Pure evil
The most evil person
In life
Is not the one who hurt you
Is not the one
Who tried to help you
It's not yourself
It's not the
One who didn't know
The one who didn't saw pain
It's not the one
Who saw it
And tryed to help
Of all people that we blame
The true
Evil person
Is one who saw
And did nothing
The one who let you
To completely fall
The one who could
But decided not to
Color of the rose
The beautiful and inspiring
The letters written on it
The bouquet of blue roses
Reminder of the thorns
Standing on the table
Reminding me of lost
I couldn't understand
But I send it anyway
I know it's wrong
And I'm not sorry
I said it all
And I'm opening my soul
The answer
The truth to feel
But the honesty
In the bouquet
With eleven red roses
There is one that is white
In the sea of same
There is you
The different
With those words
You stole my heart and still it's yours
In this world
You are king
And I'm queen
The history proves
Two stand together
When you mix
Red and white
Dear, what you get is pink.
They may play
Game called life
But the doubt
Stops them
To live once
The feeling of mortality
Reminder of past
But not all who play
Play game of life
They don't play for love
They don't play for happiness
They play to stab
To hurt
To break in pieces
But thats their
My game
And that's not the shape of my thoughts
They play game of life
And they know
They know nothing
And those who speak
Never listen
Those who wonder
Are not always lost...
Those who play
They don't live...
Words can't stay
Sleepless night
You lie next to me
And in my opinions
That I try to keep away
Watching you sleep
My thoughts fade away
And in the billion years
I wanna keep this moment
My eyes watch you
And I know I don't wanna miss a thing
I miss you
All the time
In every morning that I stole
In every second
I miss you
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Waiting for my last step
Fading away
With hard heart
I turn back
In the storm
In the lighting
In the thunder
My final thought traped
In moment
I feel and I know
So promise fall from my lips
Slightly falling on your heart
And I know
Whatever happens
I choose to stay
In this storm
I choose to be
For the hardest thing is to stay
And for billion times
I said hard things are my favorite
Story 3...
I need to escape that question, but there is no an easy way. Should I lie or I should turn my back and run. It's better to stop this right here and right now. I calmly open the door and walk out.
"You mum called. What did you did?"
My best friend asked me after first class.
"Nothing, I just walked away from question. Why, what did she said?"
He looked me really careful, and I thought he wouldn't answer, but he make seriously face and said following words
"She didn't said that you walked away. But she did remind me on fight you caused. She also found pictures. And don't make a confusing face. You should think where you leave your diary."
I feel really bad and ful of rage. Why would she read my diary?
That's something new. And I think that I should talk to her, but on the other side is fact she won't listen.
Story 2...
This sunrise, it's stupid. I should just jump. Sea may be cold but it's more lovely then people. I don't get it, how they can just talk about him. I mean I'm here too you know, and the fact that they know nothing just makes me mad. Talking behind backs, like they don't have a personal life.
And then silence is cut as my alarm rings.
School is not my thing. And I have to go.
Before I even opened door, I hear voice.
"Really, you can't go to party without making problem. Why did you insult that girl?"
It's my mum. She saw me,
that's like welcoming trouble.
"So, do you love him?"
My best friend asked. I looked at his eyes and wished to tell him all. But instead I lied.
"No, he's gone. And I have to move on."
He knows that I lied, and still he continues to pretend. Like always, whenever he is a question I lie. There is no word that can explain this. The truth would be that we are still together and happy, but hiding.
How could my family accept the fact that I love a man from another religion? No, they would set us apart.
"Happy to hear. Are you going to party tomorrow?"
He asked in hope that this time something changes. And as always, I had to go and I'm gonna pretend that all is okay. Although, the people at party would be hard to speak with and I may just by accident put up a fight.
"Yes, and don't forget to pick me up."
I answered with stupid smile on my face. And the pain stabbed my heart.
I realized that for the love, I'll do anything...
Love letter
My dear,
I don't know right words
All I do know
Is ink on paper
I cried
And I'm sorry
I didn't know
That life can be hard
Comes with sun
But the rain
We love
We share
So, I brought flowers
To your grave
But there was no rain...
Leaves have fallen
Sun has forgotten to rise
Moon has forgotten to fall
It's just dark
And it's middle of day
Clouds in dark
Covering my heart
And my eyes
Can't see
Has been misplaced
Has come
My heart
All of ice
And still beats
The same way
Although it died
We need to fall
In order to
Learn to fly
to be hurt
In order to understand
to fly
If we want to
Touch sky
We need to understand
So we could love
We need to love
So we could feel
And it's an endless circle
To love
To be loved
And to be loved and to love
To give
In order to receive
The one who loved
Is the one that knows
Love leaves mark
And you'll be surprised
It's not pain
It's feeling
An confirmation of the fact
We are humans
All experiences
Have a lesson
For the seeker
Broken wings
That stoped so many things
So many words
And that put me behind
Siting in last row
Not being seen
Siting in dark
Hiding from light
Knowing answer
And siting in uncomfortable silence
Letting fears
To take control
Being just a random person
In the place where I should shine
Being shy
But no more
Fears go down
As I raise with stars
Sharing theirs light
Believing again
There is more
And I should take
All the gifts
That are given
Should be accepted
But I'm not
Following line
Is better to take
And sometimes
To leave
But I should be heard
And I should take my place in world
And shine