Mysterious Man
Who are you? You are not like no other man, the ones who use a woman for sexual pleasure and entertainment when bored? You can't fool me. My heart can see through all the lies. My heart can no longer give trust. For many men have come and take pieces of it. My heart can only give so much until it dies off with my soul. Mysteries Man you have my interest in you, but I cannot give my heart to you. Show me that you are not like those other men. Those who cheat, lie, break a women's heart, and break the trust between the two. Show me you are worthy enough for me to give you my heart, my trust in you, maybe my soul. My soul is rare. You can break my heart and I'll live. You can break my trust and I'll live. But break my soul and I be dead.
2018-09-18 13:29:19
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My eyebrows are lost in my hair now. This .. This is a masterpiece
2018-09-18 13:39:45
@Zenobia Scarlet 😊😊😊.
2018-09-18 13:41:30
Схожі вірші
Don't know what to do
I wanna making you laugh, I wanna making you smile. Please do not kill this love, I'm only touched you while You was wondering by my warmth. I don't know what to do without you; So many days ago you brought Small hope into my boring life, too. Blue eyes like an immense ocean, Your first words like a dream. I'm fall in love with you more, However reckless it may seem. My little devilish angel With radiant smile, You are my own danger. I will always stay inside Your hot heart. You taught me, that memories Are never die, So for me it isn't very dangerous. You are here, but at a so long distance Of many kilometers in eternity. Your care and worry about me amazed My heart. Next to you is no adversity. I don't know what to do without you, My first and single soulmate. Don't kill this love, don't kill me too... Our love appeared from my hate. It is a turning point now, So what will you choose? Yes, you don't know, how... But we really cannot lose! ____________ And there is nothing more pleasant yet than to feel the love of a person who hates everyone now. Перевод на русский: © (Copyright, 2019) ⓝⓞⓡⓐ
"Ми усе подолаємо разом..."
«Ми усе подолаємо разом, Ми усе з тобою минем, І я не боюся поразки, Я не боюсь, що помрем!» А я чула і вірила щиро, Немов би п'ять років було, Я була неймовірно щаслива І такою не стану вже знов. І знаєш, коли мені складно, Я твої згадаю слова — Вони затримають слабкість, Запевнять мене, що жива... «Ми разом усе подолаєм! Мила, ти чуєш мене?» Я чую і знову чекаю, Що небо тебе поверне... І ось майже два роки Шукаю тебе — не знайшла, І, до смерті роблячи кроки, Я твої згадаю слова... І до сліз сон мене вразить, Де знову почую тебе: «Ми усе подолаємо разом, Ми усе з тобою минем...»