A Dreadful Break Up
The butterflies actually ended a month ago,
As the cycle ends with our friends awareness.
I'm sure you're aware as your eyes are to your body,
That the race of moving on in life is not always a perilous Journey.
As you seek for a new blood who brings out the best in you.
Sooner I realized that my planet already detached from your world,
And now the tale I hear is often more abouut the sweetest part of HER,
Indeed a quick notice to know I'm now in your history.
I would love to be hoisted in your memory,
Knowing fully well she may be sweet and pretty,
But I forever remain the most beautiful butterfly in your world of flies.
As it was an intentional chemistry between us when you first said it to me.
But what will be the reward to my planter awaiting the reaping hours?
In a world where there are no longer bones for the patient dog to feast on
In a society where good memories do not last,
Compared to me ripping her hearts off from yours,
Obviously that would bring you a lasting memory of my wretched heart.
Now we are on a tightrope,
A deal to our lovestruck,
You can find another woman but not an angel like me,
Find someone great but don't seek no one better.
A farewell to your love journey,
As you think of me even when you are with her,
A taste of my lips even when you kiss her,
A Ray of my picture when you make love to her,
Sure you can get married but you must not have a Home.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
My greatest fear is the feeling of not living right,
So I raced my path to the tenet of my religion,
To know why my heart still aches when I think of my actions,
But I was told to sail on for I've been saved and I'm fine.
So I journey to the world beyond the beyond,
Knowing I've been saved and I'm fine,
There I rocked my world with the resources at hand,
As fear grips me as I'm left with the last resource,
Now the quest to survive is yet another fear!
I hussled on in my world of puzzles,
Hoping to get a better life,
Still on my belief that I've been saved and I'm fine,
As the one that bequeathed me into this world,
Put a call through to me, lacing her words that I'm a workaholic.
Got hooked with comments,
Took 20 hits till I could barely walk,
Till I threw up on myself and I got lost in my own land.
Now a discourse between me and my love life,
For I've got no balls to explain all these to her,
For the thought of her is the muse behind this poem,
But if by nature you come across this piece,
Kindly put a call through hopefully it will ease the fear.
Cause I ve got no GPS on my head,
And I'm a lost soul to my own very self,
Lost in the world of humans,
For every phase is a challenge encodes with fear.
And the thought of this is yet another fear.
The fear which is my first greatest fear,
The fear of not just living right,
The right to live without fears is all I seek as human,
But now, I'm sick of being human.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
The Perfect Way
Allow me to play a game,
To roll the dice of your existence like a game of ludo,
Hoping to emerge with the number six,
Which is the first attempt to your triumph,
Or your defeat.
Permit me to roll the dice again,
As the number six comes forth,
And leads to your new birth,
Or to your six feet.
Let me sing a hymn to the core of your soul,
Let me read the lyrics to your minds,
Of how hard it is to live
And how easy it is to die.
For out of the occurrences of the earth,
Lies the words that spree forth,
As we live in a world where it essence can't be seen or felt,
Yet we tread the path like we own it.
After the birth of a man,
Lies the death of him.
But never will his death leads to redemption of his soul anew.
We may live life with caution,
And also live it carelessly,
Lest, we fall or rise.
But Which ever way we choose,
We must live life like we do not exist
And exist in it like we do not live
As it is not an entity where carelessness can be withdrawn
Or too much caution can be laced.
That is a perfect way to live,
Other wise, a perfect way to die.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Stay Alive
Study the rules and know how to play,
Before you uphold the pads,
Lest, you die and you die for real.
Take the pads and play by the rules
Play on with your extra lives, Your decisions,
Hoisted on the plains of your hands,
Staring in your face as the fear grips you on.
At first it's impossible,
At first it's an illusion,, at first it's just a game,
Till you realize that your fate in the game is your lot in your existence.
A need not to play for fun anymore but to stay alive till the last phase is solved,
Do not drained up your extra lives,
But manage it to remain alive till the last stage is successfully completed.
Do not die by your own submission
Or be killed by low life count,
For a game over is a life over
Life is a game, the game is life,
As we play by the rules.
One life, one soul and one body.
As we stagger in life's trigger,
But come what may, you just have to stay alive!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
I Glitter
Within the black cycle i was brought to life,
With the tears and blood of the first experience,
I grew from the black tongue.
I sojourn in the land beyond the beyond,
For the land always greener on the other side.
Confused i was like a shadow of no appearance,
The dawn of the day beside me,
Starring at me in the face,
I learnt greener it isn't on the other side at all time.
Like the tale of the prodigal son,
I returned to my black earth.
Where i learnt to till with my fingers,
And crawl on my kneels.
I found my true path along the black route,
And in it i glitter like diamonds.
I'm black and glittering is my identity.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
First Priority
When the hands of time humbug be turned,
And days with it's tides style every unsuitable,
When time moves from Zamani to Sasa,
Counting its seconds in the other side order.
I ask, would your adore for him feels the same?
When goat becomes the ruler of the jungle,
Lion a plain squash packed down on by snail.
When heaven turns hell,
And you spread grey hairs at 15,
Turning black at 70,
Would you calm down deem he's the same?
When your cat-walks don't lead to like they second-hand to,
And your figure 8 becomes 2,
Will your door quieten tell of his deeds?
Not every we ask shall be gotten,
Nor our craving of life's comsideration will be acknowledged,
Putting him paramount will restore all desires,
With him, life phases will be understood,
Then we will know life changes not but in phases,
For he's the Lord and he remains the same.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
My Essence
There's a part of my soul filled with dreams,
Like a fire burning in the midst of cold.
There's a me apart from myself and i that no one knows,
Just awaiting to be set free.
With the hurdles of life,
It puzzles can make you feel small.
A bow to you i will not,
For am born to stand tall.
My birth was phenomenal,
Come what life's hazards,
I can see a change coming my way.
I will glide to the sky like lightening,
Just to show my true essence.
My birth was phenomenal,
And this world is mine.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
My Companion
In a path of loneliness,
Have treaded my ways,
Like a sojourner in the midst of nothingness,
I have moved on in the path with no pace.
I moved in this path,
The hollow path filled with dreadful shades,
Like the tale of a warrior with an hopeless oath,
Loosing his will like a land infested with raids.
There I moved forward,
With all sides, all I can see is tall walls.
A need to stop and more need to move upward,
As being fixed on a spot is making my heart race in wars.
I moved on and on,
Getting closer to the exit and yet more farther,
Losing focus in the dark path with no flash light on,
And as I walked through the path with my steps like a man on a ladder.
The Halo came from above,
Sheds it's fragrance on my darkest path,
A clearer vision with the light above,
To see the unseen miles left in my path.
Now the walls are just walls,
The dreadful path is just a mere passage,
Now I can see I was truly lonely in the dark walls,
But now the light is my companion.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Teacher Of Islam
Hearts full of fears may come with their creeds,
Saying a good God instructed them to kill.
Let thee be conscious,
That no sacred texts is given by Al-shabab.
For in the last days,
All will be exempted from Allah's blessing.
My gratitude must be given,
I lay my humble pledge to a man's demise.
Prophet muhammad (P.B.U.H),
In his teachings of islam,
He affirmed that no man should defile his fellow man.
As islamic sects emerge,
Terrorists with their rifles,
Christians in fears,
Traditionalists in hope for better days.
With the teachings of the prophet,
We are one true family,
All for one and one for all.
A lesson we've leant,
No more wars or deceit,
Different religious doctrines but the same GOD.
Our major aim is salvation,
But our means to this end differs.
Sango, i consult you.
Allah, i call on thee.
Jesus, a request i seek for...
Unity to unites us!
AL-SHABAB ( A militant islamist group aligned with Al-Qaeda )
P.B.U.H ( Peace be unto him )
SANGO ( Yoruba god of thunder )
AMEEN ( An Islamic form of so be it after a prayer is made )
ASE ( A traditional form of so be it after a prayer is made)
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
One Wing
In the path to victory,
Land routes have traded,
A one way lane i'm in now,
But feels like i'm for doom here.
It appears time awaits no man,
Thoughts all up in me.
If land's journey bears no fruit,
Then i will soar for the sky.
All and on a delay at my flight,
Off the ground, i just cant.
For i'm a bird with a wing.
Strength and courage have acquired,
But faith i lacked.
Though the sight of it i can see,
But to reach there seems impossible.
Heaven i call on thee,
A little affection i seek for,
For all paths turn the wrong side.
A silent prayer tonight...
Faith to glide to my victory.
>The message above is for us to know that being a believer is a must to face hurdles. Well, it's our responsibility to do all in our capacity to end it. But if at the end we tried all means and we couldnt, given up on it shouldn't be the next thing. Rather, surrender all to him, the creator who is the finisher of all. For with strong faith in him, even a bird with a wing will fly
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Rift and it's Closing
Be it singing the square,
Dancing the circle,
Or sitting in pews.
Life is of suprises,
Along side with jerk path.
Thou with the evil folks,
And vexing spirit.
The planet is for doom,
Along side with despair.
The differences reproduce,
Which demolishes life's integrity,
Ranks for hate,
And depth of cleft in the abyss.
Be yourself,
Smart as a vulpine,
Why ensnare yourself,
To a raw choky container.
Thou with the love folks,
And alleviating spirit.
The cosmos is for luminosity,
Along side with affection and cordiality.
The differences reproduce,
Opportunity to build life's integrity,
Ranks for love,
And best chances ahead.
Be yourself,
Smart as a vulpine,
Give yourself freedom,
Out of the container, you are!
Now two sects of life's view,
Together the world can be better,
If we fling away condemnation,
With unity in us.
Do away with that onerous,
Of grievance that staggers you.
Start with a new life,
And get used to truthfulness.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Judgement Day
Life never stops they say,
Its the history of our tale,
Gifts and talents we've acquired,
Hustling to reach our goals.
In the route of tornadoes and strife,
We stumble and fall,
Despite this, we still out there.
Working day after day.
The cycle of life rolls on,
Of which way to go,
Confidence and strength we must have,
To do what we feel is right,
Irrespective of our enviromental factor.
Choices ain't made when there's just one option,
Centuries behind us, ages to our years.
Rolling on to what we never had.
Now how will the patient dog, eats the strongest bone?
On the D-day when the gold is shared according to our deeds,
On that day when good and evil meet,
When no choice will be given but to kiss his feet.
The day approaches!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Best Color
I fell in love today!
Grasses have seen and touched,
Below the hill lies another which ensarled my soul.
By its purple colour it took me down the aisle,
Where my love proposal was sealed.
Life passage rolls on,
So thus my feeling for my purple grass declined.
As life would have it a pink colour of it i desired.
Life's challenges, feelings unstabled,
As i aimed for white,
While yellow chased me.
Green awaits my return at the shore,
''A'' i know first before ''B'',
Desired for my purple once more.
Stage closed, eyes opened.
Same position i was, staring at my purple love.
Reality to me now others are mere thoughts of love colours.
For my love will always be Purple.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
End of your Reign
A dream in a dream i found myself,
In argent and auric,
More of an act in play, a scene in movie,
Where all broken minds reside.
On moonshine was our path,
So close we were and your disappearance i got at the end,
Then i knew i was alone.
Within the close of the dawn,
In a whisper of illusion,
Everything could be lost from you,
For awareness is far from you.
Back to life from my dream,
Soaked in tears,
You by my side,
An inhale of optimism,
Now our time is at hand,
To say what we've got,
Use all we have before it flees
For the future is not guaranteed.
Now my love will long for you,
Like its the end of your existence,
Will be with you,
Like its a goodbye.
Beneath where we stand,
Comes my respect for you,
'TIME' is hidden, and for it
My love will long for you.
Like its the end of your existence.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Silent War
In the ocean of stillness,
Is a fragment of truth,
That injures the central,
And reigns the cardiac.
War in silence,
Peace is ephemeral,
Of a solo memory,
With an extreme feeling.
Tears from the heart,
Of fragments of war,
In the era of silence and grief,
With life so rigid.
Silence echoes back,
As war's fragment still in view,
In a devoid life,
Of a lip zipped muse,
When life rolls on silently.
And even in the midst of war,
Silence will be the end of it.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Pretty Woman
Purple top,
Pencil gean,
Lace wig,
Manicures and pedicures,
Wow, intriguing!
