Very tired
Have you ever felt like you can never relate to those around. You can try so hard but never get results. Like me I recently went through something, now I have no friends. It seems like this happens all the time. I wonder if there's something wrong me. Or do I try too hard, push people away. I try to give advice to others of the same situation. I try to talk to them, give them the watered down version. Then months later, the same happens to me. Are they rubbing off on me ? I think sometimes. Am I meant to have friends ? Should I just stop, walk this earth alone ? Same with relationships with guys they never work out. So I stopped trying. Am I really destined to walk this earth alone. I see all the happy couples. I find myself feeling sad because of my lameness. I'm stuck in my mind right now. I don't know what to do. I'm trying to hold on to a piece of something that makes me want to stay. But it seems to be shrinking day by day. I know my parents care for me. But one day they might not be here. And everytime I think of it. It makes me feels disappointed in myself for having these thoughts. I'm tired. I'm truly tired of faking happiness when I'm really not. I just wanna get somewhere. Where I don't have to worry about anything anymore.
2019-06-10 01:08:11
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That's a long one but I totally understand
2020-06-17 19:24:34
@kply thanks
2020-06-18 16:29:11
Схожі вірші
"Я буду помнить"
Я буду помнить о тебе , Когда минутой будет гнусно И одиноко грянет в след Дождь смыв порою мои чувства Я буду помнить о тебе , Когда нагрянет новый вечер И ветер заберёт себе Мои увечены надежды . Я буду помнить, тот момент, Когда тебя со мной не стало Оставив только мокрый цент С того ,что в сердце потеряла Я буду помнить твой уход , Да может быть, тогда слезами Теперь совсем под тихий сон Обняв подушку крепко швами .
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?