Reynaldo Tranberg Reaper
I'm 33 years old. I was Military, honorable discharged. I enjoy learning and writing.
Understanding Life
Fettered by ink, a message so sheek Everybody can't handle the ideals, That flows so sophisticatedly sleek I tend to mutate into a verbal nomadic fashion That takes phrase and makes ways to fly crazed for better days I look up at the horizon truly styling So blessed untouched by stress The vivid sky makes you decide How you want to have your life spent But though, you make that choice Know you have to listen to that voice That tells you, helps to bring you, to that wonderful point of view That you may live cause you believe in you Don't fight against it making things complicated Don't place yourself in debt because of all your regret You have one life to live So live it true For when things go wrong You can only blame you So what started complicated Now became correct Broken down to make simple things less complexed But its all in a matter how you view yourself, in which will determine your health Breathing is key, lack of oxygen will destroy thee and anyone which you deem Trust me because I'm a Marine that understands bad actions Traction that didn't need to take place My heart was always in the right direction But never tried to save face That act made me look bad I didn't show I had any care for me Others saw it and tried to exploit it To turn me into a toy bee It took a Wife and Three kids later To see my purpose My family is worth it All that other shit is garbage