In distance, her charming face opines a smile.
Carefree hair in air, standout and precise.
A woman with grace,
Soft noise all filters the air,
In this sacred moment.
My eyes with hers exchanged like guitar's strings.
What song does she sing?
What beat does she like?
Will her strings bring hope to my soul?
Or is she a drum herself producing beats that bangs all day long.
All these i know will become clear,
But not with words, for in silence i got the above clues.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Speak The Name
I beckon to you all,
To those who can hear me, pay attention!
I have a story to end all painful memories,
A lullaby to all nightmares,
A joyful song to all shades of sorrowful hymns,
And a clap to all cores of defeat.
I've got the remedy to cure all ills,
Likewise a safe haven susceptible hearts,
I have a recipe made of love to mend all broken souls,
And a friend to save you from all foes.
I've got love to all greys of hatred,
Food for all hungry mouths,
Breath to breathe again to all asthmatic minds,
And a compass to locate the doors of happiness.
I know a song of victory to conquer all strategies of war,
A path that leads to the wildest routes,
I know someone who is greater than everyone,
Everyone that can not surpass this someone,
Someone that is not just anyone.
I know a name that is above all other names,
The name that is a recourse to all trouble minds!
Speak the Name... The name is Jesus!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Single period takes thy peace
Nothing but just a zero in spatial
Dainty moved homo confession
To opine in this fair face.
Revelation in the middle of the day
Certainly not to vanish or die out
Awe of partner's pleasure
Happiness in flight
Aught request do mean
Sighing, wirra.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Bless My Being
In my gut, i have a secret i would posit.
Thus, i leant from a book of lies and truth.
Its premiers will induce to sell you.
Inside is where its revealed, not around in case you are down.
In the planet called earth have surveyed,
Nothing's better than being me, myself, and I can just be merged.
In my journey, defending spirit i lacked.
This i know for am a witness just to find in the end.
Wondering, did you?
How life can smite you and make all your tears.
Have you discovered? That these tears are the consequences of the pains you denied in your life
I can, you can,
I can worship nyself
No need of help from others,
None to blame,
None to save you but yourself.
To prove my wrongs, i can.
For through it, i leant being me.
Survivor, i am
For i have worshipped my being.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Mind's empty, smiling
for the fate of this world lies beneath my feet.
Till sunset, am in for it and all through the night time.
Your thoughts i will tell you, while i cover my face beneath my shades for tears to roll down.
Down on my knees for loneliness my company.
You will never see that which is hidden.
For to make frienship grows is to make your feelings known.
Fears up and down,
War all over places,
Armours always on,
Bazookas and grenades at my disposal,
My strength i will show you.
Undefeatable i am for all battles i crushed,
Unstoppable, like a van with no brakes,
Energetic, for i need no booster.
Speedy for catalysts are of no use,
I'm so courageous, am undefeatable.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Young Lovers' Romance
Up in your arms i lay,
Violence not just anymore,
What goes up must come down,
Whirl wind will be still,
Persist while we stay through the gale.
Nothing lasts forever,
This too shall pass.
The future belongs to those who know where they truly belong,
Just when we are where we're meant to be.
Pursue things i dont demand,
What i dont know cant hurt.
Dogs playing dead, that's how we fall.
But it's much more not worth love's playing chicken.
Getting rid of you not like a cracked vitreous,
When the die is cast no winners are proclaimed.
Tears is lucid when its the final chance,
Persist, for its just a romance of young lovers.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
At my sight, the train approaches.
Marching like a million force.
Sights gazed at me for they whisper about my beliefs in them.
Judges with cloaks,
Blemish soaked in their passing,
Beast and wolves in the dungeon,
I fear not thee.
On the mountain, i will posit.
Publics must be aware,
Press conference must hold,
Just to opine my liberty
Looking upon a city of towers soaring,
Standing our ground in a crowd of lions roaring,
Held captives no more, back down no more
Masses, Liberty we seek
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Latter Days
I wish i could alter the nature,
To bring back Zamani time frame,
Living again in the days of the past,
For what lies in today is nothing but a pain of a crippling fate.
Like poles attract states the magnetic laws,
I attract my notions to the daily motions,
Like the tangles of a circus,
A deceiving end i gave as i entertained with a smile,
But a heart of frown.
I wish i could cast a maternity spell,
Making the occurence of every sorrow in my heart,
Be felt as the beginning days no matter the distance,
But a leap of faith i took to end this gloomy feeling,
But all ends in fogs of clarity.
If only i could finally stand on my feet no matter the trials,
Probably that could be the only comfort my heart needs,
Leaping on the walls of heaven's shore,
In anticipation for a guaranteed better tomorrow,
And not the present witnessing hollow shades of today.
So as i patiently put my hopes in God,
For my dreams to come through in lines with the steps i take,
I will so intentionally continue this unwanted life,
Knowing in it my glory of the latter will be better than the former.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Tears And Rain
If only i could lay down my soul,
To shed off the skin beneath the mask i carry,
Just to sense the words coming from a deceitful heart.
I wish i could choose the realm of fogs over clarity,
To scream so loud without a touch of pain,
But then i found no meaning.
If only i could walk through the weary path,
Knowing fully not that my fire burns through,
To know not who's behind the doors of my mind,
To depart not from the yester years,
But to lay marks for the years ahead.
I wish i could choose between heaven and hell,
And if the intermediary trapped me in purgatory,
Who would remit coins into the repentance box?
Making the sound of each drop of coin free my soul from the fowler's snare,
Free from the known and the unknown,
And to sprinkle seasonal salt, knowing the tides of the horror shades are gone forever.
A need to find comfort in pain,
To seek tranquillity in the midst of turbulence,
To hide my true colour like Dorian Gray,
In a world of fire and flame,
Fogs and darkness, tears and rain.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Tales Of Goodness
Tell me what is good?
If the essence of peace we've seen, and pain we've witnessed.
Yet we couldn't sense the truth in the lies of men.
What is the good?
If all we do is to view the world with a troubled eyes,
Even when all is perfect, and despite be fruitful and multiply,
The side of reproduction by birth, goes the end by death.
Tell me the good in a mutual lover's breath,
If their errors are not acclaimed?
Or should we be less concerned over it?
Even if it's as a result of our passings
But what will be the result of our carefreeness,
If the fire of fear keeps burning bright?
Show me the essence of goodness,
If our Faith are seen in daily expressions,
But doubt and greed we wear for wealth in the same vein,
And if more words could not be enough to justify our claims,
We find solace in places where our weaknesses are being fed.
Shed the tale of goodness to me,
If there's no good way of doing what is wrong,
Or wrong way of doing what is right.
But our morals is to condemn,
And the essence of our peace is to inflict pain on others.
And for our faith to be acknowledged is to put others in fear,
Or for our main essence of existence is for death to be the end.
But i put to you to live life to its fullness,
So as our hesitations will not be a moment of weakness,
But to restructure ourselves and tilt from yester years for better days ahead,
And for the overall position we are today,
Should be what we give according to what we've received.
And the best we receive should be the best we give.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Ironic Path
Make an attempt to remain alive,
And the reaper will locate you,
Swaying your path, shattering your dreams.
Attempt to die, and life will emerge, twinkling and jingling,
Motivating our spirit to face the unknown,
Like a man on a fence, a sand in hand.
Attempt to make your root deeper,
And tornadoes will spring forth,
Uprooting the fertilities of our existence.
Attempt to fly away like birds,
And lightening sparks making the air poisonous,
Plunging back our feets, warding off like weedy landscapes.
Attempt to plant, water and reap,
And termites will gather, drought will come,
Massive rain will pour, washing off the strength of the seeds,
Heating and scorching to rip every plank, bark and twig fertile.
Attempt to laze, putting off all bother,
And sandstorm will come flooding the only heart where our rest lies.
Attempt to make an attempt,
And support and assistance will cease,
Help will fade and loneliness will consume.
Attempt to be truthful, loyal and contended,
Lies will find you, temptation will come,
And opportunities will emerge,
Tossing around, shinning its light on your path.
>>> But we shall never cease over attempts, nor stop to pursue life, to live, learn, earn, and achieve - there by winning and making a differnce between our desires and our FATE and getting rid of jealous contempt.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
I am inevitable phase in your life,
Your greatest foe and also your best ally.
I will lead you to your dream tunnel,
Or shatter your dreams.
I am like a maid of all great men,
And wirra, of all fallen as well.
For the heroes, i have built them,
For the weakers, i have also made them.
Be with me, be conscious of me,
Do not be easy with me,
And the world will be at your feet.
Be mild at me,
And i will destroy you.
Who am i?
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
I consulted the priests of Lebanon for my salvation,
Thinking if paying them cowries will make them
Speak to the flourish palm tree growing like cedar
If only that's where my answer lies.
I was told to come back in winter for the trees are withered.
I paid homage to the prisoner in Moreh's dunghill,
Thinking they would be like Joseph the dreamer,
Whose answers were revealed to him in dreams,
Rather, i was told to dream on my own,
That one's palm can never decieve it's owner's destiny,
I dreamt, but got lost in my dreamland.
I paid tons of coins to the boat man in Havilah,
Just to be in Egypt to see the literals,
They told me to memorise all papyrus and cuneiforms,
For my salvation lies in written words.
I did, but no poetries i could write.
I sailed off to space,
Believing light is the answer,
For in light secrecy is lucid,
Grabbed spotlight, sunlight, starlight even moonlight,
Yet all i got back was dark night.
If only i could i would have on my own,
Grace i seek for oh lord to earn your salvation.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Master Of My Fate
In the clutches of unhelped incident,
And in the realm of the fear of unknown,
I have not passed out an odd gestures,
Nor have i cried out so aloud,
Under the weapons of circumstances,
My veins flow a fearful pain, yet I'm unbowed!
Outside, within and beyond,
Of wrath, tears, pain and scars,
Shall the spirit behind the horror shades,
And the chaos of era find me,
They shall find and see me, yet unafraid!
With the chants they know,
With the securities in thier palace,
And the defences of their dark knights,
I am a written scroll,
I will walk the weary path for my fire burns through.
I've been brewed from mother nature's cauldron,
I'm the master of my fate,
The captain of my soul.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
True Identity
With thousand words to express,
A million dreams to hope in depress,
With legion starlights to make a wish just to impress,
And with kisses under the mistletoe that caress.
With the encountered nightmares,
With your spoken word that smears,
There's beauty in everything that pairs,
Yet you see pain in your beautiful hairs.
The world could change our hearts,
Sorrow might beget joy even in our plight,
Beauty may sharpen our pain so tight,
But all adds to who we are aright
Scars may define our beauty,
Beauty may restructure our cruelty,
Hope may appear in the field of disparity,
With courage there's fear in adversity,
But SCARS and BEAUTY could be our true identity..
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Females Are gods
Far from my sight i saw a figure,
Eight it was not one.
Closer i moved,
Moving my pace towards her ways.
Her smile she passed,
Soon we engaged in words,
Time ticked,, we are on the dance floor,
Moving and rocking me all sonorously,
Like the breeze of a strong wind.
She swaved and touched,
Yet her hands never stopped,
Her fingers i could sense all over me,
Like a signal from a mast down into my manless spine.
A feeling i really wish to resist,
But the potency i couldn't fight,
Moulding the whole of me into my buttomless gut,
Indeed, she got my love language.
Lay me down and let's pray,
You on top and I beneath,
Take my hand and save my soul.
Her touch was poisonous to my inner self,
But i never wanted it to stop.
A love poison it seemed to my hormones,
But then i realized, that for every touch of a lady,
They are gods to men.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
My future not yet certain,
For my present is undefined.
Roaring in the wasp for air,
I inhaled and exhaled
All to get tramped in my clueless self.
Days of chains and claws got behind,
Tales they turned for its origin couldn't be felt,
The wounds are gone,
But the scars forever remain raw,
For my fears grow wings even in my fearless state.
Tick tock, time passed,
Churned not for regret, for the fight for life is over.
Beneath our feet lies the beginning of another war,
Claimed my identity got soaked in an art of war.
With all dead carcass in identities,
All i discovered was my survival,
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Life's Philosophy II
Relax, and read the lyrics of this poem,
Sip your wine and feel the diction in its realm,
Be not afraid of the fear of unknown realm,
It may come but dont die in your whelm,
Live life, explore and appreciate the gleam.
