew how it feels to be in pain with no shoulder to cry on
I knew how much it hurts to smile when there's tears, dying to flow out
So, I did what I always wanted for others to do for me
I went there to those eyes
I sat in the daylight and hid my pain just like they did
I sat there next to her
And held her hand
"I'm here for you"
The Broken Soul
In an abyss void of emotion
Where light is darkness
And love is hatred
I found the body of a broken soul
Surrounded by grief and misery
With eyes opened up wide
seeking mercy
But the mysterious soul of light
Was nowhere in sight
It left the broken soul shattered
All alone
Yet at the same spot
I found a mighty power of an emotion
Where the broken soul kept
Mending its shattered parts
Just to return to the same soul
That started the pain
To me that was love
Where a soul can heal itself
Thousands of times
Just to be able to continue
Loving the one who brought it all
Love in Injustice
I was a stranger to the world of love
Until you up walked into my life
And filled it with magic,
wonder, and thrill
You memerized me
with the magic in your voice
Your loving touch drove me insane
I felt you in every single breathe
I was so drowned in the
depth of love
To me you were the prince in disguise
You stepped into my life,
And designed it with pearls
Little did I know
That your like breeze
And would fly off far away
Leaving me all alone
Love, Was this your justice to me?