Until I Hear the Unwilling
I lay without angels
The gidance of light has expired
These lights sound unlike me
As I fall behind
The strength holds me weary
I open to no one
My closed eyes befall as of never
Waking hours slept still within my dream
I never knew you
I still don't know myself
The other people are crowded
No one who knows us
Are sought for deep dry blood
I fought for these black wings
Now I lay in soft snow
Etched tombstones as lingering subliminal lights increase my temptation
Until I hear the willing
As though the tears of the skies needed us
The tug and pulling
It always creates us
Never had you known me
Until my abscence becomes real again
That was always a given
I did that to myself
I won't unbear because the world is feet upon dead bones inside closed doors