Exhale and inhale your breathe in the manner of its seconds,
Wake from your sleep nursing you to snore aloud like coins
Come back to reality, come back to life from the world of groins,
There's more with the living than your subconscious loins,
Try to see it this way and depart from committing purloins,
It's your life, you should live it like an icons.
Stay off from all bad riles,
Leave behind negative vibes,
Skip doubts, know you can erase lies,
Put tomorrow aside, it will come in like piles,
Cause for every breath you should feel when you arise,
Dine with the nature, and feel the fragrance of another future smiles.
Take away the beauty of today in every sorrow,
Customize yourself for tomorrow,
Feel it, live it, its a wonderful world without hollow,
Bask in it, smile and dance in the realm of a better tomorrow.
But remember tolerance makes the world glow.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Beneath The Mask
What if beauty lies in the blink of our eyes?
What if true love can only be heard in our silent cries?
What then would be the truth in our lies?
With my genetics and chromosomes intact,
Am i just like any man with no impact?
A descendant of Oliver which is fact,
Who is in love with all that he lacked,,
Even beyond what his capacity can contract.
We can only examine life,
Judging not that which we can't create in afterlife,
For beauty may ward off sin as a wife,
But underneath we are all the same in the realm of life.
We are on a fence today for which path to tread,
Showing the reflection of who we really are ahead,
But at the end, our smile may speak perfection which we dread,
Trust me, our nature doesn't make any difference even when we are dead.
With the brightness of tomorrow,
Warding off our tides for morrow,
Would there be any difference in this world of sorrow?
If true identities can be seen in fitted shirts and polo,
Then how many more will fall into the deceitful faces we carry just to glow.
Our past are gone and so we are anew,
Then i could still feel my nudity like the first set of human even in dew,
Truly I'm not the only one feeling this though we might be few,
But i think human heart is a replica of stone that needs to rue.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Life's Routes
From the sages of my tribe,
I've heard tales of "kini omode mo "
And as a child, i toyed with life like stacks of strings,
My fingerprints made on its plank,
Like land mark of the giants.
From my clan, "make hays while the sun shines"
As a grown man i pulled and pushed on,
Pursued life like it's my last breath,
No sight i got, not even the odd,
Just for lines to emerge from my pen.
Not even the sound of its tunes,
Or the pitch of its melody,
Nor the lyrics of its poetry,
That life was ready to part with,
Making all deafened like ears sealed with mortical wools.
But from the "morals of the prodigal,"
I will pick the cracked shells again in its pieces,
To cover my scars even while I'm scarred,
To be fearless even in my fearful lines,
Paying heed to every sounds in the realm of its whispers.
To dance to the beat in the tunes,
Rocking my path to the gate of peace,
Not as a wanderer but as a poet,
With ink-filled influx of creativity.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Two Can Play
I have heard tales and experiences,
I have encountered plays and replays,
Delved into the realm of staying alive and game over,
Played by the rules and without it,
All to get soaked in cards.
Gainless it is to wail in loose rounds,
Or rounds pawled due to fears,
For truly no point been sad over lost loins,
Or coins based on vain fears.
Let's believe two can play this life game,
Let's play like we've just started,
Putting the past in glorious effort,
Knowing fully well that with my hands in yours,
We can start a new page in our own rules,
And with it love will prevail,
Humanity will stand and peace will reign.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
All Of Our Stars
At the wave of the night,
I set my gaze at the awe of your constellation,
To foretell my thoughts for you,
I stare at the moon, sight the shooting stars,
I made a wish!
By the waterside you chewed our lyrics,
Echoing the words to the air,
Your lullaby got to me,
But you were on the other side.
As the lightening sparks,
And the skyline splits into two,
I could hear our hearts beat,
Dangling to the days of our tides.
Set your gaze and see our horizons meet,
Set your path and your light will lead our nights,
Make a wish!
And our stars will guide us home.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Message To Oliver
I beckoned the elders of your time,
To tell me why the trail of your kind always request for more.
They told me be it of blood, clan, race, or habit,
Even if your tongue crawled up,
You will still demand with gestures.
To you and your descendants i opine,
Who sees stars, yet craves for moonlight,
Who gets the rays of the rainbow,
Yet demands for brown,
Who sees the intensity of the sun,
Yet utter for lightening.
Let me tell you one thing that can quench your thirst,
Welcome the grim reaper to your soul,
And dine in the realm of contentment.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Tale Of Poets
Let me scale off the itches of this realm,
From the enchanted spells of grief,
To expose all to light even in the fogs of their gleams
Through stones and rocks,
In the fields of fire and ice,
I'm not of this shade,
I'm just fearless in my lines,
And designed is "I" from a rib,
Like the tales of Eve from Adam's ribs.
I am a poet,
You can be in love with me or of my kind,
We'll only set your gaze to the brightness of the sun even in its sets
And in it we delve into our hymns and psalms,
Into our dictions of bleeding stanzas,
Where its patterns are in quatrain set,
All in the sonnet of rhythmic styles.
We raise our flags high,
High, for our surface are not scratched to rile,
For the depth of our kind lies in the sphere of our collective minds,
And in it we sleep and wake just to put the world into our creative lines,
Where our minds write in the pen of glorious inks,
Seeping from every other's pen.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Life's Philosophy
The ills of yesterday pulled you down,
Know that the pain never goes down,
Never force it, shed the tears without frown,
Utter the sorrow, never make others clown,
The world is insane in this present town,
It's okay to cry - feel free to rock the tears down.
Despite the shackles in your heart,
Know that the world is less about your plight,
Never force it, never smile just to keep your tears intact,
Never laugh when you should mourn and doubt,
It is permissible to be sad, dust it off to the last,
And journey in the routes of another morning cart.
Speak forth the word,
Break loose the moment of unforseen word,
Pay off griefs and unexpressable byword,
No understanding can be attained in absurd,
Past is gone, delve into the present with no buzzword,
Break the chains, unraveled the mystical world,
But remember, vengeance doesn't heal the world.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
With the tons of faces i've encountered,
My bashful heart got confessed to one that mattered.
In him i found the solace i loved,
Where the butterflies that beautify my face revolved.
His eyes are my only dwelling piece i didn't inquire,
He is the unconvered brightness of my Empire,
That gave boldness to my river flowing in the midst of fire,
Which brought breathe to me even without respire.
He is the flute without opening or a sounds passage,
Yet rocks to my melodious hymns despite my carriage,
He is an amazing balsam of all my vocation package.
Folks wondered without rest,
Why i chose to compliment a man to the crest,
They exhaled and inhaled their breath,
Echoed it to the world that I'm FLIRT,
I am, for I flirt with JESUS!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Am I Selfish?
Would you have sensed it if i were to vanish suddenly,
Skinned off into the shackles of dark night,
With no farewell tales or one-last experience,
Or in any tribes of goodbye saying?
Do you discover the bridges in my lines,
The faults in my remarks,
Where my words stagger in a faintless trail,
Bringing my sentences to a finishing lines,
Staggering in its reading, warding off its tenacity.
Do you listen to the sounds around,
Especially to my audible whispers,
Rocking me into the deep blue skies,
In the serenity olf my dead morning nightmares?
Or do you feel it's just a feeling?
Am i too selfish and self centred to desire for someone,
To reflect into my presence even in the realm of my absence,
To watch the desert sprout fruits in drought,
To write and read poems,
Listening to its diction reigning into my buttomless gut?
I am wounded and with my scars,
I longed for my injured faces in the realm of my inked pages,
Inhaling the scent of the first early rain after summer,
Closed their eyes while with me,
And even if it can't be done forever,
At least for a moment!
Am i too selfish?
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Tales Of A Sojourner
From the soil that birthed my soul,
I sojourned in the land beyond the beyond,
Paled from the cluster's depart,
Where the voice of the genius reigns above.
From this fair plains,
An Epitaph for every friend,
An unmarked grave for all foes.
Tread carefully! Lest you become an unspeakable sacrilege.
I remunerated no awareness to their warnings,
Like that whose ears were sealed with mortican wools.
HADES! Son of the morning light,
A stranger will ridge with the Gents!
There i looked into his soul,
Gave him three scoundrels of the black cloth,
Where thy words written on my musket balls.
He told me to sail,
For my death is for another day!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
More Of You
From thy eyes i sensed a pleasant death,
Mending every broken heart,
That were consumed by 'mkono wa kifo'.
My smile they took from me,
Emersed me in their euphoric toxic ways.
You came and showed me mercy,
Yet, i craved more for their lust.
I wine and dine in their ethos,
Despite the obvious turmoil in my routes.
Their lethal burned through my soul,
Transforming my mind into Tabula rasa,
Just to occupy their deceitful fleshes.
You came and drowned me in grace,
Yet, i craved more for their vains.
I got seduced with their blemish tongues,
Devoured every tint of their diction,
Exhaled and inhaled every lyrics of their song,
Sang with them even in my morning nightmares,
Unlocked all codes of my heart for easy passage of their fatality.
You came and told me I'm one of the chosen generation,
Yet, i craved more for their futility.
Their affection bask upon me like an infection with no cure,
I danced along in their perilous hymns,
Like I've got remedy for all ills.
Then you showed me the holes in your hands,
That through you is the only path to salvation.
Now i know my hope is lost to tattered regrets,
Forgiveness and renewal of my faith i seek,
To crave more for you lord,
To rise, learn, and walk to find the grace to brace these heights in you.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
From Perusal
While I take a look at the heavens as in their prime,
And next the earth, nevertheless old, quieten clothed in green,
The gravel and leaves comatose of time,
Nor mature nor crumple on their frontage are seen;
If iciness come, and abundance in that case doth fade,
A bound returns, and they're new young at heart made.
But human grows old, falsehood down, ruins everyplace after he's laid.
By birth other sporting than folks creatures all,
Yet seems by makeup and by custom cursed —
No nearer natural but grief and control put up descend
That confusion demolish he had at first;
Nor youth, nor strength, nor wisdom coil again,
Nor habitations extended their names retain,
But in nothingness to the conclusive day remain.
Shall I next praise the heavens, the trees, the earth,
Because their beauty and their power survive longer?
Shall I want near or in no way to had birth,
Because they're better and their bodies stronger?
No! They shall darken, perish, fade, and die,
And at what time unmade shall they lie;
But human was prepared for endless immortality.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
The tales of our ancestors linger not,
The brood no longer bequeath honour.
The nose to their resting wheels appeared cleared,
Pledging our faithfulness in risky lands,
The offspring cannot stumble on their way.
The deities of our fathers seemed desecrated,
The choice of belief no longer be felt,
Our kids cannot pray.
The morals of our fathers appeared to be nons,
Family producing family they neither intend nor indigence.
>> As a result we give your word to force ourselves to one another, to hold close our lowliest, to go on ballet company with our loneliest, to educate our illiterate, to nourish our starving, to clothe our ragged, to figure out every helpful things, knowing that we are additional than keepers of our brothers and sisters.
In reverence of folks who toiled and implored deity with blonde tongues, and in appreciation to the equivalent spirit who brought us out of hopeless desolation, we make this vow.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
After a survey into the past,
A walk into future,
And a nap in the realm of the present.
I've learnt the unknown and relearn the known.
To realize that even goodness lies beside evil
And the evil we see around has a tint of kindness.
To realize that I'm blinded by the brightest light,
And regain my sight with the darkest colour of the day.
Indeed an experience coming like a dream,
A dream like reality.
Now a moment of reborn,
From the knowledge of the past to the one of the moment,
From the realm of nothingness to a shade of full awareness,
A true survival from the phases of existence,
A moment to feel awaken despite being awoken,
The soul is free, the spirit is loosed,
And the body a true course of self restoration.
The examination of life is vital,
More than a means of survival,
A pure revival from the errors of the past,
A true salvation of the awareness of the future,
And absolute restoration of the present.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Fifty Shades Of Grey
Like sorcery your style seemed,,
For i envisioned no one but you.
Confused I've by no means been about you,
For I'm old to mortal your pre-owned.
But at what time you convened me unexpectedly,
It's a ambiance i desired for over and repeatedly,
For i despised when the moment's expectedly.
