Chapter 1. Changing
Chapter 2. Killer must kill someone
Chapter 3. Prize with no winner
Chapter 4. Daughters
Chapter 5. Angry girls
Chapyer 6. That`s my girl
Chapter 7. Sheril`s versions
Chapter 8. The noise 
Chapter 9. No killing
Chapter 10. Have a good sleep
Chapter 11. Nothing special
Chapter 12. Last biscuits
Chapter 13. Killer in the pantry
Chapter 14. Something is going wrong
Chapter 15. The sooner the best
Chapter 16. How said Sheril no time to be weak
Chapter 17. Fox is good or not?
Chapter 18. No proofs - no killer
Chapter 19. Shut up, stupid girl!
Chapter 20. It's normal
Chapter 21. An old dead lady
Chapter 22. I tried to help you
Chapter 23. Last letter
Chapter 24. Just kill him, no matter who he is
Chapter 25. A shoot changed their lifes
Chapter 26. 3 hours - 2 numbers
Chapter 27. Strange family
Chapter 28. Isabell Connolly
Chapter 29. Too good to be real
Chapter 30. Old friend hacker
Chapter 31. I am not her
Chapter 32. She was not crying
Chapter 33. I am so happy to hear  your voice 
Chapter 34. I know where we should be
Chapter 35. The end
Chapter 2. Killer must kill someone
One day, in this little town, people started talking about killer, who started living there since last Friday. I was quite scared, because almost everybody talked about it. It is a little town, so everyone was scared. You will ask me why he is a killer, and he isn't in the prison? It is easy. It was just gossips, but there were no reason everyone started talking about him like that. Sheril saw it as a quite interesting case, so she decided to find out about him more. Before he "kills" anyone. 
Dialogue between Jody and Sheril:
- Please, don't tell me you think people are right about him.

- I cannot be sure. His name is Kops. He is nothing but an ordinary person from the facts I found out. A 30-year-old man who is from low-income family, never married, doesn't have official children. 

- So why people talk about him so much?

- There must be something I am missing.

- I believe I know what it is.

- Really?

- How long has it been since something interesting happened in Crolly?

- About 2 years. So, you believe gossips from bored people would make me feel something is wrong with him. Right?

- I think you are the one who is bored the most.

 - I am not bored. I have plenty of things to do.

- Do you believe robberies are interesting cases? Don't lie to me, Sheril. I know you long enough to say that you are bored.

- And what should I do? Kill someone or what?

- Don't say like that. We can try to find you a hobby.

- Jody, stop being a psychologist. I should go home now.

- Why?

- I made Lems a promise to help with paperwork.

© Lera Zip,
книга «Catchers».
Chapter 3. Prize with no winner
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Evgenia Soborina
Chapter 2. Killer must kill someone
Ouuuuuuuuuuuu. So cuuuuuuute :>>>>>
2018-04-16 17:41:09