Ode to Mr. World
Wake up, breathe, exhale and play, let your life aimlessly decay, let Mr. world take your dreams and thoughts away, creep back in to his limitless shade, feed off the bits he throws from day to day, obey and don’t question his dark demeanor, don’t let your thoughts wander off without his knowledge for that’s easier. I was lost when I was conceived, he said come little children and be deceived. Run behind him aimlessly free, let him guide you to his cursed tree, are you hungry or thirsty? He will open his box of doubts and feed you till your empty. Depression and anxiety are his favorite candies, eat till your fun and dandy. Drink of his stream of lust, let it course through your veins till you thirst. I was alone, and he called me friend, he said others will come but just smile and pretend, think of me when you look them in the eye, you will see that your life has been a lie. He told me I was born naked, so he could cloth me, showed me everything he thought was fancy, my edges and crevices were mended for his appetite, he claimed everything till I was left striped and deprived. Family is pretense, he told me it was already destroyed when he saved my forefathers from the garden of unity and sense. Disregard your parents he commanded, they will lead you to birth and not life like I have demanded, don’t let them constrain you with freedom, be a slave to my selfish kingdom. In this manner he took me away far from reality till I was led astray, and then I reached the cross roads of choice where I met the three in union which led to my cosmic demise. Mr. World held my hand as we turned away, pulled his vines twined betwixt my heart as he lured me to his faithful army and again we marched, led me back into his fold of lost sheep and to his happy dirge we swayed. He told me stories about the union we witnessed, how he was accepted and then for mankind he was plummeted, he fell from his fleet so that he could raise a legion, persuaded us to enter his cage so that he could crush their dominion. He told us be vigilant to their harmless threats, and how they were seeking empty souls, wandering on between life and death before he could pull them into his net. He looked inside my feeble mind, friends and family he did find, cast his spell over their eyes, looking for answers? he questioned as he happily sighed, I was stringed as his device, he used my mind to hear their cries, soon they submitted to his decree, he said the tree of knowledge was planted in me. Trust me and never think twice, fix your tired eyes on my soothing lies. One amongst them will be sent for you but trust Mr. world to drag you through. They will try to unify you with peace he said, but why should that interest you when you could be free with war he orated. Kill your dreams he chanted as he held my bones, I will put you to rest on my bed of stones, ease your way into my lucid death before reality and life are a distant breath. I knew I had departed when I joined his pasture, then as I drifted down I heard their victory weep as the word from the union was imparted. Their word followed me as I sored through Mr. world’s deepest pit, I was on my way to his forbidden list. Before I stooped their words grabbed my hand, soon I took off towards their righteous plan. Still twined between Mr. worlds schemes, he permitted me to fly but my wings were clipped as he gave me one in my dreams. He told me go with them see how they give you purpose, but don’t leave me, don’t you know it was I who gave you the dying impetus. Let them lead you to their guiding light, remember what I have taught you, all it takes is to chant my dying plight. I chose to depart from his incomplete plans, as I slipped out of his withering hands. Into the light I sored with their wings as I became a part of their celestial body, Mr. world told me I never had one after he birthed his dying seed in me. As I marched on with them I was constricted to draw others in, he cast his spell over them and persuaded them to hide underneath his broken wings. They told me Mr. World was drawing in the lost, he drew deeper within them as he created a lost army using them as his host. Go on Mr. World told me, forget all that I asked you to remember, don’t you know it was I, who wiped your tears away with your guilt as you whimpered. I parted ways with him as I smiled, deep within the confines of my body his unborn child cried, unfed with his nourishing lies, my soul was restored as the union grew within me, yet I hear him whispering his lies to my disintegrating body, persuading me to turn back to his cursed tree. when I thought I was stuck between this constant banter, I saw one from the three that climbed Mr. Worlds wretched tree. As I lay here with the choice I have made, I do not know if il witness my faith above the cosmic sea, but the truth within persuades me to ease into that gentle sleep. As my body disintegrates and my pain and failures choke my feeble mind, the sleep that the union provides restores my soul from Mr. Worlds fiery binds. This is my final ode, as I drift away from Mr. Worlds sway, I pity his sorry state, how he will burn, while the union returns. His lies and riches led me to death eternal, but his sadness and vulnerability led my soul to life supernal. Oh thou wanderer, as you march on entangled in his venomous dreams, know that his company only makes you emptier, if he puts you under his deep spell, wake up, breath, exhale and play along with Mr. Worlds persistence but know that he was created so that you would wander off into existence.
2018-07-13 08:44:41
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Хай буде так
«And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, "Let it be"» Beatles - Let it be Хай буде так. Прийми своє життя. Прийми негоду, біль і в серці рану. Прийми свою не вічність, як буття. Прийми, що у людей на тебе інші плани. І не кричи, не плач, коли летиш із неба. Земля тверда. Це так. Реальна. Не м'яка. Живи та не шкодуй. Так було треба. Можливо не тобі. Комусь. Чиясь рука. Ти витримав. Стерпів. Усі пройшов дороги. Ти не зламався, ні. Ти просто біг не так. Ти просто падав. Просто вірив богу, І довіряв не тим. Кохав не так. Хай буде так. Прийми, що ти один І залишайся сильним, що б не було далі. Життя лиш мить, в яку стікає плин годин. Лиш зайчик сонячний, ребро медалі. Бо що б не було - ти не вічний, ні. І те що має тут коштовність, там - згорає. Ти помираєш тут. Зникаєш на війні. Та пам'ятай - у смерті щастя аж ніяк немає.
ENGLISH;I am happy, when the sun shines bright and your smile is genuine.I am sad,when the rain pours down and your eyes flood with tears.I am angry,when you lie and are selfish.I am jelous,when you spend your time with everyone but me.I am excited,when I know I have a day ahead with only you.I am worried,when your promises are slipping away from my reach.I am heartbroken,when you prove to me I will forever be alone.I am scared,when my nightmares turn into a reality.I am lonely,when you walk away for good.I am so damaged,when you break my heart over and over again.. I am tired,when I feel all these emotions at once.I feel so alone,that I'm starting to like it that way.I feel too many emotions,and that's what makes me human.I feel things,and that is something I'm not capable of stopping.I am not going to hide away my emotions,because without them I mean nothing,with out them I am nothing. Lillian *Sorry about errors* RUSSIAN; Фамили счастлив, когда ярко светит солнце и "твоя улыбка искренняя". Мне грустно, когда льет дождь, а твои глаза наполняются слезами. Я злюсь, когда ты лжешь и эгоистичен. Я болею, когда ты проводишь время со всеми, кроме меня. Я взволнован, когда я знаю, что у меня впереди только один день. Я волнуюсь, когда твои обещания ускользают от моей досягаемости. Я с разбитым сердцем, когда ты Докажи мне, что я навсегда останусь один. Мне страшно, когда мои кошмары превращаются в реальность. Я одинок, когда ты уходишь навсегда. Я так поврежден, когда ты разбиваешь мне сердце снова и снова .. Я устал , когда я чувствую все эти эмоции одновременно. Я чувствую себя настолько одиноким, что мне это начинает нравиться. Я чувствую многие эмоции, и это то, что делает меня человеком. Я чувствую вещи, и это то, что я Я не собираюсь прятать свои эмоции, потому что без них я ничего не значу. Лилиан и моя дорогая подруга Фиалка Я скучаю по ультрафиолету LILLIAN xx