For on that lonely night,
You opined it wouldn't be love,
But the keenness we felt,
And it was consumated with a brokeness.
And with it we know that tragic our love would be,
No minds attached,
For it's a game with no lies.
And my honey i will extend to you,
'Cause you're flawless,
And you've earned it.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
We Are All Essential
Heed to the state of the insufficient ones,
In it you march in the wisdom of the ages.
Listen to the mantra of a child,
With it you comprehend in black and white lines,
Filled with a lot of accepted pages.
Stay close to the expressions of the fools,
Absurd it force seem,
For they ain't thus far tarnished,
Freeing their minds,
Speaking naively the approach they feel.
Pick on every terminology of elders,
In it you are reborn,
Learning from their habits and pains,
Experiences you know how to in no way amble in,
For state of affairs aint the same.
In the view of today's world,
Humanity isn't for the astute alone.
For in the wisdom of prudent and the fools,
Today we behold.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
As the fathers' and the fores sit on benches,
There, they shed tales of their flesh on planks,
Of how their souls lest dents of voids,
And spirit sopping in emanciated fogs.
With their nights of nightmares,
They put off completely candles of hope,
Then, they opined "UNDERSTANDING
Is what makes the globe rolls."
With their pitied faces,
I saw their auction looks,
Of ages of slavery's coffles,
Of the claws in their hands,
And whips on their flesh.
Then i remembered my father's words,
That wrecked my creeds,
He said, "SUBMISSION is
What makes the globe rolls."
Now i know why they laughed to shield their tears,
How they maneuver through their dreams,
Why they survived the pains,
Just to create the blues with screams.
I know now what it means,
Of living on the precipice of death.
Well, they kept my race alive!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Journeying through fortuitous spatial,
Moving past all heavenly bodies,
The tales of religions i was told.
In quest for dominance,
Binds of hatred cascade on the wicks of men,
Sons and daughters crooked aloof,
Alas! Religion at work or man's doctrine?
With the whirlwind of churches,
Rifles and tornadoes of mosques,
Traditionalist with their incantations,
Souls trapped in purgatory,
Waving their flags to the fallen heroes,
Just for the denial of salvation.
There we go to it in arrays,
Letting our shoulders shed off our ammunition,
Kids and their dolls in coat of arms of truce,
Religious cremation the entire in aromatic burning of flesh,
And dreams shattered by nightmares of abuse.
Then we confess Christ is the way,
Allah is the confirmed God,
Pyramid is the supervise not triangle,
Illuminati is, not Egyptians creed..
Oh ye' shallow hearts of men,
Christ is divinity and Allah is God,
Multi-facet doctrines but invariable God.
All is general brotherhood of man,
Under the widespread maternity of God.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
In the dooms of night,
Scars and wound has been closed,
Experiences in darkness of fogs,
And walls sleek in rough edges.
Under the tree where i seek peace,
Pulled by my dreads beyond my resting wheels,
Legs in shackles and hands in claws,
My name you couldn't opine,
Sensed you were down and so was I,
But in spheres of record,
Badge of shame you worn.
In the booms of today's morning,
Voices of Ancestors opine to us in words profound,
"Turn foes to friends" They say!
Memory of slavery's claws brought to us,
Elite our freedom to space.
In purgatory and hell we've survived,
Experiences in fogs toughned our will.
In the wake of today,
Join at the meeting ground,
Deal with others with love,
Get off from roads of indifference,
Rekindle the fire and save your race.
> The ancestors remind us, despite the history of pain, we are a going-on people who will rise again.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
In Search Of You
I soaked my pen in inks,
Just to put you in words.
I emmersed my head in oils,
All to have a deep thought of your kind.
I pinned my eyes in encyclopedia of you,
Yet i comprehend not.
I walked on the path to wisdom,
More confused i became.
I sailed on meridor and agriph,
Whirlwind i was chased with.
I traveled on lands and islands,
More lands i met.
I visited Nimueh in quest for immortality,
But a fearful mortal i was made to be.
I sought to see your face,
But found no face.
I traded my coins for the boat man to see caleach,,
But Dalmair denied my journey.
I tried all and all,
More alls i encountered.
"To see the holes in your hands,
That i could feel the helm of your garment,
That i can be part of the chosen generation,
A royal priesthood, an holy nation,
A peculiar people."
Forgiveness and renewal of my faith i seek,
To be among the chosen ones,
And not among the fallings.
-NIMUEH: A high priestess that is in charge to give and take life.
-CALEACH: A powerful sorceress that is charged to be the keeper to the spirit world.
-DALMAIR: A magical creature known to be the answer to all things.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Human Family
I've sailed upon the caribbean seas,
Halt in every lands and islands,
Observed the wonders of the seven heavens,
Learned from the world and beneath the soils,
Yet i see no one common man in humans.
I've encountered ten thousand folks,
Five thousand women,
Mary J and Mary blige,
But not yet encountered any two that are truly the same.
Identical twins are different,
Though their characteristics jibe,
Even the fraternals,
Love and hate never cease.
With the obvious differences,
I met another me,
Another me with no difference but names,
Scared at the sight at first,
But then i know we are more alike,
Than we are unlike in human family.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Tricks Of Temptation
In the tales of war,
Lessons have leant from the spear of fears,
Experiences have gathered through blood thirsty tournaments,
Never to be unconscious of your back.
On my fighting wing,
An axe ready for the taste of blood,
With hands of anger,
Dangling the sword that knows no truth.
There i remembered how Archilles and Crixus fell,
Samson crushed in the rails of Delilah,
Ananias and Sapphias soaked in quest for wealth,
Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for porriage.
In the midst of the war,
Tricks of enemy i couldn't resist,
Strength to stand still i lacked,
My back i turned,
Alas! A wounded warrior i became.
Back to my master the king of all battles,
For i've fallen to tricks of temptation,
I surrender all to you Lord,
Teach me more and i will live to fight through.
ARCHILLES- In Greek mythology, Achilles was a Greek hero of the Trojan War and the central character and greatest warrior of Homer's Iliad.
CRIXUS- Crixus was a Gallic gladiator and military leader in the Third Servile War between Roman Republic and Slave rebels.
SAMSON- From the biblical account, Samson was a
Nazirite, and that he was given immense strength to aid him against his enemies and allow him to perform superhuman feat, including slaying a lion with his bare hands and massacring an entire army of Philistines using only the jawbone of an ass.
DELILAH- She's a woman mentioned in the sixteenth chapter of the Book of Judges in the Hebrew Bible. She is loved by Samson, a Nazirite who possesses great strength. Delilah is bribed by the chief of the
Philistines to discover the source of his strength.
ANANIAS AND SAPPHIAS- Ananias and his wife
Sapphira were, according to the Acts of the Apostles chapter 5, members of the early Christian church in Jerusalem. The account records their sudden deaths after lying to the Holy Spirit about money.
ESAU AND JACOB- The Book of Genesis speaks of the relationship between Jacob and Esau, focusing on Esau 's loss of his birthright to Jacob and the conflict that had spawned between their descendant nations because of Jacob's deception of their aged and blind father, Isaac, in order to receive Esau's birthright/blessing from Isaac.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Memoir Of A Fallen Angel
In my discrete trip to earth,
Success of one being i felt.
Within the abyss of earth,
An Eve i met.
At the gaze of this creature,
The essence of my coming i nurtured.
With Eve, an assignment of four,
Turned flaw.
In Eve's gut,
A fox in sheep's clot,
Or black in whites spot?
My identity she sieved.
A friend? An angel? Questions she conceived.
In fufiling the truism,
Cultural relativism,
Religious doctrinism,
Thwarted all to pessimism.
Heaven's gate! Only a desire in dreams,
Earth's vicinity! Just a wish in films.
My calling! A total prims,
Dead in the living realms.
Eve in her coy motion,
Myself with my true notion,
An assignment i was given,
Misconception, a total shaven,
Mercy i seek dear lord to be forgiven.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
In a discussion with some folks,
Superiority of men over women,
Ephesians 5:21-23 as centre of idea
Is submissiveness a state of voicelessness?
Misinterpretation of the holy book or Man's ego?
With an hawk eye i pinned in this,
A different view i coceived,
Ravelled up in nature's ways,
I asked, Are they not human too?
From one perspective of life i viewed this,
In the soulful blues of Asa,
I delved into the rhythm of Niyola's vocal,
Rocking my legs to Cynthia Morgan's beats,
All to have a taste of Waje's bliss.
With my love for Miley Cyrus,
I craved into Sia's wonderful chorus,
Just to feel Selena Gomez rocky chores,
In an atmosphere of Nikki Minaj's raps and rocks.
I asked, Are they not better to some Men?
With every external talks,
In the world of rifts and roughs,
They opined females are sucks,
I sighed, wake up Oh ye' dreamers,
It's a ladies world.
*Dedicated to all females in the world*
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Time is the unit of measure,
And the clock begins to tick again.
With enough time to fix my errors,
I've done things upright.
With the dawn of days,
The rudiment of love have understood.
Loneliness calls.
In love's journeys, have lost my senses.
Tossing around, sooner the fire ends.
All i need is someone to take the chance,
On a love's journey that will last,
without insanity display.
And when the night falls, then my lonely heart calls.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
To the father who knew me before he formed me,
To him who named me after he found me,
My homage I shall pay to you.
To the father who gave me his words and commandments
Just to aid my daily living.
To him who fed me, clothed me, and gave me shelter.
Your Eulogies I shall render.
To the father who colors my efforts and covers my errors,
To him who made me perfect even when perfection is against humanity.
To the father who taught me the difference between right and wrong,
In your court, I shall reign forever.
To the father who made me realize,
That there's nothing for me to gain,
If I walk in the counsel of the ungodly,
If I stand in the ways of the sinner,
Or sit in the seat of the scornful
But if I can follow his words,
And obey his commands,
I will be among the chosen generation,
A Royal priesthood,
An holy nation,
A peculiar people.
That father is the one who knows all fathers,
To the father who is greater than every other father,
Every other fathers that cannot compete with this one father,
One father that surpasses all shades of fatherhood.
God is the father to all fatherhood,
He is the reason behind our universal Brotherhood of man,
And at the end of time, when there are no other fathers in existence,
He will remain the universal fatherhood of God.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Chains Of Colonialism
With hands full of weapons, they came.
Marching like a legion force,
With whips and claws,
To ensare the shaft of the dark minds,
With rain of traps across africa,
Africa, a sacred land,
Africa, a priceless jewel
African's pride longed for by imperialists,
Her integrity soaked in wolves clothing,
Pierced in the blood of the innocent,
Bloods of the deprived,
Innocents ones in the clothes of the guilt,
Citizens of insignificant,
The insignificant to the colonial masters.
Citizens allegiance forced to alien crest,
Crest of slavery, of exploitation.
Dominating the land owners,
Of resources in owned nations.
Slaves of past civilization,
Of ripped culture,
Culture of fragmented heroes,
Fragmented fate of the people.
People with no sweet anthems,
Of no pledge for freedom.
Lyrics of patriotism i will write,
Hymn of solidarity i will reaherse
Psalm of freedon i will sing,
All to defy injustice,
To appease the oracles of colonialism.
Colonialism in the name of its ancestors... to make Africa a better one.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Perfect Time
Time flees they say,
Time to bear my errors and end to anxiety.
To interrupt actions, to stop my desire for degree of quality and to acclaim my flaws.
For piecemeals in nature of God's desire, to adhere to the callings of my fears.
To clasp my mankind, to love and cherish for my imperfections are part of my kind.
To embrace the undesired, cordially to receive the unrecognized and to fondle the uncompleted.
If time unfolds and i await perfection before the adorement of my kind,
I will be left to what cometh of life to me.
If i desire to await my errors to vanish,
I will be like a desert land that yields no fruit.
Like a sword of a warrior that has never fought any battle.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Optimist Creed
A silent prayer, a silent wish
To have the will, to bear the cross
A stillness of mind, which none can destroy
To plant a smile on every heart
Leaving an emblem of joy.
A silent prayer, a silent wish
To give friends, a ray of hope
That inspires, to fill every hole
Looking beyond our nose
Making every dream come true.
A silent prayer, a silent wish
To see the need to create
Something from nothing
Putting on the garment of the altruistic
Driving others to success.
