There's wrong with my world
اما كفاك يا عالمى جرحى اما كفاك ما سال من دمعى اتسائل اتتلذذ بدمعى !؟ اتسائل هل انا استحق كل هذا ؟ اعلم يوجد كل شئ نعم ولكن ليس كما اريد فلماذا !؟ اريد تغيير كل شئ ولكن كل شئ من شئ يأبى التغيير عقلى مشوش حالة مذرية دائما فى تحيير كلما اردت شيئا مانعتنى دنياى بكل ما اوتيت من قوة لتجعلنى مصير اعلم اننى لست جيدا كفاية و أن لكل امرؤ نهاية و لكن انا ارفض ان تكون تلك نهايتى او اموت دون ان اصل الى غايتى اقسم اننى ميتا حيا عجزت انا و امالى تطاير منى يوما بعد يوم فرارا كفى يا عالمى كفى فقد حققت على اعظم انتصارا و اذقتنى من الالام ما هو اشد مرارا
2018-11-11 10:11:46
Схожі вірші
If it wasn't for you, I would have fought the wall to the pain. If you weren't mine, I'd die every night from losing blood. If it wasn't for your faith, I'd have given up a long time ago. If it were my will, I would stay with you forever. If you'd gone, I'd have been the old emptiness. You would have taken my heart, and instead of it there was an empty aperture. If it wasn't for you, I'd blazed in forgiveness. Would have burned to ashes, until ground, I would have until the last healing.
I Saw a Dream
I saw a dream, and there were you, And there was coldness in your eyes. I wonder what a kind of true Made you become as cold as ice. And later I looked back to get a sense This empty glance was hellish call of past. It used to be a high and strong defense Against the world, the pain and me at last. You looked at me, and peering in your soul, I felt so lonely, as something vital died. And that is what I fear most of all - That nothing gentle will remain inside. Inside of you. Inside of me as well. And nothing will be said to farewell.