I Really Did Love You
I really did love you, there I didn't lie. I wanted to forget about the past, I wanted us to last. I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't plan it this way. When I finally said bye, I tried not to make you cry. I really did love you, but I can't help how I feel? I can't make myself still love you, I won't give you love untrue. You are kind and sweet and gentle. You deserve more then me. You at least deserve, a love that's truly real. But I'm lying to myself aren't I? If I say I did it for you? I ended it because I'm selfish! I wanted love not eschew! You were happy, you were fine! Content while I was lying! Lying to you, lying to myself. Every false word given, you were buying. That isnt your fault. You can't help I wanted to play pretend. Pretend our love was true, pretend I had it with you. I never spoke how uncomfortable the things you wanted made me. At least you spoke your mind, at least you never lied. At the end of the day while we are trying to be friends, I hope someone can fix this mess I made, patch you back together. I hope someone truly deeply, will love you happily forever. When that day comes I'll have to pretend again that I'm happy, That's twisted I know, I dont love you anymore! But some part of me deep inside, still holds on to before... because, I really did love you.
2018-07-09 18:35:59
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Показати всі коментарі (4)
Rodney Kanher
By the way, the poem is amazing
2018-07-10 00:58:55
Katelynn Jackson
@Rodney Kanher thank you and to answer your previous comment us girls usually don't date someone we dont really like. Things change sometimes and we can't exactly control it.
2018-07-10 16:43:31
Rodney Kanher
@Katelynn Jackson i can understand...
2018-07-10 17:38:31
Схожі вірші
Я граю лише уві снах...
Я граю лише уві снах, Гітару, мов тебе, обіймаю, І пісня стара на вустах, Що в серці болем лунає. Я граю лише уві снах, Мелодію, давно що забута, І печаль в блакитних очах — Мій жах і муза, мій смуток. Я граю лише для тебе, Хоч знаю, що плід ти уяви, І біль губить нестерпний — Я гину, а пісня лунає... Я граю мелодію ніжну Та бігти хочеться геть, Як чую солодку я пісню: Вона нагадає про смерть... Бо вона серце зворушить І змусить згадати тебе, Ну нащо грати я мушу І палати мертвим вогнем? Поховавши, я присяглася, Що забута гітара — ось так, Бо пісня для тебе лилася... Я граю лише уві снах...
If it wasn't for you, I would have fought the wall to the pain. If you weren't mine, I'd die every night from losing blood. If it wasn't for your faith, I'd have given up a long time ago. If it were my will, I would stay with you forever. If you'd gone, I'd have been the old emptiness. You would have taken my heart, and instead of it there was an empty aperture. If it wasn't for you, I'd blazed in forgiveness. Would have burned to ashes, until ground, I would have until the last healing.