Freedom with Death?
My life is coming to an end, my mind is crushed from the lies. Stabbing you through invisible walls. My heart grows numb from the hands that had the privilege to hold it. If my heart ceases to beat, would my pain go away or will it follow like all the needles that ever pricked my finger. No one can see my pain, but it's hard to breathe. I'm dying slowly and invisibly to the naked eye. God knows what is happening to my heart, catching fire from the burn of Lies. As I breathe, smoke rises from my lungs and into the atmosphere. My lungs decay from the dreadful kiss of death. Poison fills my taste, drowning my life with pain. Warm crimson liquid spewing from my lips. The smell of decay fills the air. Death staring me in the face.
2018-06-24 09:52:12
Схожі вірші
Не скажу "люблю"
Знаєш, складно Тебе любити й не сказати. Тебе кохати і збрехати, Що зовсім іншого люблю, І що до тебе не прийду. Знаєш, той "інший" мене теплом своїм зігріє. Зачарує і поцілує, А ти сиди там далі сам, І йди назустріч виючим вітрам. Тобі вже більше не скажу своє я болісне "люблю"... А просто відпущу і почуття у собі похороню.
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?