XXI. Hostage.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
Looking back at you
I tried to walk away
But soon realised
I was frozen into place.
And all because
Your eyes held the same love
That had once kept me
Photo Credits: XaGirlWithNoNameX (Me).
XX. Thorn.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
In a field full of flowers,
She thought of Herself to be a thorn.
Not knowing she she stood out,
To be the most beautiful of all.
Photo Credits: XaGirlWithNoNameX (Me).
XIX. Once Upon A Time.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
Once upon a time
I had faith
That we'd face the world
Fearless and together.
That we'd stand by
Each other and
Pick up the pieces
Together after surviving
Through every storm.
But then,
Little had I known
The faith and the promises.
Were just moments in time
That we have now lost
In those
Once Upon a Time(s).
XVIII. Hope.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
I see light
In the dark.
I hear voices telling me,
To move forward when
I'm dragged backwards
I gain back the strength
That was lost within the
Waves of the deep sea.
I pull myself up and fight
The fatigue,
The hunger
The urge to give up.
I fight
Yet again.
Sure, not for the last time
To save myself.
Fight for the hope
That I yet again regained
That was lost in the dark
A long time ago.
XVII. Worthy Silence.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
Don't take me for granted
Even if I am silent.
My silence is a worthy one.
Don't take my silence
As a sign of my weakness.
There's a tale behind my silence.
Don't take my silence
As a sign of approval
For whatever is that you wish to do.
As Silence is the
Most Powerful Scream.
XVI. Within You.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
Don't go looking for love
In all the wrong places.
When it's there.
So close to you.
Within you!
XV. There's a Difference.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
There's a difference
Not loving someone
Not being able to
'Cause they're scared.
So respect that
And let them
Take their time.
They might
Have been broken
At some point
To break
Your heart
This time.
XIV. Play...
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX
He wanted to play
I didn't.
He left
I stayed.
XIII. Last Page.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
She stands tall
Looking proudly at what lays
In front of her.
Bodies all over
The battlefield of
Only time will tell.
But she knows that
The war's over
And that's what matters for now.
As she sighs in relief
A shocked gasp escapes instead.
The hot white pain
And in contrast
Her crimson blood
Screams in grief of loosing the war.
As she falls to ground
The last page of
The witch race turns
And the book remains forever closed.
XII. The Wedding Bells.
Note: This is a poem given to me as a challenge and I'd just like to ruin my feed of serious poems with this one.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
The nerves are too much
Instead of butterflies
There's a whole zoo
In my stomach.
I don't like the nagging feeling
It's making me dizzy
But for him
I'll do this.
I love him so much
That I'd take
A dagger to
My heart.
I'm supposed to walk down
The aisle
But I'm not ready
To do this just this
But I have to
For him.
Okay let's do this.
I start to step out
With that thought in mind
To cement my decision
And not flee the church
Because of fear.
Just then the wedding Bells
Goes off.
Damn it!
Not so fast!
XI. Shattered.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
The broken pieces
Lay around me
Pieces that once
As whole were
Love and
Our feelings.
Now they are scattered
On the ground,
Surrounding me
Like an endless
You broke what we had
All of them and me
On the day
You left me
With nothing
But shatters
Of what we
Once called
Our Forever and Always.
X. Survival.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
You know it
When you stand alone
In the middle of a
You start to loose hope
'Cause there is nothing
Left anymore.
Still you try and
Push yourself
Just so see
A better place.
One that lies
Beyond the clouds
Of despair and pain.
You survive
With the hope of
That one day.
'Cause hope is
The key
To survival
In this world
Of darkness and evil.
IX. Ghost Town.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
Driving in the
Dark silent night.
Passing through
A place that resembled
Horror movie locations.
Laughing at my
Wild imagination.
I did not sense the dread.
A hurdle of four figures
Drew my curious soul
And forced me to stop my car.
What I saw next
Was terrific and harrowing
In a scheduled corner
Was a beautiful girl
Of no more than 10.
In a blink of an eye
She lay flat on ground
With blood around.
How I wish I could've done
Something to help.
But what can
A ghost stuck in a car
Because of the curse
Do anything at all.
Oh! The irony.
I'm a ghost, a useless one I dare say
Afraid of the weekly happenings
Of this Ghost Town.
VIII. Angels and Demons.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX
These voices inside me
Are killing me slowly.
These days I've started
To fight with myself.
What is happening?
Sometimes these voices
Show me light.
The other,
They pull me under
Mercilessly drowning me.
Are there Angels
Within me
Demons residing
To serve a purpose
If there are Angels
Then why do I do things
That are considered sins by us?
If there are Demons
Then what purpose of destruction do they have?
Why sometimes I do the right thing?
Angels or Demons.......
Can someone tell me please?
VII. If Only.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX.
If only I could've stopped you
From walking away
From me.
If only I could've put my ego aside
So that I could've said sorry
For messing up.
If only I was more considerate
Of your feelings
You had for me & our new family
That you loved.
If only I did things I didn't do
I wouldn't be here crying by myself
And thinking of the If Onlys.