A silent prayer, a silent wish
To be the mouthpiece of history
Bringing back the wrongs of the past
Not to judge, nor condemn
But to checkmate others excesses.
A silent prayer, a silent wish
To uphold the tenets of my calling
That i might not be among the fallings
Just as i have sworn my oath
The Optimist Creed.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Ages Fly
Weariness at the end of day,
Desiriousness to have our way,
Promptness to scold and condemnation,
A little more care of a brother's name.
The end of the journey is at hand,
For the time and eternity of man is at equilibriu..
Traveling down the way,
That leads to the tunnel of a better way.
A state of euphoria, a little more tears
Increasing years shouldn't have been unravelled
End of all, for the book is closed and prayers are said,
And now part of the countless souls.
Now we heed to where all must go,
The place where is unknown to the nons
Thrice sad for there is distance between us
Nevertheless not a barrier for us.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Writers' Fate
Writer of the present era,
Conceived and raised in the illumination of the gods.
Literary path they showed me,
Never to be them but to seek what they sought.
Winter and summer, i lay my lines.
Explicit and abstract, still in my lines of ancestors.
Lines of creatity i wished, and end to it i prayed not.
Papyrus and cuneiform, all i grew with.
Path to creativity i've achieved,
Troubled now, for my well appears dry.
Oh 'er DANU, sandy not my well of creativity.
SADV, inspire me i pray.
The folks of my ancestors, a letter to you.
Soyinka and achebe i call on thee,
Men of old i beckon you all to my request.
An answer to this am in need of...
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
-PAPYRUS ( A material prepared in ancient Egypt from the pithy stem of a water plant, used in sheets throughout the ancient Mediterranean world for writing or painting.
-CUNEIFORM ( Denoting or relating to the wedge-shaped characters used in the ancient writing systems of Mesopotamia, Persia, and Ugarit, surviving mainly on clay tablets.
-DANU (An irish goddess, also called the mother of healing, abundance, love, wisdom and creativity)
-SADV (A forest goddess that brings creativity in a magical, eathy, forest-like, deer spirit sort of way).
It Is Worth Living
As I got sucked on a crossroad,
Like a writer whose muse melt off.
There a need to find another route,
And not to end up in chords of treadmill racing all night.
I pulled over my legs,
With my hazard light of hopes high,
And sigh hoping for a miracle to cross by.
Started pacing at the rear side of the road,
Counting my scores, counting my fears,
As the brightness of the day dims.
Like the tune of R Kelly on prayer changes things,
So I saw the light coming from a far,
Pulled over just to be my compass, my guide.
Thus, my direction he showed me.
Proving to me that only in the grave is where hopes are buried.
Humanity and relationship on tightrope,
Whirlwind railing on our sails,
What exactly is the price to save this LOVE?
When we feel rejected after a hunch of argument,
Chastised with hatred and deceit from foes,
Yet in a world of our own.
But in the lyrics of Alessia Cara,
God sent an angel to make me know,
That there will always be shades of beauty in every scars.
Thus; my direction he showed me again,
That only in Six feet is where hopes are buried.
Life is worth living, so give it a thought,
And give it another trial, to live for another day!
For with life, hope is still growing.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
Silenced Thought
In a thought i had, a letter i was given to read.
Words i couldn't pronounce, Sentence i couldn't pick out.
Alittle effort i put to it,
Gramnatical errors i made,
''Is" for ''was," "as" for "has."
Did i type anything?
Yet i tagged it typograhical error.
I wont quit, it popped inside of me.
Parts of speech for figures of speech,
Translation for transliteration,
Pronoun for Irony,
English for Arabic.
I wont give up still!
Puntuation i lacked
Full stop i couldnt identify,
Commas as apostrophe,
Apostrophe as quotation mark.
What a confusion!
Yet my language is universal,
The language of silence,
For a silenced thought.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
At the crest and its lowest part
We've been together.
Knowledge we've acquired and also forgotten.
You've impelled me,
You've wrapped me in cotton,
You've adhered to our loads, and you've ignored them.
We've argued like there's no tomorrow,
We've been responsible and we've laid blames.
We've drank in monsoonal rain, we've felt barriers and felt the same.
Joy and pain, our compatibilities.
Guilt and shame, our motivations.
All these bought into the game,
Freedom we seek for we've laid claim.
We are butterflies
For we originated from the same cocoon.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
You are the true reflection of the stars that lures my sight to the beauty of the night,
You are the perfect posture of the rainbow in the sky that makes me appreciate colours,
Your simple gestures give me reasons to long for rightful words coming deep within me,
The words i shall use to define you!
Let me draw your kind to the reflection of my thought,
Let it flow within the rhythm of my muse,
Let me paint you with my words,
Let my ink spill on papyrus and cuneiform to describe you.
A chant for you that sparks up your true eulogies,
A lullaby to calm your nerve to put you to sleep,
An handful amount of cowries to bid your price,
A coin i shall pay to the boat man to sail me across to you to walk you down the aisle,
For your face is enough to behold!
No other thought reigns better in me,
Hearts may beat around but none like yours,
Faces i might have encountered but yours is a true pattern of your smile,
In it, nothing more, nothing less.
Nothing more to behold,
Nothing less to beseech,
Nothing but a piece of true reflection of my muse,
Nothing but a complete perfection of my definition of you!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
A Far Country
I took a glimpse to know what lies ahead,
I mounted on the tree to see beyond the roofs and cities,
Above the hills i have seen, beneath my feet i have tread the miles,
To see the realm of another world,
But what is it i cannot see?
Beyond the distance i could see beyond,
In the tall grass i could navigate my paths,
Within the walls i could hear the whispers,
From the lines of a book i have read,
That beyond what i can not see, there's a place,
A place my feets can not take me.
In this far region, this far land beyond my sight,
I read it exists and I'm sure dwellers are there,
I know my feets will fail me and my sight is blur to see it,
I leant it's a place that is crested on individuals creeds,
Creeds i leant from the book i read.
A far land, on the soil the commandments is hoisted.
A far region where mortal bodies can not reach.
A far country whose routes is found only in the sacred book of life,
Where thy only words is HALLELUJAH !!!
A place which is the end of every beginning of MAN,
Yet another beginning there of !!!
Indeed, a far country beyond the beyond.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Unasked Question
At what point in life are we to die?
How many of us will pass by?
Just for our best intentions to be seen,
Or for the greatest problem to be felt from it.
At what point will our voices echo in a terrain of no return?
How many of our voices will be seized or silenced?
Before the words that lie beneath be heard,
Or burst like a grenade in space.
How many will resurrect for many to know we live to die?
How many of illiterates will become literates?
To know that science is not the answer to everything,
And among the literates,
Who knows not that education has no keys to life's mysteries.
How many of my lies must be heard?
And how many of lies must be accepted as truth just for pleasures delight?
How many of my truth will be used against me?
Just for the natural hatred we nurtured for years in our veins to emerge.
How many will be ready to answer all these questions?
Knowing fully well that "How many" has been the most common word in this poem,
Since the sight of men are blocked with fogs of criticisms.
Well, at this juncture, i leave you to this.
Delve into it's realm for i know you may not have the answers.
But i need you to know that life naturally has no questions for you,
But you must be ready to give answers to the unasked questions,
For we don't need to experience war before it dawns on us,
That Existence is not a game,
It is for a PURPOSE!!!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
In the planet called earth,
Humans believe that the staff we carry lies in the sight we behold and the voices we heed to.
We mount to the top, on the hills we will sit,
Hoping as the sight is clearer like a babe on the giants' shoulder,
So will the voices we will hear be audible to our very existence.
In this realm we forged ourselves from minion voices,
Setting our pace in line with our thoughts believing it's not the right voices,
We sojourn to a place of low light and no voices,
Thinking in the solace of our own silence,
Lies the true voices.
With the aids we've added, the flickering voices came again despite the hills we've mounted like a palm wine tapper,
The trouble of the physical that we behold emerge as our thoughts escape into the world beyond,
Our memories flipped through as confusion breeds our fake smiles and our true tears.
We set the pace on as we know that only the strong survives,
Believing what is that will be will surely be,
As we anticipate for a better voices that suit our state,
So our skin lingers for a better touch, a place of succor,
Where our dreams can become our reality,
And the realities of life can elude us of our true existence.
But then as a life that we have,
Everyone speaks volumes
But we need to determine who speaks into our lives,
For not all should have a say in our lives,
But all voices connote a meaning in our lives.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
The Encounter
Allow me to race your mind with a story,
I found a being as I pound the earth,
The little star in the sky is a replica of her soul,
But her very passings is a true void of deceit.
My essence resonates with every bit of her presence,
As her compass leads me to the bearings of her traits,
I aspire for the flames of her deceit,
Yet, I ignored the blame of my desperation.
I plugged my ears to the socket of the creator's word,
Hoping to find solace in her errors,
But I was also laced with questions by the creator,
Why I left my radar unchecked despite the signals,
Leaving my question unanswered.
It wasn't a rhetorical though,
Nor was it a dogma,
But the nature of life reveals answers to questions unasked,
As my mind grew the wings of answers to my question.
Life is to love but not to be blindly led,
As life is not a problem to be solved,
So we should know that the secret of true happiness,
Is not in seeking more
But developing the capacity to enjoy less.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
With your bloody words seeping from your tongue to me,
And your actions emitting pains to me,
With every inch of it dangling,
And every glean of it jingling,
I shall retaliate with my pen pounding!
You care not to hurt,
You care not to see anyone get caught,
All for your selfish gains.
Listen ! You hurt me and tore my world in pains,
Twisted me till i succumb in chains,
One day is always for the thief,
Today, you will be served without beef.
My pen will be your whips,
My diction will carve your ribs,
Your biography will be well written,
Pasted on the wall for it to be well seen.
You are a foe with unclear identity,
Worry not on how to maintain and sustain that entity,
An epitaph i will coin in you name in an unmarked grave that has no security.
Never aim to get anyone along in your perilous quest,
Better get along soon in your path for no one will heed to your request,
You know you don't belong here, alone you shall die without a tag along guest.
With my pen i shall mar you,
Every structure and style with its diction will retard you,
I shall use my pen to design your soul,
Wake up ! It's your time to get cursed on the death row.
Thousand folds of it will roll and ten thousands will gravitate to your row,
None shall elude you to remind you of the game you've started,
You've served yours ! Now it's your turn to get served in what I've plotted.
Enjoy the writer's meal, it's a writer's curse!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Kill 'em all
In a world of ills and strifes,
Of dreadful dreams and unholy thoughts,
Our sweats flow along side with our blood,
We strive just to be remain alive,
Without the knowledge that all is a badge of lies and deciet.
But do we really need to fall from grace?
Lest' we put down the weapons we fight with!!!
Time ticks and waits for no one,
Days unraveled into weeks,
And months metamorphosed into years,
Leaving its trail behind like growth of an onion,
Shedding and adding up fleshes of skin for its covering...
Thus; we dine in that realm of chasing lies as the truth,
And languish in the pool of the deceit we've been fed with,
And for every passing of each day feels like a true fulfilment of humanity,
We then burn and waste away like calories of a giant,
Seeming like every piece of it dies in our expression,
And at the wake of the next morning,
If there are no lies in truth clothing to cook up for us again,
Then we are fought by them just to prove their rights.
Your lies are nothing but bullets,
Your mouth's but a gun,
Your voice's a trigger
And your words bring rain near.
Now in the tunnel of no better forward,
Or a peaceful returning to the begining,
Wasted years chirped through our ears, for it can't be retrieved.
But we know no war in anger would ever be won,
Lest' we put down our weapons we fight with,
Put off the fire before igniting,
And kill 'em all with a tint of kindness.
Yes! We kill 'em all!!!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Ti-ke-re, ti-ke-re,
The sound hurls in its awareness to me,
Kre-ke-ke-ke, the tune changed but really audible,
A cricket or a cockroach,
A rat or the hanger on the door side it must be.
Slightly i opened my eyes to see who cometh thou,
A boxer and a singlet i saw dangling on the plains of human skin,
From toes to the head i analysed the physique.
"So it's you," i opined.
"Ssshhhs" i heard from him.
"Uncle please stop"
"keep quiet little sis" he replied!!!
