Life sucks rn
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Hours, days, weeks are passing by in a blur. The rain is under control most if the time, thank God! College is a bore as always but time just seems to fly. I woke up yesterday and thought "Shit! I have college today! ". That was because Wednesday was a holiday. And then today I woke up in the morning and went to college with droopy eyelids. By the time I came back home I'd woken up completely and I realized that another day had gone by and I hadn't even noticed.
Today's the 24th and marks the starting of the countdown of 30 days for my mid-year exams (Wish me luck!). So, that means I need to start properly concentrating in class, drink a load of coffee, lay off junk and start motivating myself - about studying - ugh!
My life sucks rn except for the fact that I have a bunch of amazing bffs who keep me alive. Quite literally, counting the massive number of times I get into trouble. I hope you guys are living better.
Keep fighting!
❤ T xx
I need someone to talk to
Думки вголос
It's raining rn. Actually, it's been raining non stop from yesterday. Not to mention, it's a full blown power outage in the whole town - from last night. So, we're surviving on candles and sheer perseverance. The back up power lasted till 2 in the morning I think. After that it was open windows, blankets kicked off by feet and mosquitoes all night. Ugh, it was the definition of hell. I have mosquito bites to prove it.
Anyway, breakfast was pretty bleak (my parents keep forgetting to get groceries). My brother keeps pestering me which is quite amazing considering the fact he eats pretty less. But, he's 2, so he has a never ending storage of energy which sometimes suspect to have come from my sugar cookies. Which keep going missing btw.
It's another holiday, it's humid, I'm wearing a sweater, there's no electricity, my brother is a nuisance, my phone is running out of battery....
And I'm listening to BTS 😍.
So life is lit.
Basically I'm nuts (as always, thank God!)
❤ T xx
Monday vibes
Різне, Думки вголос
I hate Mondays. I'm sure it's the same with many of us especially those who aren't morning people. One of my main reasons is college and the others revolve around not wanting to wake up from a fantastic dream and face the reality of life. Unfortunately, one has to wake up or suffer under a bucket of cold water that would find its way to your face.
Today however, isn't like most Mondays. Why? Because today is a holiday. And it's the perfect weather sleep and be lazy - at home, if I might add. If I was in college and I slept in class, I might be getting more than just a lecture from the teachers (they love comparing is to themselves when they were our age and planning our lives for us too).
Anyway, it's raining and I'm craving noodles. But, I'll have to see what grandma has to say first. Yes, I live with my grandparents. They're pretty cool - most of the time anyway. Oh and if you think my life is boring...think again. I have a two year old brother. Which is a miracle in itself because hearing your mom's pregnant again at 39 came as a shock. I was 13 at the time and I thought my parents were celebrating April Fools early.
So, noodles are apparently a no go and therefore I'll have to settle for a cup of milk tea. And I have to see what's for lunch.
Well, thanks for listening to (reading) my ramblings. Bye.
❤ T xx
P.S. Do checkout my books. I have some work on Wattpad as well as Mirakee.
Where the heart shouldn't go
To an heiress her grandfather advised,
Your heart must be your own,
It shouldn't go to others,
Marriage is for business,
Love is for family,
Think with your mind,
Shut out the feelings,
An heir cannot do business with a broken heart.
But I don't want be a lifeless puppet....
Her soul screamed.