I After thr breakdown of the epilogue and prologue of a book, Allow me to sail through for yet another look, For more and more lies within a book than the cover of a book. II For each pages i journeyed through, Sheds me of stories in long full memories, Of passion and action, love and lust, all piled up in no one's attention, Not a fantasy on an island, but a true reality. III Words in different fonts ordered than the norm, Tells of softness, tolerance, meekness, faith, all in endless terrain. Dictions in styled fonts reveals conflicts, hate, pain and confusion, Borne from a biased thought, illusions, of judgement without truth. IV Footnotes are of readers' interest to stretch forth their sight on, To end the routes of puzzled dictions, As they are the dictionaries to reveal our differences that attracts us, That others repel. V Now, for the flashback missing. And the suspense long forgotten, Neither of us will write the lines as we ought to, As we keep defining all based on individual's perception. VI For we've tried to change from this realms too many times, So, write your own story as you could NOT. . THOMAS OLUWATOSIN ©Fearless Lines
2021-02-10 10:45:39
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I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?
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Я пам'ятаю. Вибач, я все пам'ятаю. Чому цей біль ніяк не зникає? Час його береже. Мене він, ламає Й душа в нім палає. Пробач за все. Чого ж зберігаю? Усе це лякає. Себе забуваю і душу вбиваю, Та біль все живе. Серце згорає, Розум втрачаю, думки покидають. Ненавиджу це, понад усе. Тебе забуваю. Звички зникають. Віри тепер немає. Кохання вбиває. І допомоги вже не чекаю. Завжди щось втрачаю. Хтось уже добиває, не знаючи це. Можливо, шукала в цім світі святе, Та я не знала, що воно в мені є.