"Uncle this isn't your room, please go"
Sshh, till the hymen is breached.
A game of parasite and the prey he thinks,
A commensal who feeds with no footprints he thinks it would end up to.
Until Months pearched as her body reveals the blessings of Uncle's fingerprints,
The evidence of the action is revealed to everyone.
Time to lay off the eggs has come,
Time to make them hatch is here,
As Uncle sends little sis a message to the world beyond the beyond,
Six feet under she ends up in to conceal uncle's deeds.
Now the time for harvest has come,
The leg of the buried corpse is uncovered,
The fathers eat the grape while the children gnash their teeths,
Little sis gone but karma was never buried with her.
Indeed, 20 years pounded yam will forever be hot in the hands of the wicked,
Forgiveness Uncle seeks from the progenitor's of little sis,
To be the price to pay for the ransom of his own descendant.
I ask, if you were to be the progenitor of little sis,
And Uncle seeks forgiveness,
What sayeth thou?
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
From Our Beginnings
The quest for more has always been the peak of men,
As contentment call it a day for many.
With a bingo is a task done accurately,
After a pinch reveals the helpless state of reality,
Indeed, nothing seems untrue as realities of life.
Paul may plant and apollos water,
So in that light we are but the roots never sprout in the fragrance of sunlight,
We hold still, yet far close to the dawn of time.
We dig to find eartly treasures but Hell's pleasures we found,
As tornados grew making us grovel on the path where our feet couldn't stand again.
A cobweb is all you can see,
Laying it on as though it's a place of succor.
Alas! A little strands of lining you felt,
Your strength are no longer sensed for your weaknesses are fully fed.
Wake up! You are trapped already.
In this tide we roll,
From this tale we grew in the light of it's morals,
Beauty seems like perfection warding off our lies,
Beneath our beginnings lie our greatest lies,
But the utmost of all, truth lies in the end.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
With the tickles of life,
When we flee from the errors of our deeds,
What happens when we get stucked at the junction of evil,
And get served in return with the blunt side of a sword.
What cometh of life if the heart we destroyed,
Comes back for a repair.
When a specialist in heart breaking becomes the heart broken,
When karma showers its love on your descendant as course of your action,
When the fathers eat the grape and the children gnash their teeth.
What happens when your head is on pike with the gent,
Lacing your breath with lethal, and your soul watches its body,
Trapped in a pit of your own venom.
What happens when the pain you despise,
Becomes your life time partner.
When the hunter becomes the hunted.
What happens when the host get scared of the prey,
And darkness doesn't see light as contender,
But gets scared of her own darkness.
What happens when good is trapped up by the excesses of evil,
And bad is the only result for everything,
When evil is the outcome of every hardwork,
Karma is the response of every deeds,
And the continuous good works of men is the only key,
To free good again from the Fowler's snare.
What then will be our Decision?
Between Good and Good,
Evil and Evil,
Good and Evil,
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
The Birth Of A King
Many years ago, a light came through to the world,
Which became the path to all tunnels of existence,
We believe in this light for in the creeds of our heart,
It surpasses all stances, knowing it is the fragrance of our awe's delight.
The light came and gave us a better future in the tides of today,
Clinging on its vibes like the tang of a circus.
Our very heart seeps through in the vein of this light,
Showing the very result of our past deeds in the bane of today's delight,
Seeping through our fingers like a droplet ink of a pen carver,
In the very heart of human template.
From the thread of this light on the path of men,
A story was shed from our ancestors to the very ones who couldn't conceive the notion of our faith in his prowess,,
That the light was a king, and he is a king born in a manger,
Whose name no one has ever bore,
His light came through and made ways in the heart of those ready to accept and believe in him.
With it, it's like a halo while to some it is a flashlight,
Of course it's not a big bang, apparently it's never a rainbow.
It is the very light that sprouted at the very beginning of existence,
It is the light that reeled down from the wips on his skin,
The very cut on his flesh, the shackles in his hands and the crown of thorns he wore.
His skin bled, his hands were pierced,
All for the transgression of men..
This we call Grace, this light we call our everlasting king,
The light we call our savior, the light we call our Omnipresent,
The light is no other person, His name is JESUS!!!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Could this be the best of me?
If one's happiness reveals the hatred in me,
Praises sounding as psalms of condemnation to me,
Shutting every doors of opportunities calling it the true me.
When did i become impossible ?
When did my efforts become unaffordable ?
I can't wipe my disable,
Nor put an end to my unable.
But with every drop of my ink,
With every calories i burnt while i think,
For every thousand love i gave that made me sink,
And for every step of faith i took which made me have a rethink.
I realized there's no one else i have to please,
Nor any burden i need to release,
But i just need to soak my past to get my future rinse,
And pray for Grace to make me a prince,
For a better version of me to be seen in life's scene.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
I once believed when i was seven (7) that we live in a wild world,
Where our beliefs were that we're bigger than the wider world.
I made my hopes high by pushing myself to the limits of things,
Hoping in it i am learning new things.
My idea of life began to grow the more when i was twenty (20),
Clarity of life emerged as frustraton set in,
Wondering why haven't i been able to reach my goals,
I delved into the realm of believing that drinking,
And burning liquor is the path to shed off my worries.
Alas! Still on the street trying to get the steady figure.
I continued in the race as at twenty (25),
I became a dreamer like my father before mine,
Then i made lyrics, made dictions for my poetries.
Sometimes on love, sometimes about the future glories that bored me,
For he who knows what it means to be waiting,
Will know that a long awaited hopes make the heart weary.
When i was twenty-six (26
I understood alot about life within the space of a year,
Things i couldn't fathom for many years became clearer,
I found life in a different platform, that success rests mostly in how we see ourselves.
For the way a man thinketh so is he,
For our visions work in line with our passion for success.
And until we know that we can only see our goals and not our failures,
That we can still see the reflection of ourselves even without a mirror,
That we can still see ourselves standing even if we are physically fallen,
That in our loudest voices rest the smallest voices which could be the major,
That life remains life no matter how speedy the age race may appear,
And that until we understand the concept of time in line with our visions,
The more we realize the true purpose of existence.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Have you ever felt like a paper bag?
Drifting through the claws of the wind,
Like a tattered kite,
Moving from its end to its beginning.
Have you ever felt like a strand line on a paper sheet?
Whose purpose is to separate the margins.
Have you ever felt like a house built with of sand,
And with a breeze all becomes sand beneath the feet of men.
Have you ever felt like a living being with no purpose?
Or like a dead with no hope?
Six feet under with screams and wails,
And no one seems to hear a thing.
Have you ever felt like a living-dead, or a zombie?
Having no clues but to destroy.
Have you ever felt like a human with the precision of a machine?
Like a robot! All for the satisfaction and purpose of another man.
You don't have to feel like an old wine in a new bottle,
Like all doors are closed, knowing not one leads to the perfect road.
Your very nature is bliss, like a lightening bolt your heart will glow.
After a hurricane comes a rainbow,
When your time is set you will know
And you will fly.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Allow me to take a tour in your soul,
Let me place my feet on the foundation of your heart,
And take a look at the paintings of your face,
Perhaps, I can tell what is left to be made.
Your hair needs a glam of patches,
Your skin will need to be white washed,
The floor beneath your feet needs to be well pedicured,
And your fingerprints on your interiors must be manicured.
This I found after a deep survey of your deepest self,
I found the potential in the depth of your passing,
From the body who knows not her own very essence.
I will be mindful of your hurtful memories,
So as not to become another chapter of stories,
I will tread carefully, lest I crumble your left overs.
I shall race my hands on your skin and bones,
To renovate this body, to remold this building covering your soul,
Making the old, anew again.
Not by loosing your own very essence,
But to expose your old beauty with a new accessories.
Slow and steady, we will raise the weakened walls of your heart.
And in that pace, two hearts will become one.
And your broken heart, damaged soul and weakened bodies,
Will soon become, a home again.
Indeed, a home away.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
When your mouth inhales the words from mockers,
And your eyes get flooded with tears,
When you make an exist in a channel of entrance,
And life's realities begin to unravel in your path,
Making your responsibilities bigger than the cross you bear,
When drinks pop in the air for it's friday night,
And you feel an emptiness despite the void you carry,
Tearing you apart like a veil, a rift that needs a closing,
Making the rhythm of your heartbeat beats,
Like the beckoning drums of the jumanjians for another trouble
When your life seems like a dream, a game,
Trying to wake from and staying alive or get dead in it and die for real,
And the night, for the hunters to hunt you in your cold-hot sleep,
Lacing your bed with a mandrake root, fading off your spirit,
With the charmed bracelet, warding off your strength.
Never panick, Neva worry, Be calm and lean on these words,
That for all the troubles you encounter,
And the ones you might still encounter,
I am with you anywhere and everywhere you go, to give you a love and protection for many,
Even when you are alone.
But remember, that those words,
Those promises were never mine,
But words from your father, your God, your creator,
Who knew thee even before he formed thee.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
At the well of my muse,
To put my pen in line for lyrics against you,
Yet you provided me suitable dictions despite my intention,
And breathed in your breath of over flowing rhythms in me.
When i wailed my tongue against you,
And shattered your name with my pen,
You provided me with yet another pad
And refreshed my muse to sing the unsung song of my dreams.
You never seized my thinking nor an end to my reasoning.
When i proved myself to be your foe,
You fought for me like I'm your ally.
I built fortresses around myself just to keep you off,
You kicked them down like wrecking balls against the walls.
I hid myself in fogs away from you,
Yet you brought me out to clarity yet from another fog.
I am like the tale of a tree planted in the midst of rivers,
For every season will be favourable,
I'm the lost sheep, Leaving the ninety-nine behind,
Yet seeking for one, the only me.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Under the palm wine tree of mami agba,
We danced and tossed all night around the fires of the night,
With an in-depth love and unity we shared.
Entertained with tales of tortoise and his toised pricks,
Of Asin toun tokere in the nights of Eve,
Got carried away with the taste of palm wine,
Diving into me with the taste of roasted bush meat.
The tales triumphed on from the tongues of elders,
Accompanied with the didactic words and warnings of our time,
All emanating for future references,
That we may not be pulled and pushed by the wind of time,
Or drenched in the flaws of our nature.
Time chirped and days unravelled,
We became orphans left with no taste to savour,
No milk to suck from our mothers' breasts,
Nor a lullaby to hear to lure our sleep.
Fathers died in battles and mothers wailing as remnant of war,
We are alone like the alpha of Adam's time, the omega of mankind.
Alone, like an island surrounded by waters of civilization and ignorance.
Now the reality of life is revealed,
Reality of our loss, lost to ignorance.
Our hands got crawled up, shrinked not to till anymore the land of our time,
Not anymore to withhold the calabash of our future,
Our calabash left with tales and wise words of our elders,
That we inherited from our dead who are yet to be buried,
When they are very much alive, but washed off by wars of civilization.
Alas! We lost it!
Now our cloud is bumpy, but the earth bears the fault,
Our birds cannot fly, claimed the goat took its wings,
Our maidens are pregnant, but civilization is responsible,
We have fountain, yet begs for a deserted land,
Our trees are filled with fruits, we gnash our teeth in hunger,
We have gold, but craves for stone,
Our eyes are opened, yet our sight cannot lead the blinds.
We are juveniles of many, but Master of none.
We are Lost Orphans.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
The Goddess Of Decision
Many years down the line,
"Some fruits or some bread," I heard from my father,
"The two will do please," I replied.
My lips got dried up as lack of vitamins,,
Fruits will help the situation, as bread will also save me from hunger.
"No my son" My father replied, "Choose one."
As intelligent as i was in my astute nature,
My father asked, "A suit or a shoe,"
"Can i have both please," I replied,
This shoe is nice and will orchestrate my steps,
The suit as well rhymes with my complexion.
"No, just one" My father replied.
As adult stage crawled in,
"A laptop or a smart phone," My father asked!
"Obviously the two sire," I craved.
The laptop will be of help on academic rush,
The phone will also impress Adeola my crush.
"No, only one" He replied.
As a sweet salary earner and my business in line,
I asked myself, "A house or a Rolls-Royce?"
"The two will be good" I answered.
Shelter and comfort the house will give,
Perfection and elevation, the car will add.
