Tired of being strong
I'm tired of being strong...It's hard to keep going when I know I'm about to break .....will I ever take a break from all this.....will I? I need someone here to help me... To tell me that.... That I can finally take a break. To let all the tears and anger I been holding in finally out. Will I ever take a break from all this? Will I? Please someone tell me I can. Someone tell me.....tell me I can finally let all the tears and anger out please..... Someone tell me that everything is OK. I'm done with all this.......I'm done with this pain.......I'm tired of being strong....I'm tired of holding all tears and anger in.....I'm tired of this pain I have to deal with. No one knows...no one will ever know the pain, the tears, the anger I have. Some will say they have..... But that's through their life not mine.....
2018-09-18 13:40:14
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Ruqayyah Jkh
For someone who has a lot of anger & bitterness i can relate..bottling things up is really exhausting..but writing them down eases the pain somehow..
2018-09-18 14:43:58
Схожі вірші
Я і ніч
Поїзд падає в ніч. Це-останній ліхтар. Я і ніч. Віч-на-віч. То морозить. То жар. Ти вже, певно, заснув, Ти подушку обняв. Ти мене вже забув. В тебе тисячі справ Я від тиші глуха. Від мовчання німа. Я одна. Клич- не клич. Я і ніч. Віч-на-віч.
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?