One Week
It has been one week since you stopped replying. It has been one week since you became mute. It has been one week since you disappeared. One week of me waiting. One week of me worrying. One week of my hurting. One week of me crying. One week of me sad, Not happy anymore. Happy is when I'm with you. Happy when you are. Happy when you laugh. Happy when you smile. Happy when you live. But now... These days disappeared all of a sudden. Where are those days when we laughed together? Where are those days when we used to love each other? Where are those days when we just lived in the moment? Where are they? I want them back! I want you back! I want your smile back! I want your laugh back! I want your time back! I want everything back! But what can I do for them to be back? For you to be back? Do you still love me? Do you still miss me? Do you still want me? Do you?
2019-05-06 19:28:04
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Oh wow sounds like a poem I'd write especially the way things happening for me. I was talking to someone i thought was very interested in me everyday talked by phone messaged and laughed amd talked hours. Then it all stopped first time its cause he was afraid to get attached since we just started talking then promised he wouldnt do it anymore. But then did again and same thing he did silenced a whole week first time second time same thing a week silence and and sane reasons why third time as talking on phone I could tell he didnt seem the same and I could tell it would happen again his silence and it did almost 2 weeks now which friday will be 2 weeks. I just decided to give up. Cant do anything but let it go. No one is worth crying or depressing about that dint try saying a word to you all day. Theres always a min of time to spare to send a humble message to someone. If not its just not meant to be. Ill write my own poem similar to this when i can but hun loved it and keep writing, its our diary of life our poems. 🤗❤
2019-05-07 18:31:10
Húsos Friss Majonéz
I'm relieved that someone was through it and not just me. I really appreciate your comment. And I agree, you shouldn't waste your time crying over hi!m to come back. I learned it as well But for me, it was through a long distance relationship. While writing poems about him and for him I learned to let him go. I can't wait to see what poem you write similar to mine! I'll look forward to it!😇🤗😘
2019-05-07 18:34:57
Схожі вірші
Я тебе по-справжньому кохала...
Я тебе по-справжньому кохала... Так, неначе зовсім не жила. І тобі лиш серце відкривала, Я тебе кохала, як могла. Я тобі всю душу і все серце, Все віддам, ти тільки попроси. Я тебе кохатиму до смерті, Я з тобою навіки і завжди. Я тобі відкрию таємниці, Все, що маю — все віддам тобі. І поля, і чистії криниці, І прекрасний спів тих солов'їв. Я тебе по-справжньому кохала, Весь свій час, я віддала тобі. Я була наївною . Не знала, Що не брешуть тільки солов'ї.
Печаль прячется в словах
Полны отчаяния слова Достигли й душат вдруг меня Не знаю дальше как мне быть И стоит ли их отпустить Всю грусть ,что прячется внутри Пусть заберёт с собою дни А шоколад утешет впредь Всё горести уйдут под дверь Но чувства ,что живут внутри Не скроешь с время позади Ведь вырвуться с оков груди Их не сдержать нечем увы ... Как не было мне тяжело Я не смогу забить их льдов И холод тот , что тронул весь Согреть не сможет даже лесть...