I see flashes of the past Flashes that keeps me awake whole night Thats crawls me down towards it and wants to eat me up I see flashes of the memories Which I don't recognize if I've lived But still feels, its a part of my life That I've had lived someday I see flashes of the dark knight That hunts me every night with its raging fire I never dared to fight them back As I don't know who they are And even if I dare to fight I see myself against me ©rodney_kanher
2020-05-12 15:23:29
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Rodney Kanher
2020-05-16 02:50:12
Valour And Faith
Great thought 👏👏
2020-05-31 09:04:53
Rodney Kanher
@Valour And Faith thanks 🤗
2020-05-31 10:20:34
Схожі вірші
"Письмо ушедших дней"
Привет , мой милый друг Забыл ли ты, как долго не писала , Прости ,но я хотела отпустить Всю слабостью ,что в себе искала . И может ты проник Моим письмом до дрожи Забыл ли мой дневник , Увиденный стихами одинокой ночи ... Об памяти прошедших дней , Ты не увидишь ни души порока Лишь слабый шепот чувств Уложенных строками тонко . Немой вопрос в глазах Оставлю с времям на последок Легонько холодом касаний уходя , Чтоб не запомнил запах пепла.
Don't know what to do
I wanna making you laugh, I wanna making you smile. Please do not kill this love, I'm only touched you while You was wondering by my warmth. I don't know what to do without you; So many days ago you brought Small hope into my boring life, too. Blue eyes like an immense ocean, Your first words like a dream. I'm fall in love with you more, However reckless it may seem. My little devilish angel With radiant smile, You are my own danger. I will always stay inside Your hot heart. You taught me, that memories Are never die, So for me it isn't very dangerous. You are here, but at a so long distance Of many kilometers in eternity. Your care and worry about me amazed My heart. Next to you is no adversity. I don't know what to do without you, My first and single soulmate. Don't kill this love, don't kill me too... Our love appeared from my hate. It is a turning point now, So what will you choose? Yes, you don't know, how... But we really cannot lose! ____________ And there is nothing more pleasant yet than to feel the love of a person who hates everyone now. Перевод на русский: https://www.surgebook.com/anastasia_chan/blog/7abtu0i © (Copyright, 2019) ⓝⓞⓡⓐ