Chapter 1. Changing
Chapter 2. Killer must kill someone
Chapter 3. Prize with no winner
Chapter 4. Daughters
Chapter 5. Angry girls
Chapyer 6. That`s my girl
Chapter 7. Sheril`s versions
Chapter 8. The noise 
Chapter 9. No killing
Chapter 10. Have a good sleep
Chapter 11. Nothing special
Chapter 12. Last biscuits
Chapter 13. Killer in the pantry
Chapter 14. Something is going wrong
Chapter 15. The sooner the best
Chapter 16. How said Sheril no time to be weak
Chapter 17. Fox is good or not?
Chapter 18. No proofs - no killer
Chapter 19. Shut up, stupid girl!
Chapter 20. It's normal
Chapter 21. An old dead lady
Chapter 22. I tried to help you
Chapter 23. Last letter
Chapter 24. Just kill him, no matter who he is
Chapter 25. A shoot changed their lifes
Chapter 26. 3 hours - 2 numbers
Chapter 27. Strange family
Chapter 28. Isabell Connolly
Chapter 29. Too good to be real
Chapter 30. Old friend hacker
Chapter 31. I am not her
Chapter 32. She was not crying
Chapter 33. I am so happy to hear  your voice 
Chapter 34. I know where we should be
Chapter 35. The end
Chapter 12. Last biscuits
Sheril's morning started with a cup of tea and biscuits. She also found a letter:
"Wake up. It's my version of say sorry. Jody said that you like that.
She was surprised to find something just like this. Apologies were strange, because Sheril thought that he will be avoiding her. Jody didn't have to know about that. But if Jody's already knew. Mal could say that to her. Sheril will be quite until the time will come.
Sheril went to the kitchen. "It's so quiet."- said Sheril. " Hello! Are you here?" - shouted Sheril. Sheril checked all rooms but they weren't there. "Maybe they went to the river."- thought Sheril. But nobody was there. Sheril was scared. She cannot find her friends. Malcolm is a friend too! Sheril took her phone.  She called Jody but she didn't answer. Mal too.
Sheril went to the house. She tried to find them. Sheril sat in the kitchen on the chair. " You won't cry. You aren't alone. They didn't go away. "- said Sheril. Then she found a  blood trail that led to the pantry. Sheril never goes there. She cannot open it. " I need to find a key. But where? I should call my father. He can know where it is."- thought Sheril.

Sheril's and Lem's talking in the phone:

-Do you know where the key from the pantry is?
- Good morning.
- It's not as good as I want. Just answer the question
- What has happened?
- No time to talk. Answer!
- I don't know. Maybe at my office.

End of the talking

" I will use a knife. I saw it in films."- said Sheril. But it didn't work. Maybe films are saying lie. Sheril tried to use everything that she could find. But nothing worked.
Sheril called 4.

Sheril's and Detective's with no name dialogue:
- I need your help.
- What?
- I need my friends alive. If they are OK, I will give you everything you want.
- But they are not in my hands. You need to find other killer that hates you. The list is too long.

End of the dialogue

Sheril's enemies. She could remember nobody. Detective with no name and ...
© Lera Zip,
книга «Catchers».
Chapter 13. Killer in the pantry