Come Away- From Distractions
Talents are wasted on the social networks
Destinies are trivialized by mid-night spots
Potentials are lost in the midst of a wild media rush
Still there are talents, waiting to be harnessed
Potentials waiting to to be tapped into
There is more to you than meets the eye
If only you would sit still and find it out
Let the media be your reference point
It should never be your source
Let the tweets be your leisure call
It should never be your all in all
Let your atmosphere be charged with thoughts
Thoughts that remind you of your call
Let them stir up within you
Jolting out every noise
Let your mind focus on high
On the inspirations of the highest that streams from your heart
Let it swell and rise within you
Filling you up in its peaceful and gentle slide
Come away from the crowd
Come away from the noise
Come away from the charade
Come again unto the quiet retreat with gain
The retreat of the heart
The retreat of the mind
The retreat unto source
That your true identity may be reinforced
2018-08-19 06:11:57