If only I didn't make those foolish mistakes
That broke us
You are the only one I love
With all my heart
That belongs forever to you.
You, who is actually related to me by blood
Me, the foolish girl who lets her anger out
On people she loves.
If only I hadn't said what I did
Saying -"You are the worst brother a girl could ask for." Was a mistake
When in reality you are the perfect one
Whereas, I am the worst you could've asked for
Yet you loved me in a house full of people I didn't know.
If only I could've taken our adoption in a good way
And known that you would still be there
No matter which house we went to.
If only I would've set aside my fear of losing you
To unknown people
That just recently came in our world.
If only I did the things I didn't do
I wouldn't have been crying all by myself
While thinking of the If Onlys
That could mend our bond back to life.
VI. Questions
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX
Your smile vanished the moment you saw my face.
Something about me told you
Something's wrong with me.
Maybe the sorrow in my eyes
Or the sad smile playing on my lips,
Maybe my hurt expression even.
I'm sure you had questions.
Tons of them.
Like- what happened?
What's wrong?
Are you alright?
But I'm sorry
'cause I won't be able to answer them.
Hell! I won't even be around
To answer them.
My hurt look
My sorrow filled eyes
My sad smile
My tear stained face
My boold stained shirt.
Maybe you got your answers
Maybe you had more questions
Questions and thoughts
All running around in your head
About- Who did this?
Why did they do this?
What had I done to deserve this?
What was I hiding?
Again I left you with
Unanswered questions
As I was consumed in pure darkness
From where I knew
I'd never return.
To you, my little brother
Who loved pestering me with his
V. Invisible Me
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX
When you smile
You melt my worries away.
When you smile
That cute eye crinkling smile
You make me fall in love with you all over again.
Your smile's contagious
That whenever you smile people around you do too.
I can't help the awed expression on my face
When I see you smile and goof around.
I can't help the way I adore you
When your eyes twinkle like a thousand stars in the night sky.
And your laugh is a heavenly sound to my ears
It's such a beautiful noise.
That I fall head over heels for you all over again.
Some might say I'm insane to think of you so much.
But what do they know about my feelings for you
As they are not me who loves.
I love everything about you
But sadly truth be told you don't even know that I exist.
Someone who is dedicating her heart to you.
IV. Relations, Promises and You
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX
As time passes,
Relations change.
The more time we hold back,
The more promises we break.
Just like that
My relations changed.
Because of me, because of them
But they changed anyway.
Just like that
Promises were broken.
By me, by them
Some never even considered
when spoken.
But somehow you stuck around
Never changed relations,
Never broke the promises made.
You were perfect for me,
As you did things I couldn't.
Relations may or may never change,
Promises may or may never brake.
But one thing I know
For sure that
I wouldn't dare to
Relation & Promises
Made to & with you.
III. Illusion of the Twins.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX
Blue with specks of green eyes,
Skin tanned from the burning sun.
But touch colder than the ice.
Pink, slim lips;
Always set in a thin line.
Smile ever so rare on your face.
Then again there is you.
Blue with specks of green eyes,
Skin tanned from the burning sun.
Touch so warm and welcoming.
Pink, slim lips;
Always streached in a smile.
That warms hearts at just the mere sight.
How can you be so cold at times,
Yet so warm & affectionate the next?
Is it you with two sides?
Is it me with my crazy mind?
Oh! I know it's you & your twin
Playing games with just a grin and a grim.
Is it the illusion of the twins?
Is it the delusion of my mind?
II. A Box Full of Love and Memories.
By: XaGirlWithNoNameX
Hey look! It's a box.
I wonder what's inside it,
What's made it so full and heavy.
I really want to open it
But what if it's something bad.
Something personal that's best left untouched.
The box is a beautiful one.
A simple black with pretty designs,
Beautiful in the dim moonlight,
With colours ever so bright.
At last I let my curiosity win
Open the box carefully.
But what I see inside renders me speechless
And with tears in my eyes.
Inside the beautiful box are memories,
Through different times with different people of different people.
The memories in the box are precious because they contain love.
That even the whole world's gold can not compare to.
The box sure is beautiful
But the memories and love inside is mesmerising.
Oh look, I found a box.
A box full of love & memories.
I. Took Away My Innocence.
There is sorrow in my heart,
But a smile playing on my lips.
There are unshed tears in my eyes,
But no one to take notice of.
As I pass my fellow peers,
I keep my head low;
Not wanting them to see what they saw.
Not wanting to see the sympathy they show;
When on the inside they are enjoying the show.
The show I call my life.
Walking with my head hung low was somehow;
The best thing I did,
I now know.
I bumped into someone,
whom I've known,
Known my whole life.
But never knew I'd find a friend and not a foe.
I looked up whilst cursing under my breath,
Ready to take the blow.
Blow of sympathy and disgust,
But instead came a smile my way.
I looked around the hallway and saw,
My peers smiling,
Smiling down at me;
Some sad,
Some small but all genuine.
The person whom I bumped into,
Who changed my life is known as,
My best friend,
The only family that's left for me;
After the people I used to call my own,
Took away my innocence.