Inheritors: The Four Potions I
Відгуки та рецензії, Різне, Потрібна допомога
Inheritors: The Four Potions I
Chapter I-The Letter
IN THE DISTRICT OF XILE, FIRA AND ELFIE ARE FREELY walking and roaming around to enjoy themselves as kids of the dangerous queens. While they are walking they see some kids in the park eating a sweet and mouthwatering caramel bar. They stop walking.
"Elfie, look. Its been a long time since we eat a caramel bar and I cannot even remember when it was. Do you have coins in your pocket?" asked Fira to Elfie. Elfie shakes her head that means she doesn't have coins in her pocket. Fira looks at the kids and approach to them. The juveniles stop eating.
"Hey, baby!" Fira greeted.
"Hullo," said the kid.
"Is it yummy? Can I bite some?" said Fira and grab the kid's caramel. She walks away eating their caramel bar. I can say that threat kids really love sweets. The kid cries and become wild. Fira stops walking and go back to the kids.
"I will tell this to my mom!" the kid cried. Fira approach to the kids more closer and acts like she take pity at them. She holds the kid's arm.
"Really? Okay, tell this to your mom and I will also tell this to my mom. She will get you her and turned you into a frog! Is it nice? It sounds interesting right? You know I'm so excited for that!" Fira scared the kid. The kid cries and cries while Fira laughs at them until a messenger come surprisedly. Fira stops laughing. The messenger approach to her fearfully. Elfie says to the kids, " Stop crying, please! " she begged. But the kid didn't stop instead its cry become louder and louder. Elfie get annoy. That's why she cursed the crying kid.
"That kid ruins my day
Turned its voice sounds like neigh! "
She was going to curse the child's voice into "neigh" using her wand, but she got failed and the child's voice turned to a frog's sounds like "kokak".
"Shh... Don't tell this to anyone! " said Elfie and walks to Fira. She get Fira's caramel bar and lick it. Fira come closer to the messenger and look at the messenger's eyes strongly.
"Um. Hullo! Hullo, sir?! Why? Do we have letter? " asked Fira. The messenger nod and get the letter from his bag. The messenger give the letter to Fira and run away. Fira and Elfie go find a chair to sit and read the letter.
"We haven't received a letter since we were just a juvenile. But, now--- what happen?! ," said Fira and Elfie. They call Duke and Matt that are playing pretend with the kids in the plaza.
Fira open and read the letter seriously. Duke and Matt running onto them.
"Why?! What's that? A letter? Wow! For the first ever time!" said Matt excitedly (because he is so glad to know that they have a letter.)
"For whom is that? For us?!" Duke asked.
"Yeah! Of course!" Elfie answered, "what it said? Say it! Say it! I'm so excited! Hurry! Read it!" She added.
"Here! Just wait, okay?!" Fira said.
Duke, Matt, Elfie and Fira, son of Dukendro, son of Mathilda, daughter of Elfiersa and daughter of the most hazardous ruler, Firazera. You four are invited to come here in Relladaur and leave your ugly, dirty and dusty district of Xile. Here, you can go to school and study, we also have a lot of magic potions, magic books, delicious foods and of course, alluring students of Relladaur. What are you waiting for! What are you sitting and standing for? Come and live here in Relladaur. If you will go, wait there in your cursed door and the encharged drivers will be sent there, tomorrow. We can't go inside of the Xile because of Firazera.
Good luck for tomorrow, inheritors. I am
Your Relladaur Prince,
Prince Kett
After Fira read the letter, they were all shocked.
Duke cut the silence.
"What? Should we go?" Duke asked.
"Received a letter for the first time, go to school and study for the first time," said Elfie. The three friends (Fira, Matt and Duke) look at her.
"Why are we sure that we will go?" asked Fira. They all smiled and said, "Yeah!!!"
"Let's go?!!" shouted Fira, Matt and Elfie except Duke.
Duke asked
"Why?" asked Fira.
"Is it true that our district is so... Erghhh!!! You know, the Xile?" Duke asked and went between Fira and Elfie. The girls wrap their arms into Duke's shoulder and said, "They're just envious!"
The four threat kids went to their home where they all lived with their moms and dads. When they were in home, their parents immediately meet them.
"What's in a rush, huh?" asked Dukendro.
"Um...." Duke approached to his father and said," Dad, we received a letter, and..."
Elfie did too and said," they invited us to..."
Matt also came to his mom and get her hand and gives a kiss. He said, "they said that we will take a school and there are a lot of chances waiting for us, if... Fira?"
"Mom? We want to go in there! Please permit us," Fira begged to her mother.
"Fira, they are not like us! They hate us! They are human and you know that! And... We hate them!" Firazera argued.
