Chapter 1. Changing
Chapter 2. Killer must kill someone
Chapter 3. Prize with no winner
Chapter 4. Daughters
Chapter 5. Angry girls
Chapyer 6. That`s my girl
Chapter 7. Sheril`s versions
Chapter 8. The noise 
Chapter 9. No killing
Chapter 10. Have a good sleep
Chapter 11. Nothing special
Chapter 12. Last biscuits
Chapter 13. Killer in the pantry
Chapter 14. Something is going wrong
Chapter 15. The sooner the best
Chapter 16. How said Sheril no time to be weak
Chapter 17. Fox is good or not?
Chapter 18. No proofs - no killer
Chapter 19. Shut up, stupid girl!
Chapter 20. It's normal
Chapter 21. An old dead lady
Chapter 22. I tried to help you
Chapter 23. Last letter
Chapter 24. Just kill him, no matter who he is
Chapter 25. A shoot changed their lifes
Chapter 26. 3 hours - 2 numbers
Chapter 27. Strange family
Chapter 28. Isabell Connolly
Chapter 29. Too good to be real
Chapter 30. Old friend hacker
Chapter 31. I am not her
Chapter 32. She was not crying
Chapter 33. I am so happy to hear  your voice 
Chapter 34. I know where we should be
Chapter 35. The end
Chapter 7. Sheril`s versions
History lesson in girl's school is the most boring from all. Their teacher talks so slow and Sheril doesn't like her. So she was writing theories about who has killed Robert. She was writing on a piece of paper with some letters on the other side.
  • The killer is detective with no name.(Jody's version).
  • The killer is Mike's father.
  • Robert killed himself.(no proofs)
  • Mike killed Robert (still police version).
  • It was Kops.(Sheril`s version)
  • Someone poisoned water.
Suddenly someone took a piece of paper and tore it up. Pieces have canted and made a sentence"Remember Phosphorus!". Sheril was scared. She thought that it was detective with no name. But Jody didn't believe her.
Days become warmer, because it's only 20 days to summer. So Jody took her dog and went  for a walk. Pawpy was happy to see Sheril. She threw a little ball to the dog. But all the dogs on this street ran for it but Pawpy didn't. After a few minutes, girls didn't hear any of dogs. They went to see what have happened. Girls saw a lot of poured Phosphorus. All dogs died. Jody felt relieved that Pawpy did not run.

Dialogue Sheril and Jody:

-You see, someone tries to help us. It can be detective with no name.
- Seriously? You think that firstly he promises to kill all of us and then helps us.
- He didn't promise that to us.
- He meant it.
- Don't worry. He need us.
- Need? But for what?
- For finding him.
- Why does he want to be found?
- I haven't known yet. But I am going to find an answer.

End of the dialogue.

Sheril was thinking about the case. Jody was at home with her mom. Tried to make all the homework. Sheril was calling to her, but Jody was slipping, so didn't heart it. (she turned off her phone) 

In the morning....

Sheril came to Jody's house, because promised that will go with her to school. Jody always walks to school and Sheril takes a bus. Sheril was reading case in water all the road. And Jody wanted to sleep. She always wants to sleep. When they were not so far from the school, Jody's new class teacher wrote:" Today is our school birthday. Everyone will stay at home.".
-Wow, it's fantastic I have some time to find the killer.-said Sheril.
-I want to sleep and gonna to do this into 5 minutes. - said Jody.
Girls went to theirs houses. Sheril didn't understand the case. And Jody fall asleep. Case in water is more difficult than Sheril could imagine.
© Lera Zip,
книга «Catchers».
Chapter 8. The noise 
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Evgenia Soborina
Chapter 7. Sheril`s versions
Yeeeeeeeeeeei!! I like it. "I want to sleep and gonna to do this into 5 minutes" - Cool! 😘
2018-04-24 19:14:12