I can't breathe!!
(I, George Floyd,a 46 years old African-American man from Minnesota in USA.I am a victim of racism,let me share that incident!!) I am a citizen of the 'greatest' country of all,USA by birth.. I have no idea there is still existing racism in 2020 in this earth!! My origin is African but I am an American by heart.. I was stunned when he hit me and I was badly hurt!! Let me tell you the whole incident,I had gone through.. So, this kind of disaster never happen again to any of you!! I am a truck driver,I have five children to feed.. I just want to be paid minimal wage,that's all I ever need!! I still remember the day it's 25th of may.. I can't say anything but I will have to say!! I was trying to pay a twenty dollar bill.. The owner called the police cause he thought it's counterfeit,I was standing still! The police came ,I said them I have no idea officer,I didn't know it's fake.. That white police officer didn't listen he asked where did these I make?? I was shocked, please I haven't done anything wrong.. He said,shut up nigger, everyone of you sings the same song!! He handcuffed me forcefully and laid me on the ground! There were three more of them watching me by moving around.. Suddenly he knelt on my neck and pressed as hard he could.. I pleaded him to leave me,but he was very rude!! I said you blocked my carrotid artery, 'I CAN'T BREATHE' anymore!! He didn't gave me a shit, they didn't stop him,they all four!! I heard people standing there begging him to leave me.. After some minutes, he muttered in my ear,in the jail,there will be only he!! They took me in the custody charging me as a con-man.. I couldn't stand properly there, they through me inside the van!! I didn't realize what happened next,it was all blurry in front of my eyes.. The last thing I hear that he was shouting fuck, how could he die?? (The forensic later declared it as homicide and the reason is asphyxia, a condition where tissue die due to lack of oxygen..) Disclaimer: It's not a poem against white people or for just black people. In 2020, still people facing this issue really hurts me.. Always remember,'Every Life Matters'..This is a proof we all should be together..
2020-08-20 16:55:22
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Я пам'ятаю. Вибач, я все пам'ятаю. Чому цей біль ніяк не зникає? Час його береже. Мене він, ламає Й душа в нім палає. Пробач за все. Чого ж зберігаю? Усе це лякає. Себе забуваю і душу вбиваю, Та біль все живе. Серце згорає, Розум втрачаю, думки покидають. Ненавиджу це, понад усе. Тебе забуваю. Звички зникають. Віри тепер немає. Кохання вбиває. І допомоги вже не чекаю. Завжди щось втрачаю. Хтось уже добиває, не знаючи це. Можливо, шукала в цім світі святе, Та я не знала, що воно в мені є.
Я впізнаю тебе серед тисячі лиць, І тихенько, крізь світ, побіжу, І нехай вже позаду мільйони столиць, А я в полі тебе обійму. Обійму і заплачу від щастя свого, Мабуть, більшість йому навіть заздрять, А мені вже давно на них все одно, І на те, що вони мені скажуть. Я, мій милий, єдиний, тобою живу, І в повітрі ловлю твої нотки, Я для тебе співаю і стрічку нову, Запишу у своєму блокноті. Ти малюєш мій сон із мільйону казок, У якому такі різні барви! Ти даруєш мені той рожевий бузок, А із ним, мов мереживо, чари. Від обійм, поцілунків твоїх я горю, Мов метелик над вогнищем синім, Боже мій, якби знав, як тебе я люблю, Якби знав, як без тебе я гину.