"Mom, we are not like them but they don't hate us! This letter is the proof, won't you see it? They are human like the four of us, right? We have the blood of humanity! My father, Phillip. And we don't hate them. Mom, we just want to show and feel what is good. Yeah! We are not good, but you were kind before, right? And I just to show how good you are for me. How good our parents are for us. So, please let us go," Fira said convincingly to her mother.
Firazera's heart melt when she heard Fira's words. She hug her daughter and said, "Give me a favor, be my girl."
"Of course, mother. I will not change. I am still your girl and a lady from the Xile," Fira pledged.
"So, um, do you mean you will let us go? Would you?" asked Matt.
Their parents didn't answered, instead they hug them means they permitted them.
It was already dark and night, the four threat kids are in their room where they were talking about their plans.
"Guys, what would you do in Relladaur?" asked Duke. Elfie stood up and get her sleeping potion from her personal cabinet.
"Me, I will use this to make the guards of potions' room fell asleep for an hours. Maybe, there are a lot of potions in there such as Potion of Hypnotism, Potion of Affection, Potion of Craziness, and more!" Elfie shared her plan with full of imagination.
Matt come nearer to Elfie.
He said. "If you will ask me, I will be famous in there. The girls will chase me and most of all I will be greater than that perky Prince Kett," Matt said arrogantly, "how 'bout you? What would you do in there?"
"I will bring my dad's gloves to protect myself and to do whatever I want and... To wash away my fear. How 'bout you, Fira?" Duke said and asked Fira.
Fira is sitting queitly in her bed without turning onto them. She looks like thinking deep things or plans. Finally, she turn on to the three (Elfie, Matt and Duke) and said.
"Have you noticed something about the letter? Didn't you noticed that the prince was so arrogant? He was so stupid and boring for what he said that our Xile is so... Erghhh!!! He's freak when he doesn't like wicked, jazz and poprock. You know, I felt like, the letter dares me to ruin the Relladaur and that freak prince. I want to ruin and seize the kingdom of Relladaur. Now, I want to hear your opinions. Would you do the same as what I wanted?"
"That will be our goal in Relladaur," the three answered (it's Elfie, Matt and Duke) and put their right hands together and said, "That's why they call us," said Fira, "Inheritors!!!" they yelled.
[Chapter II-The Arrival]
IN THE NEXT DAY, THE FOUR THREAT KIDS SAY farewell to their parents. Fira is about to step down in the stairs when her mother hold her shoulder.
"Mom? Why?" Fira asked.
"I want you to bring this so that you can do whatever you want. Get this book spell and don't forget to do what you have said last night. Remember your plan and give me a pledge," said Firazera.
Fira was shocked to hear that her mother heard her voice and words last night in their room. She hugged her mother and say farewell. Every Xile folks they met in the street always say that don't make friend to a Relladaurian or a human that hated them. They just smiled at them.
When they are already in the Xile's magical door, they see a car and two drivers inside. They came from the Relladaur, of course. The other driver give way to them and open the door of the car.
"What is this?" Fira said (like she doesn't saw a car since she was born).
"Get in if you don't want to make the prince get bored waiting for you," said Anton, the driver.
"Is he in the car?" Elfie asked.
"No, b' coz this is a Xile and not Relladaur. He is forbidden to come here b' coz this is the place of the bad ones," answered Rudo, the other driver.
"What are we doing here? Don't we go in?" Duke reminded.
The four kids go in the car. And because of being an ignorant beings, they press every button they see. They are ignorants so, they didn't know what are buttons' functions. They keep on pressing until they pressed the camera button.
A bright flash of light blind them.
"What was that?!!" Duke asked shockingly.
"I don't know. Maybe it was a lightning," answered Matt.
"What the heck are you? There is a hole in the ceiling of the car and when the sun pass , a bright blinding light from the sun shine in," Elfie argued.
There is an image comes out from a machine.
"What is this? Who's this? Is this me?" Fira asked shockingly and point her face in the picture using her forefinger.
Matt get mad of what's happening in the car.
"Sir, what a mystic things are happening here? Are you going to kill us?!!" Matt said angrily. Fira stops Matt. Rudo turns to them with a smile.
"Don't you worry, don't all of you get worry, okay? Just be ready for the next exciting things happen after that. There's another mysterious things happen," Rudo said, "Can you see it?"
"Why? It's a portal!" said Fira and Elfie.
"You know that? How remorseful! I was about to scare all of you," Rudo remorsed.
"We are inheritors that's why we know that," Elfie said. They pass the portal, the end of the Xile.
"Wait, this is the portal, right? We are in the end of the Xile. After this is a wide ocean. We are going TO FALL!!!" Fira shouted. They all shout because of their fear. Duke jump to Elfie. While Fira and Matt are hugging each other (also because of their fears) while shouting.
