The pressure is on
Your world seem in disarray
Trying to stay afloat
Under the weight of life's demand
You may have taken a wrong turn to stress land
Lost in your self plans
Caught in the midst of the tension
Confused at the sound of the buzzing intercom
The beeping of the fax machine
The Ringing of your phones
The knocking on your door
Your world is turned upside down
Temperature rising with the bustling around in your space
But remember to lookup and exhale
Inhale, recalling His perfect love for you
Pause, take a break to breath
Rest and let His inspiration sip in
Get ready for a new experience
Away from the turmoil
Away from the maddening pressure
Get ready for a new experience
A new experience into His love
A love like no other
A peace beyond still waters
That you may taste the newness of His grace
The rain of His Love and Peace.
2018-08-29 20:38:09