Oluwatosin Thomas
The pen will keep bleeding, I speak less but my pen speaks farther. I am fearless lines!
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Speak No Evil
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Good Health
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A Dreadful Break Up
I The butterflies actually ended a month ago, As the cycle ends with our friends awareness. I'm sure you're aware as your eyes are to your body, That the race of moving on in life is not always a perilous Journey. As you seek for a new blood who brings out the best in you. II Sooner I realized that my planet already detached from your world, And now the tale I hear is often more abouut the sweetest part of HER, Indeed a quick notice to know I'm now in your history. III I would love to be hoisted in your memory, Knowing fully well she may be sweet and pretty, But I forever remain the most beautiful butterfly in your world of flies. As it was an intentional chemistry between us when you first said it to me. VI But what will be the reward to my planter awaiting the reaping hours? In a world where there are no longer bones for the patient dog to feast on In a society where good memories do not last, Compared to me ripping her hearts off from yours, Obviously that would bring you a lasting memory of my wretched heart. V Now we are on a tightrope, A deal to our lovestruck, You can find another woman but not an angel like me, Find someone great but don't seek no one better. VII A farewell to your love journey, As you think of me even when you are with her, A taste of my lips even when you kiss her, A Ray of my picture when you make love to her, Sure you can get married but you must not have a Home. . Thomas Oluwatosin © Fearless Lines
My greatest fear is the feeling of not living right,  So I raced my path to the tenet of my religion,  To know why my heart still aches when I think of my actions,  But I was told to sail on for I've been saved and I'm fine.  II So I journey to the world beyond the beyond,  Knowing I've been saved and I'm fine,  There I rocked my world with the resources at hand,  As fear grips me as I'm left with the last resource,  Now the quest to survive is yet another fear! III I hussled on in my world of puzzles,  Hoping to get a better life,  Still on my belief that I've been saved and I'm fine,  As the one that bequeathed me into this world,  Put a call through to me, lacing her words that I'm a workaholic.  IV Got hooked with comments,  Took 20 hits till I could barely walk,  Till I threw up on myself and I got lost in my own land.  V Now a discourse between me and my love life,  For I've got no balls to explain all these to her,  For the thought of her is the muse behind this poem,  But if by nature you come across this piece,  Kindly put a call through hopefully it will ease the fear.  VI Cause I ve got no GPS on my head,  And I'm a lost soul to my own very self,  Lost in the world of humans,  For every phase is a challenge encodes with fear.  And the thought of this is yet another fear.  VI The fear which is my first greatest fear,  The fear of not just living right,  The right to live without fears is all I seek as human,  But now, I'm sick of being human. .  Thomas Oluwatosin © Fearless Lines
The Perfect Way
I Allow me to play a game, To roll the dice of your existence like a game of ludo, Hoping to emerge with the number six, Which is the first attempt to your triumph, Or your defeat. II Permit me to roll the dice again, As the number six comes forth, And leads to your new birth, Or to your six feet. III Let me sing a hymn to the core of your soul, Let me read the lyrics to your minds, Of how hard it is to live And how easy it is to die. IV For out of the occurrences of the earth, Lies the words that spree forth, As we live in a world where it essence can't be seen or felt, Yet we tread the path like we own it. V After the birth of a man, Lies the death of him. But never will his death leads to redemption of his soul anew. VI We may live life with caution, And also live it carelessly, Lest, we fall or rise. VII But Which ever way we choose, We must live life like we do not exist And exist in it like we do not live As it is not an entity where carelessness can be withdrawn Or too much caution can be laced. . VIII That is a perfect way to live, Other wise, a perfect way to die. . Thomas Oluwatosin © Fearless Lines