"You ah' so noisy!!!" Anton shouted, "you are not going to fall! There' s magic road that helps us to pass to the Kingdom of Relladaur!!!
They all get silent of what they heard. It's been fifteen minutes riding down in the magical road and they are already in the protected gate. They go out from the car. Duke comes out followed by Matt, Elfie, and Fira.
Fira is holding her book spell and everybody is shock and get scare. All are quiet except them (the four) and they immediately get the attention of all Relladaurians. Prince Kett waits them ahead while they are keep on walking. They meet by the prince without getting his eyes to Fira.
"Hi,"the prince greeted Fira with a smile, " you are Firazera's daughter, right? You are?"
"Where's the king?!" Fira asked and ignored Prince Kett and went immediately to the palace with Elfie, Duke, and Matt.
"Wait, wait!" Prince Kett ran to Fira and added while holding Fira's arm, "I am the Prince, I am Kett, the son of the king!"
Fira looks at Prince Kett's hand and she asked him, " Why are you holding the arm of the girl from the Xile which is the district of dirt, dust, and ugly?" Prince Kett lose his hand on Fira's arm.
"Fira, please. It's an honor for me to bring you to my father," Prince Kett begged her.
"Okay, fine," Fira agrees and the prince bring them to the palace.
When they enter in the palace, Prince Kett greets first the King and Queen and introduces the four children of the four dangerous rulers. The four threat kids give a fake a respect to King Kiro and Queen Kettiana.
"So, you are the first and only kids of the dangerous rulers from the four different kingdoms from the place of grim? Duke. You are Dukendro's son, Matt? Mathilda's son. While, Elfie is Elfiersa's daughter. And you, I am expecting worst things from you, Fira, daughter of Firazera!" the Queen quoted.
"Calm, my queen," the king whisper and added , " So, its real that the four hazardous rulers really have beautiful and good... I mean... Yeah, good-looking," he lower his voice and whisper," but have a worst attitude."
"Yes, we exist," Fira answered.
"I am sure that everybody will get crazy about you, apart from my boy," the king said and looked at his son, Prince Kett.
Prince Kett puts his head down.
"Jessica?!! Bring them to their cabin to rest themselves and feed them," Queen Kettiana commanded.
"Yes, my Queen," Jessica nodded and turn on to the four inheritors, " Inheritors, please follow my way." And Fira, Elfie, Matt and Duke immediately follow her.
Jessica bring them to their cabin.
When they are in front of their cabin's room, Jessica go in first. When Jessica turn on to them, Elfie immediately get her Potion of Commands. She blow the potion in front of Jessica's face and say the spell.
"As you follow the queen, in Inheritors commands be keen;
Starting this day, do what we will say."
Because of that, Jessica becomes their helper (not a slave) and she follow all their commandments.
"Why did you do that?" Duke asked.
"So that we have a companion, a protector and a cover girl!" answered Elfie.
They enter into their cabin and choose their appropriate room. Duke choose the second room in the left while Matt choose the first. Elfie is in the second room in the right while Fira loves the first.
"Now, that we have chosen our bet rooms, you can fix our dinner. Now! For Matt, Elfie, Duke and mine, okay go!" Fira commanded. Jessica nods and go out from the cabin to fix the four inheritors dinner.
"Now, are you ready?" Fira asked the three (Elfie, Matt and Duke)
"Yes! 'Coz we are Inheritors," they yelled.
I Wish I'll Be Like Them
I always been sleeping
With an impossible dream
In the dark I am singing
Where no one can hear me sing.
I walk and walk and walk
I keep on going, going, on
I stepped the thorny roads
Starting line for reaching my dreams.
I know I will be not like them
And I know this is me and not they are
But, still I thought I'm small and they're famous
In my dream I say I could also be famous.
But, I wish I'll be like them
I wish I sing like them
I wish I am the girl in front of the lights
And everybody claps on me.
I wish I'll be like them
That I can make my audience jam
But, again and again and again,
I keep on saying, I can get this big thing.
I am a dreamer
And there's no impossible
If you were eager
Nothing is unreachable.
Follow my writings on www.mirakee.com/angelie_bacalso #mirakee
Fly High
I have a dream that I will always bring
A dream that everybody wanted
When I was a child it's always in my brain
When I sing a song I can't stop movin'.
Fly high
Fly in the sky
Reach the star
'Coz I want to be a star.
Forget the hates
Haters are the best
Challenge to
Achieve your goals.
When I will be on the top of the mountain
I'll feel the soil 'coz I'm still in the ground
Even though I will fly higher
My feet are still in the ground.
But, don't forget
The love from the God that He gave to us
And always pray
'Coz He will help you when you will just move.
Fly in the sky
Forget the haters
It's challenge to achieve
Your goals in life.