Hidden Treasures
Secret riches dwells afar Beyond the searching of the eyes Hidden from the prying man Abounding in the dreaded deep But there is one who knows it all Creator of both heaven and sun In Him All fullness richly dwells Transcending mans view of earth and sky So the voice of wisdom simply calls Saying if truly you want to know it all Don't plainly look at the galaxies Nor be consumed in study of diverse meteors, Rather seek the creator of the galaxies Who upholds them all by the words He speaks Unveiling myriads of deep secrets, He unleashes great treasures for all to see Thus as we gaze upon His Majesty A glorious access we'll be given For All our strings are found in the Him Being the beginning and end of our destines Then revealed to you the secrets will be In the unveiling of the great mysteries Beyond the recoiling of the fore You'll find great truth knitted and hidden in Him. ©heavenly_broadcast # Footnote- In Christ Jesus, great secrets abound and in Him they are also revealed. If we would look beyond the life around and pierce our gaze into Him who truly cares, then mysteries shall be unvealed to us in wisdom, helping us live our lives better.
2018-11-08 08:15:00
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