Autumns Fall
It was autumn, When everything fell apart Though their hearts In love had once bloomed In several arrays Of dazzling colours Yet their desires Were eminently crossed As every feeling And sensation was gone Just as the fraying leaves Of the pine trees And the waning colours of spring Just as the wilting of lilies And the frazzling of roses So there love grew ever so skinny And their chemistry Retarded by the dozen They shrunk apart Appalled from one another Determined to ruin Their lives as partners Oh that they'd found a go between One to be an intermediary To ignite, their lost fires And reignite their forgotten passion Who could stand to be their guide A mediator, one amongst a thousand Then autumns dearth Would finally end And hatred's reign Would totally cease For true Love's reign Would then begin Replenishing their fervour In ardent love Restoring their luster With a vengeance of hope Repelling divorce As a formidable force. ©heavenly_broadcast # PUNCHLINE- When the dearth of autumn comes, only Christ Love ignites our hearts, one towards another. SOS8:6-7, Job 33:23 & 1John4:16
2019-11-03 18:24:02
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2019-11-04 03:30:35
Glory LoveWorld
To Jesus be All the Glory, thanks @alvahmara.
2019-11-04 22:15:15
Схожі вірші
Разве сложно сказать...
Много думать слов не хватит Лишь о ком то , кто не рядом Быть со всеми лишь открыткой , Согревая теплым взглядом Каждый день встречая солнце Словно первый луч спасенья Думаешь о всех моментах , Что всплывают вместе светом ... Или множество вопросов На каких нет не единого ответа , К тем , кто был однажды нужен, Став одним твоим мгновеньем Почему ж сейчас нам сложно .. Сказать искренне о чувствах , Как страдать мы все умеем ,, А признать ,что правда любим ? Может быть просто забыли .... Или стали явью сцен сомнений ? Разве сложно хоть глазами Сказать больше ,чем таить в себе ли... Надо больше лишь бояться , Не успеть сказать о главном ... На взаимность зря стараться Ждать когда уйдет шанс бремям ...
Unbreakable heart
Behind your back people are talking Using words that cut you down to size You want to fight back It's building inside you Holding you up Taking you hostage It's worth fighting for They'll try to take your pride Try to take your soul They'll try to take all the control They'll look you in the eyes Fill you full of lies Believe me they're gonna try So when you're feeling crazy And things fall apart Listen to your head Remember who you are You're the one You're the unbreakable heart