The wooden door opens as the cold wind blows He throws his cigarette bud looking low Shuts the door with a thud  Screaming, women get me that mug  She comes quietly obeying his every command  Fallen, like a lost life without an helping hand She came close with tears in her eyes Thinking, atleast today he will smile  She thought to herself today she had to fight  Its either him or her baby child  She bore him for years without regrets and without grin  While all he wanted was his cigg and gin  As he opened that bottle and filled his mug  There she came crawling like a little bug  Looked into his eyes asking 'wheres my surprise' He looked at her with anger and regret 'if long back i would have left, you wouldnt be the price'  The baby child smiled, lost for words as he stood  Took that knife kept near the fire wood  He said ' today i have to end this once and for all' Just as he took a step there she was standing tall  Protecting her cub from the danger about to befall  He stopped, stunned and shocked  His vision blocked  He said 'its either this wretched little creature or our possible future' She said 'this little creature is my all in all '  How could you deny what we created when we thought we had it all  Your love for us was as the scattered seashells  Uncountable beautifully imperfect yet unmatchable  He looked at them with anger and despair  For after so long he lost a war which was clearly fair  He left without a word looking lost and absurd  She touched her mother asking 'are we alright'  With a smile on her face she pulled her close as a tear rolled from her eye  'as long as we are together' as she hugged her tight 
2018-07-13 08:46:07
Схожі вірші
Ти — моє сонце у похмурі дні, І без тебе всі веселощі будуть чужі. Ти — наче мій рятівник, А я — твій вірний захисник. Не кидай мене у часи сумні, Бо без тебе я буду на дні. Прошу́, ніколи не залишай мене одну, Адже без тебе я точно потону. Хто я без тебе? Напевно, мене просто нема... Розкажу я тобі про все із цього "листа". Постався до цього обережно і слушно, Щоб не подумала ти, що це, може, бездушно. Адже писала я ці рядки довго, І ти не посмій не побачити цього! Ми же ж з тобою змалку завжди були разом, І дружбу нашу не зруйнуєш навіть часом. А ти пам'ятаєш, як на кухні говорили про хлопців? Ми зберігали всі секрети, наче у таємній коробці. Смієшся ти, як завжди, смішно, І не сказати про це буде грішно. Дуже подобаються мені наші розмови, Особливо, коли ти "ламаєш" свої брови. Чудово, коли твоя найкраща подруга — сестра. Адже не залишить в біді ніколи вона. А завжди буде поруч. Навіть якщо сам чорт стоїть ліворуч.
Unbreakable heart
Behind your back people are talking Using words that cut you down to size You want to fight back It's building inside you Holding you up Taking you hostage It's worth fighting for They'll try to take your pride Try to take your soul They'll try to take all the control They'll look you in the eyes Fill you full of lies Believe me they're gonna try So when you're feeling crazy And things fall apart Listen to your head Remember who you are You're the one You're the unbreakable heart