I'm alone among the crowd, I got lost in a cold society, Built of concrete, I'm between one or the other, Between the dead and the living, The line is erased beyond the indifference of fate, Stretching the thread of ignorance for silence in the distance of the soul. Everyone around is playing roles, They pretend with their soul, But in fact, everything is crooked. Look into the reflection and you will see this world, Through the mists and winds you will see yourself in the distance, And you don't know where to put yourself, Into the world of dolls with threads on their backs? Or into the world of sticky web gossip? To the world of joy, laughter and smiles? Or to the world of sacred fire? But life always has a loophole, The gap that is always open, And you can rise from the abyss and escape from the tenacious paws of the guard of the underground everything and the darkness of this dark. Every spark, soul has a path, Which can be very thorny. But the light, illuminated by the universes of those distant ones that we will never see, They are like a soul – invisible, intangible vessels, They call like ancient sirens, luring sailors into the depths of the kingdom of thousands of leagues, Their voice is tender, sweet and unbearable, but is it worth resisting them? The path, illuminated and so enticingly attracted, seems to be here, but it seems to be in the line spacing, Trying not to put a dot, but to put a lot of ellipses…
2021-09-03 06:19:13
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Лина Бес
Я думаю, что было бы неплохо, если бы ты писала в комментариях, например, перевод. Не все хорошо знают английский
2021-09-03 06:48:11
Это стихотворение есть и на русском)
2021-09-03 07:26:12
Схожі вірші
А море сліз вже висохло давно. Давно забуті фото й переписки. Я живу неначе у кіно, І це кіно трагедія, не більше.
Why would you bully? Was that okay? Nobody helped me, Get out of the way. And i didn't cry. And i didn't lie. I just looked at you. With a fake smile. You could love me. You really could. But you didn't. You left me alone. And then i cried. And then i lied. I left my world, Without any love. Someone will need you. Someone will shout. Listen to the scream. Help the people live. ♡ Inspired by "13 reasons why" Netflix series.