I huzzled and sweat for life,
Hmm, no fearless lines for I'm truly Scared here at this junction.
Wirra! The examination of life sitting right on my lap,
The tales of my father rang through my head,
As i looked front and back, thinking about the decision to take,
Nodding my head at karma.
Appealing to scale of preference for a conclusion on the altar of choice,
On how to satisfy the goddess of decision.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
Tell Me The Tales Of Goodness
Tell me what is good?
If the essence of peace we've seen, and pain we've witnessed.
Yet we couldn't sense the truth in the lies of men.
What is the good?
If all we do is to view the world with a troubled eyes,
Even when all is perfect, and despite be fruitful and multiply,
The side of reproduction by birth, goes the end by death.
Tell me the good in a mutual lover's breath,
If their errors are not acclaimed?
Or should we be less concerned over it?
Even if it's as a result of our passings
But what will be the result of our carefreeness,
If the fire of fear keeps burning bright?
Show me the essence of goodness,
If our Faith are seen in daily expressions,
But doubt and greed we wear for wealth in the same vein,
And if more words could not be enough to justify our claims,
We find solace in places where our weaknesses are being fed.
Shed the tale of goodness to me,
If there's no good way of doing what is wrong,
Or wrong way of doing what is right.
But our morals is to condemn,
And the essence of our peace is to inflict pain on others.
And for our faith to be acknowledged is to put others in fear,
Or for our main essence of existence is for death to be the end.
But i put to you to live life to its fullness,
So as our hesitations will not be a moment of weakness,
But to restructure ourselves and tilt from yester years for better days ahead,
And for the overall position we are today,
Should be what we give according to what we've received.
And the best we receive should be the best we give.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
Stay abreast to my words,
Pay attention and never return for clarity,
Like a soul baptized in bipolar disorder.
You shall not hum a sorrowful hymn,
On the yuletide when I couldn't pen words to paper.
For every myopic soul,
Lacing their sight on the broken lens,
On the fortnight of my muse,
Do not claim your eyes fail you to spree on my diction,
As every soul will find the solace their wounds need to heal up.
To all who grew the mandrake root of sickness,
That they are naturally ugly from the depth of their soul,
Well, when the spring comes,
Take a look at the reflection of your own self,
Perhaps, you will see the beauty that lies within the new season.
My message to the mind blowing beauties,
Do not be buried in the art of your imaginations,
And do not be blown to the other side of your beauty,
Making the opportunity slide over,
But make use of every bit, and roll on.
Most importantly, to my fellow writers,
Poets and poetess.
Always worship your muse, salute your pen,
And carry the tides that flow from every word,
Because everything in life happens in reflection to our commitment.
Our adherence to the warnings,
To the rules, to life and to all shades of fear.
Life is a game, we play by the rules,
Know the rules, and play to stay relevant.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
We Can't Breathe
Fifty shades of corruption,
Infinite faces of injustice in commotion.
If we claim we are equal before the law,
Why is your evil hard to bear as your flaw?
On what name are we to survive when we hate each other,
What will be the end when there's no law and order?
How will you see beyond the colours, races and tribes?
When your heart is filled with terrors, aches and bribes.
Our culture is to create a life,
But the foe in folks clothing that we serve turned it to rife.
We seek for a change, for we are tired of the pains.
Your ploy on innocent lives, all sum up for your selfish gains.
You refuse to resent the doers,
Yet you cover their lies just to be among the rulers.
Voting times seep through our dying times,
As guns are brought into peaceful fight on civil lives.
As you pulled the trigger and soaked the flag in the blood of human rights.
We believe we live in unity, even while we don't make a bond.
We appear as folks, though our clothes are torn with their bomb.
Of what use is a weapon against an unarmed man?
When the art of war blows on us without a fan.
What will be the cost for someone to save our dreams and plan?
As we pay the price for the help we did not get,
When our protectors turned to the killers of our target.
Our flags are raised in shame,
As our thoughts are aired in bullets' flame.
We can't breathe, as there's no pure air to live,
We can't survive this as there's no love to make us become relieved.
The hate you give is our anthem
The colour of our spilled blood is our emblem,
Wasted lives are our patriotic songs,
As you continue to live with your wrongs.
The hate you give will not be erased,
Nor your deceitful tongues be praised,
But your lives will one day be laced,
On an unmarked grave of a warrior left unraised.
Until then, one thing stands above your greed.
We can't breathe!
©Fearless Lines
To all sparky Sanguines,
Sailing your path to raptures of laughter,
Floating in the ocean of emotions,
You call this a Play on Words,
I call it Poetic Psalms.
To all Rocky Cholerics,
Who sojourns in the world beyond,
Drowning in the pit of instant decisions,
Whose spirit moves like a flame in an open space,
Summoning the waves of the night to bid its tides,
You call this Fiction,
I call it an Historical Farce.
To all Martin Melancholies,
Who dines in the realm of dirges,
Swaying yet with a heart of sorrow,
Whose muses inspire an hue of sadness,
Yet singing the dreadful hymns which you call Eulogy,
But i call it Poetic Curse.
To Philip Phlegmatics,
Who flows in the calmness of his nature,
Whose natural self glows in the dark,
Counting every steps in manner of its occurrence,
Dancing to all beats in the realm of their rhythms.
You may ALL choose to call this Human Differences,
But i will call it Four Shades Of Temperaments.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
My future not yet certain,
For my present is undefined.
Roaring in the wasp for air,
I inhaled and exhaled
All to get tramped in my clueless self.
Days of chains and claws got behind,
Tales they turned for its origin couldn't be felt,
The wounds are gone,
But the scars forever remain raw,
For my fears grow wings even in my fearless state.
Tick tock, time passed,
Chirmed not for regret, for the fight for life is over.
Beneath our feet lies the beginning of another war,
Claimed my identity got soaked in an art of war.
With all dead carcassing identities,
All i discovered was my survival,
With it they felt if I'm a hulk or alien,
Well, I'm from earth just like any other,
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
With thousand words to express,
A million dreams to hope in depress,
With legion starlights to make a wish just to impress,
And with kisses under the mistletoe that caress.
With the encountered nightmares,
With your spoken word that smears,
There's beauty in everything that pairs,
Yet you see pain in your beautiful hairs.
The world could change our hearts,
Sorrow might beget joy even in our plight,
Beauty may sharpen our pain so tight,
But all adds to who we are aright
Scars may define our beauty,
Beauty may restructure our cruelty,
Hope may appear in the field of disparity,
With courage there's fear in adversity,
But SCARS and BEAUTY could be our true identity.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
I want to feel the Aisle,
To dance 👯 my feet to the Isle,
Facing you, echoing to my ears 👂,
Saying, I do!
The vow to leave my loved ones,
The vow to seperate from all to clinge to you,
Promise to take, vow to uphold,
Till death 💀do us part.
I will summon the sorcerer in camelot,
To chant his spells to uphold the day ☀,
To fasten the time ⌚ putting my wish in line,
For in you i found the me,
A rib of my rib for none to say nay
The ring 💍 we shall wear,
May you kiss 😘 the bride 👰 will be heard,
The veil 👰 will be removed,
A kiss 😘 will flow,
And the bouquet 💐 will be thrown,
Forever and happily ever after.
A bag 👜 of tuber, 7 barrels of oil ⛽,
2 packs of salt, 10 boxes of attires,
I'm ready to pay the prize.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
Far from my sight i saw a figure,
Eight it was not one.
Closer i moved,
Moving my pace towards her ways.
Her smile she passed,
Soon we engaged in words,
Time ticked,, we are on the dance floor,
Moving and rocking me all sonorously,
Like the breeze of a strong wind.
She swaved and touched,
Yet her hands never stopped,
Her fingers i could sense all over me,
Like a signal from a mast down into my manless spine.
A feeling i really wish to resist,
But the potency i couldn't fight,
Moulding the whole of me into my buttomless gut,
Indeed, she got my love language.
Lay me down and let's pray,
You on top and I beneath,
Take my hand and save my soul.
Her touch was poisonous to my inner self,
But i never wanted it to stop.
A love poison it seemed to my hormones,
But then i realized, that for every touch of a lady,
They are gods to men.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
Secret Admirer
Days begin to pearch as the calls begin to roll through,
I left it unpicked but responded to the text coming through.
I placed the footprint in my heart and retard the fingerprint.
I chew off your name like the air in me,
I pledged my allegiance to your lies and bear no witness to your truth,
I handled your love as nothing and treat your hate like jewelry.
I live my life unconsciously and it turns you off consciously,
You feel i do not care, but i still know your birthday.
You feel i care, but i still can't remember your flavorite song.
I set my focus on your errors and ignore your perfection,
You accused me of this but I'm still not aware of it.
But now it appears i broke your heart,
And within me it's not something i planned,
For my candle couldn't see beneath itself,
And the more i rip you off till the end.
Now all i feel within me is there's a lover somewhere,
Unknown admirer that is unknown to me,
Or known admirer yet unknown to me.
My apologies i relay to you for the time past,
My mistakes i wish i could withdraw,
The truth I've aired to you where ever you may be,
For someone else will love you back,
But someone isn't me!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
I found myself in a realm,
In a dream where i could communicate with my mind,
As my thoughts reflected in my words.
But then no one seemed to comprehend.
I found myself yet in another realm,
Where i could speak to my worrds, as my intentions reflected in my lyrics,
Where i intended to cook up some poetries just to relay my thoughts
Got it laced with some stanzas,
But i ended up with proses, making my hearers confused with my chapters.
I gave them a book to read,
A book that contained the complete story of my thoughts to them,
I showed them some acts and scenes,
Hoping it would end in a fancy epilogue for them,
But a dreadful prologue leading to helm of criticisms it turned to.
I took a work in my walk,
Wondering and pondering how to get this News planted into the hearts of men,
As reality sprees out in me,
Leaving behind my dreams, worries and fears,
Till i found the perfect realm to relay my thoughts.
A realm where I've got just one News,
One News i would like to share with billion folks and foes,
If only you can afford the patience to listen to all its spheres.
But is there really anyone to receive it?
A million walk you might have achieved with a billion goals since you were born,
But trust me your purpose will remain a mirage if you miss this chance to be reborn.
A world with a billion folks like the galaxies,
Yet with a single life to run it round,
One spirit, one soul, one body is all you have.
The News i will aire till my throat get sored,
That Jesus is Lord!
Now you've heard my version,
Who will volunteer to be among the carriers?
And who will listen when the News is shared again by another person?
Who will spare a minute to listen just to secure the very end?
I ask again, who will not look back at the beauties of the world and become a heap of salt?
The choice is yours!
©Fearless Lines
Listen ! Let me tell you a story.
I've bore witness to Pain, as i've also seen Pleasure !
Laying it's marks on the plains of my shoulders.
Pay attention ! And hear me well.
I've seen Lies, and i've heard the Truths.
I've seen Lies in their truths,
As the truths in their lies slope down on the premium of my laps.
Calm your nerves ! And don't get it mixed up.
I've heard about Existence, and i also believe in Nothingness.
But i haven't seen the Essence of life despite our Existence ,
When after Death everything becomes Nothingness.
Just like i've seen Birth but haven't felt Death,
But I've seen death seeping from the last breath of enemies and lovers Health.
Relax ! 'Cause i know you are confused.
I am human and i believe in Existence.
'Cause i've perceived Doubt, and i've also exhibited Faith.
As i relay my Fears in the realm of my Courage.
And my Courage proved nothing to the world even jn the midst of my Fears,
Believe me or not, It's your Choice !
That I've seen the World, and i've heard it's Words.
That I've seen its Storm wailing, and I've experienced its Stillness.
That life is a Circle, as it continues to roll.
And everyone will get to experience its sides
As you'll hear it's Tales and see it's Proofs.
You'll Smile at its Praise and Frown at its Blame,
You'll Run from its Error, and Walk into yet another Terror.
But if you want to know more, as life itself has more to give.
Journey with me, And i will tell you another story.
Lie here with me, and i will show you it's Legends,
Dine with me, and i will tell you it's Tales and explain its Folklores,
As you've prepared to hear the Unseen,
And eventually you will see the Unheard!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Like the tale of the prodigal son,
I delved into the realm as i laid on my sofa,
Confused with no clues for direction.
