Chapter 1. Changing
Chapter 2. Killer must kill someone
Chapter 3. Prize with no winner
Chapter 4. Daughters
Chapter 5. Angry girls
Chapyer 6. That`s my girl
Chapter 7. Sheril`s versions
Chapter 8. The noise 
Chapter 9. No killing
Chapter 10. Have a good sleep
Chapter 11. Nothing special
Chapter 12. Last biscuits
Chapter 13. Killer in the pantry
Chapter 14. Something is going wrong
Chapter 15. The sooner the best
Chapter 16. How said Sheril no time to be weak
Chapter 17. Fox is good or not?
Chapter 18. No proofs - no killer
Chapter 19. Shut up, stupid girl!
Chapter 20. It's normal
Chapter 21. An old dead lady
Chapter 22. I tried to help you
Chapter 23. Last letter
Chapter 24. Just kill him, no matter who he is
Chapter 25. A shoot changed their lifes
Chapter 26. 3 hours - 2 numbers
Chapter 27. Strange family
Chapter 28. Isabell Connolly
Chapter 29. Too good to be real
Chapter 30. Old friend hacker
Chapter 31. I am not her
Chapter 32. She was not crying
Chapter 33. I am so happy to hear  your voice 
Chapter 34. I know where we should be
Chapter 35. The end
Chapter 4. Daughters
  Main inspector is Lems. He always needs Sheril help. And she also is his daughter. So she helps him with killers and robbers since her childhood.

Where were you?- asked Jody's mom. 

It wasn't strange that Sheril was slipping at her house. Girls said that they are on a new case. Jody's mother know that there is no need to say that it's too dangerous, as Sheril and Jody will never stop doing that. Lems called Sheril. He knew that she is at Jody's house and wasn't afraid for her. He is the best father for person, like Sheril. They love each others and never had arguments before. But now Sheril's father have found killer of Robert.  And he wasn't Kops. It was Robert's opponent. Sheril was angry, because she thought that it was Kops. But Robert's opponent said that it was him. Who was wrong? Maybe, Lems. But you are not able to know it now. Just wait.

Girls went to Robert's opponent's house. His name is Mike. And girls have found him as a corpse. Someone killed him - that's Sheril's words,  but Lems thought that it's a suicide. But how 10 years old boy has a gun. And know how to use it. After a few hours, police went and girls stayed. They heard a rang. Someone with strong, man's voice said: "The first question you asked right.  Who has killed him?  Maybe me or not. You must say the answer 1 in 12 hours. If you say it wrong,  someone will die. Your time begins...  now. ".

Dialogue Sheril and Jody:
-Ok. Let's start.
-What? Are you crazy? We must say about it to your father. He can find a man who called us.
-No. It's one-using phone. He threw it out.
-How do you know that?
-Jody, my dear Jody, I heard quite noise at the end of the call.
-I have already heard nothing.
-That's why I am the inspector's daughter. Oh! I am so sorry! I have already forgotten.

End of the dialogue.

Jody hasn't got a father. Well, she had. He was toking too much.  He died 2 years ago. When he wasn't toking,  he was a wonderful person. Sheril liked him.  And Jody not. They were always arguing. But a year before he died, he bought Jody a little dog called Pawpy. It has a broken paw. It's the bravest dog Sheril and Jody have ever met. Sheril was apologizing until Jody's house. Jody said:"It's OK. I'm not angry.". But Sheril felt guilty.

Next morning (I mean 2:00).

Jody of course was slipping  because she is normal. And Sheril called her.(that becomes typical for my book) Jody understood, that Sheril was thinking about the case. That Jody's named "Case in water". Jody'd like to make a blog, but Sheril doesn't like this idea. Sheril asked Jody to bring her phone. When she came, Sheril called on one number, "1". She said Corsen Lake. Jody heard "Right. Wait till next question.". Jody asked too many questions. Main is "How?". Sheril said that Corsen Lake is Mike's father: He has killed his son, because he thought that Mike has killed Robert and will go to the prison. To make his son's life easier, he has killed him. Jody said: Thought? Did you say thought? So you were right?.

-Yes-with a large smile said Sheril and added, -My father has locked up Corsen.

 But Case in the water still not solved.

© Lera Zip,
книга «Catchers».
Chapter 5. Angry girls
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Evgenia Soborina
Chapter 4. Daughters
It's so cool that I'm dead))
2018-04-20 16:07:37