( I try healing calluses under calm of midnight,
Right where peace make happiest of faces,
But I'm obsessively thoughtful of contradictions. )
Oh divinity, how's undoing love not an offence?
Oh lord, why do fabrics of people's hearts differ?
What madness had it been!
What impurity had I contained?
Would you ever endorse me and my truth against his case?
Would he actually ever identify with the insanity?
How couldn't he have tasted truth in my mouth?
When stars brusted into dust that night.,
Had me aflame, hurtly numb for awhile now,
I had sacred of emotions,
Now I have scariest of grudges.
Oh divinity, how's unknowing love not an offence?
I'm too young to be capable to forgive such irreligion.
Oh divinity, how haven't they been offences?
Emptiness has fallen into my gut,
it feels kind of heavy in there though.
my mind choses to shy away,
and heart only comprehends numb dailogues
and handshakes.
unbearably explicit unreal shadow is whom i am led by,
Losing own spirit in this barren land, endless and buttomless,
absolute faded dull to romanticise
Inaudible but painful satire spelled,
Nervous space,
Lying senses.
This could choke me anytime, but, ill stay until then ..
-tribute to late SSR-
Curls falling from heaven,
Swinging right aside pearly eyes,
Finely high, your moan,
Look into mine as two world consolidates,
Faint the lights, off I know.
/ I don't know../
The federal of places I've let you go through,
I've barely been there.
Whats unhomely is unholy.
Days of being are numbered,
But what we know in mind, can outscale infinity,
Soul soaked in empyrean purity,
But after that spark, there's an entropy, that forevermore inflates
Had I not known?
What have I known?
I now speak for ranges, orbitless,
I show directions, myself compass devotee,
It's chaos I feel, but i censure chaos.
I ascend higher in mountains and I dive deeper in soul,
Pathway to peace, but also I need to ravel a few knots, that's where another religion carry..