As the wind blew me on the face,
Leaving the strand of my saliva on my cheek
At night, nature's bliss summons my soul to sleep,
A hard knock hit up my heart,
Shaking the joinings of my cords, staggering like wrecking balls against a wall.
A visitor, Thief, Predator or ?
He entered and stared at me in anger like a soul from the seat of the scornful,
As i managed to devour his identity from my sleep,
He scolded me and hit me so bad with a heap pound of his elbow.
With the touch of his hand, he remolded me into another form.
Night ends, morning breaks forth, as the fragrance of light beckoned on me,
I woke like an obstreperous rapist looking for whom to devour,
I stretched and sighed like a prostitute whose night wasn't favorable,
Looking up to the sky as though i was singing "I surrender all"
Then i couldn't understand what the message was from the hard knock.
I sailed on to wash off the bad energies bringing forth the bad lucks,
The Visitor, Thief, Predator or ! Came again
Dealth with me with the heap pound of his elbow again,
To make me have a rethink like a man of my own.
Indeed, the visitor...thief...predator or !
Is one true friend in a mask, my ethical perspective of life,
Showing me my home awaits my return.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Life has been felt as death unfolds,
And death has truly been seen as life revolves.
As now i can see the true nature of this agent in a mirror,
Like the Trident of a Trojan warrior,
Seeking for the seat of a throne.
She poised into every living thing,
Scooped the minds of objects,
Hoping to end the terrace of human by a simple touch through her infirmities.
She claims to be the death that rises from the life in human,
And the very life that separates the dead from the living,
She proves to be the unburied death resurrecting back to life.
But then the adherent of this realm believes
That you can only get saved by simple ablution and social distancing,
To turn off foes and friends waiting not to see the humor on their faces.
Parent against their children in no desire to see their return from their sojourned lands.
Indeed, the scent of nature has turned against human,
For they could not inhale the breeze by the mask they carry.
She is the true entity beyond the world of forms.
She is the religion that is strong enough to shut down any other form of beliefs,
The perfect gestures stronger than the heart warming hand shakes and hugs,
The very culture that unites all nations irrespective of their tribes and creeds,
She is Covid-19 and she is a Virus!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Meters over meters,
I journeyed the miles till i reached my tenth kilometer,
Like a writer who decides where to pour his ink on,
So i departed away from my threshold,
Where i battled with my thought within the premium of my actions.
I took a walk,
Roaming on the street of my heart with thoughts,
Like a Zombie looking for whom to devour,
There the tears poured from the eye of my clouds,
Till i got drenched in pains of coldness,
And got soaked in my own very salty liquid called my Tears.
To where will my actions lead me?
Where would my thoughts take me?
For the forces of my heart keep pushing like the massacre of the third Battalion,
Leading to desert of unfulfilled dreams,
Where hope are burried and fears are resurrected.
A time to regurgitate my worries,
To excrete the meals of fear and despair,
Just to have a free passage through my mind,
Like a seeker who sourjourns with a compass.
Not as a master of my fate,
But a true respecter of my Actions.
©Fearless Lines
Look at the battlefield in the snow,
Who's willing to hold his place alone in the centre,
The stallions and the golden arrows catch the sun's glory,
But who can tell me where I'm going?
Another glass of wine for courage,
In a world of chaos and conflict,
No matter how tough the obstacles,
I swear to turn turmoil to peace.
To turn foes into friends,
There's no need for weapons,
We'll move forward hand in hand,
May wars end forever.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Me Myself & I
Let me share a tale with you,
I once lived in a house where love seemed to be the landlord.
But over time, the clouds poured out its fogs,
As i waited in expectance of rain, only for tears to spree forth.
The landlord waa a tortoise in skin of a fox,
Has he all the time formed a sarcastic smile.
But beneath, hate and quietness already evacuated my marks from hus heart.
Words ceased from my lips, fear of unknown raised my brows.
I decided to move on and love me!
He asked just to gain certainty to his puzzled mind,
Are you seeing someone else? I said Yes !
What is her name? I said nothing.
Is it another woman? I said No !
Is it a man? I said yes!
Man! How come? What is his name? I said Me!
His name is Me!
And his love seeps from the plain marks of Romeo and Juliet,
For the act to love you and love me is just a painful terrain of bloodless cycle.
And if I'm to choose between you two,
I already chose me!
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
With your tongue filled with sores, your lies spread forth like a bomb.
With your blabbing throat, terror echoes on like a war on my coast.
A promise of an imaginary world, my soul longs on like a rod.
You pierce my piece with your irregular lines, yet i made it a stanza of rhythmic lines.
I saw your fingerprints, but i felt it's just an imprints.
I raised a glass to make a toast, you burnt my hands to coast.
You knew my purpose and ruined it by your action, i thought you wanted to propose and got lured in by my emotion.
You said it was my fault and I'm too blame, but i knew it wqs your plot and i got the flame.
You claimed to give your all, but i also gave my shawl.
You claimed i tore your heart to pieces, but you also sore my muse and ruined my poetries.
You concluded I'm a bad omen to your feeling, but you ruined my life and lost my sexual healing.
A time to reshuffle, a moment to end this puzzle,
You mishandled all, never wish for it to be rekindled at all.
An end must come, a new beginning must turn.
To have a world my own, and shun the lord of your harsh tone.
To hate you, in order to love me.
And to lose you, for every reason to have me.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
After thr breakdown of the epilogue and prologue of a book,
Allow me to sail through for yet another look,
For more and more lies within a book than the cover of a book.
For each pages i journeyed through,
Sheds me of stories in long full memories,
Of passion and action, love and lust, all piled up in no one's attention,
Not a fantasy on an island, but a true reality.
Words in different fonts ordered than the norm,
Tells of softness, tolerance, meekness, faith, all in endless terrain.
Dictions in styled fonts reveals conflicts, hate, pain and confusion,
Borne from a biased thought, illusions, of judgement without truth.
Footnotes are of readers' interest to stretch forth their sight on,
To end the routes of puzzled dictions,
As they are the dictionaries to reveal our differences that attracts us,
That others repel.
Now, for the flashback missing.
And the suspense long forgotten,
Neither of us will write the lines as we ought to,
As we keep defining all based on individual's perception.
For we've tried to change from this realms too many times,
So, write your own story as you could NOT.
©Fearless Lines
To myself of fearless Lines,
For the lady in my visions of souless soul,
My marks i must relay as i lay off my confession,
From the very core of my stomach purging my diets.
Your passings my wish,
Your words a pure soulful bliss,
Not on papyrus or cuneiforms seeping from your pen,
But on the very tablet of my heart,
The pamphlet of my soul.
I'm moved by you as your legs are wide open,
As they spilled the lyrics of your dance move.
And as your tongue in line with mine,
Salivating the gestures of our words of intimacy.
My hardened soul breaks off its yoke,
At the slightest core of my passing to your vulnerable soul,
Making the twins on your chest pumps up as i nailed you on.
Making our pace to the rhythm of our hearts,
The sweet dialect of our sweetest moans,
And the undivided sigh and ecstasy of our orgasm.
As I've relayed my confession,
I bless the communion with the holy king james version dialect,
That if thou me reigneth in the next world,
And thou you cometh in the next life,
Thou cometh a poet lover.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
We all exist in a world, where we all want something to stir up our mood,
Like the words that seep forth from the lips of a Rhema faith man.
Many want it small, some want it big.
Either ways, you starts by flaming up the atmosphere with the words that seep through me.
And when i tilt my pen to paper, my words wont occupy space like matter.
I would like you to dwell on the lyrics as it sweeps you over,
Over to a place, in a space where you face more of the flow,
Keep the fire burning, let the smoke gets running,
Till it makes you feel younger again like the tender breath of a lover's health.
Pay attention to the words, get your tension controlled under the realm of my diction.
As it breaks off your yokes, and set your oak in a place where your leaves can grow freely.
Feeling free again like a bird free from a Fowler's snare.
Reignite the fire, keep the flame on.
Let the heat of the lyrics hits you hard, leave your past behind,
Forget your history for now, and flow with me and my diction.
Leave your worries behind, let the diction decide your fate.
Till we are overflown by its energy,
For all you need is the diction, in the realm of me and my diction.
So gets connected to it in its realm, flow with me in my lines,
For I'm your entertainer, then allow me to entertain you!,
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
Listen ! And let me speak.
I have killed people as i massacre Legion with my pen,
I made the reflection of their weirdest moment,
Be the torment even in their morning sleeps,
As evil unveils from them and they care not to see the pain of others.
I am not a wicked being born out of harmless soul,
Nor am i a wicked soul raised from the blossom of the harmless,
But i feel the tangled pain resonating within my spirit,
As i got hooked and choked by it, huge enough to break my spirit.
So anytime i speak, the volumes linger on.
When the dictions flow through my pen,
They feel the pain too and shed the tears behind closed doors,
They look at me in the open and call me a SADIST,
For i write to grieve and shed the non-existing tears.
To my friends and foes, poets and poetess.
I have carved my words again like the pen of a ready writer,
This war shall persist for as long as the sky remains blue,
They will hurt me by their actions,
And evil will crawl on them seeping from my pen.
They shall weep and blood will flow saying byes to tears,
They will see no evil, they will hear no evil,
But they will speak of evils for they will feel my evils,
As i begin to wreck their protagonist in their dreams,
Raising the flags of their villian in their realities.
I am not a SADIST !
I just live by the Hammurabi Laws.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
Taking back my sight to the tides of the past,
Piercing my thoughts on the fogs of today,
Lies a day i remember not the surname of pain,
For my thought longs so deep in forever,
An ever which may never be remembered.
Here's a time long gone,
When i can identify the ancestors of pain,
When the siblings of loneliness is the only gain,
Where my heart feels like January leaving my hopes high,
As i sigh in December with the brightness of the dark tides.
Here's what i was with the past memories,
Cheers to what i am with the beauty of today's accessories,
Toast to the pains of the embers,
A pose to the pleasures of the 'nuarys',
Past and present will move on like the flow of a river,
Leaving no fruits of the past or the seeds of tomorrow,
But there will always be memories of brighter days,
And a toast as recipe to painful memories.
Thomas Oluwatosin
© Fearless Lines
Our Country's Representa-thieves
The sunlight sprouts, as it gives light to the spree of life.
Like the whirlwind in nature's atmosphere,
So the days of men ring and rise on the surface of pain and lies.
Hope comes, warding off the long-thirst of men.
As they spin and strive in a world of plenty,
Choked up in a well-ventilated environment.
Promises swayed in, made to masses.
As the cries of wasted resources spring on,
And the wails of the prudent elites echo from afar.
Now, Sunlight dims, Hopes burried, and Promises breached.
As the Testament of our lustful lives, and mourning elites stir the atmosphere.
When we discover the roads created are soaked in the bloods of the citizens,
That the margins between the rich and the poor,
Are the effect of so-called Press-dent, Sin-ators, Min-sters,
All called our Country's Representa-thieves.
Another day will shine on,
To paint our thumbs in creeds for you.
Another sunset will sprout,
As we turn our vows and wake from your Bed of lies.
We will walk no more in your stream of nothingness,
We will pledge no more to your ocean of Fairy tales,
We will heed no more to your campaign coming from your decade lips of lies.
And another moon will shade off the darkness,
When the hate you give will Boomerang,
That day, the hopes will be regained,
And our lives will be set Ablaze no more.
Thomas Oluwatosin
©Fearless Lines
Of what exactly do we expect to hear in the world of silence?
What do we expect to see in the light of despair?
In a world of crippled minds,
What is expected to be found in the darkness of hope?
Leading the world of man into perilous haven,
When we premised our pleasure in the openess of shame
Who search for truth with unseen veil of deceit,
And our pain is skilled in the fogs of peace.
Is this fate or faith?
Fate of Man's ignorance?
Or is this the effect of the fall of the first man?
Faith of Man's misguidance?
When faith scolds the good people,
And fate applauds the evil ones.
Should we say Eden is a cursed land?
Perhaps, Goshen would have been a better prospect!
Or the serpent lured them to wrong counsel?
Or the tree itself is the root of all evil!
Should we say it's a life of misguidance or a rife of ignorance?
Which ever, life continues!
As life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced.
©Fearless Lines