Listen to me, land rats!
I'm a pirate, my place at sea,
I'm not a servant, a rat, a scum.
Fear the captain's wrath.
On Board my alcohol and gold,
I keep kings at Bay,
Over my head a solid reward,
But who wins? Ha ha ha!
I found captain Hook's treasure.,
Friendship I lead with a blue beard,
I can't be defeated by a common man.
I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!
...for when I almost gave up, you stopped me and said me look around myself and then I understood... I have just one life!
And YOU have just one life too... don't give up... please
I'm here!
"I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that."
Robin Williams
Ami megtörtént, megtörtént. Nem tudsz visszamenni az időben, és ezért teljesen felesleges bosszankodni, azon, ami történt. Engedd el, menj tovább, lépj túl rajta. Nem egyszerű, de megéri. Inkább aggódj azon, hogy mi fog történni, majd a jövőben.