I'm torn...
I'm so torn..
I don't know what to do..
Is pleasure of today worth pain of tomorrow...
I'm so torn..
I love her so much & yet she is going to leave me..
I'm so torn..
I feel the void coming again..
I feel i am about to crumble..
I feel i am going to fall back in my darkness..
I feel safe there..
I'm so torn..
I love her..
Yet i can do nothing to make her stay..
She was never mine..
I gave her my all..
I committed myself to her..
Yet she is going to leave..
I don't know what to do..
I'm so torn..
Why does this keep happening to me?
Why did i do to deserve this?
Why no one gets to stay?
I'm so tired..
I'm so torn..
2018-10-07 19:57:33