I will never change my past, I hide my face when I feel disgust, Want to know who I trust? I trust only myself, Alcohol greatly affects my health, You want to know somethin' 'bout me, but why should I tell you? You send me to hell anyway, Wan' test me for a reaction? Then close your eyes and I'LL PUT A KNIFE IN YO' STOMACH, Do you seriously think that I'm interested in yo' life? I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK, I can't even leave the house, I'm too drunk, If you run away, I will throw knives at you, I'll cut your leg right through and you cannot move, Guess where I got a bruise, The knife holds on your skin for so long that you spit blood out of your mouth, Yeah, I'm sadistic an' too cruel, Uh, Shut my mouth while I spill the truth, Yeah, YOU'RE CONSTANTLY OFFENDED BY WHAT I DO, I'm disoriented, I GAVE YOU LIFE, NOT KILLED, I wanna punch you in the face, You're lonely, and this your guilt should tear you inside, Your logic is dumb, it goes on a slope, I tormented hundreds of people, but this ain't enough, I evolve while they laugh in the swamp, Hatred was my main weapon, Killing people like jason voorhees in a camp, I still have scars and burns from the past, All my daily killings will never end, This life is just a cycle for me, and it's sad, THIS IS SELF DESTRUCTION, BITCH, YOU ARE READY FOR ANYTHIN' FOR WEALTH, DO YOU WANT TO SEE DEATH? If not, then you DON'T DESERVE MONEY AND WEALTH... I'M SELF-DESTRUCTIN', AY I NEED A CHANGE IN FUCKIN' LIFE, ALL MY NIGGAS WILL KEEP ON DEVELOPING WHILE I'M DYIN' NOW, I'M NOT TRYNA FIND AT LEAST SOMETHIN' PLEASANT, I'M LOOKIN' INTO THE EYES OF THE TRUTH, I'M SELF-DESTRUCTIN', AY I NEED A CHANGE IN FUCKIN' LIFE, ALL MY NIGGAS WILL KEEP ON DEVELOPING WHILE I'M DYIN' NOW, I'M NOT TRYNA FIND AT LEAST SOMETHIN' PLEASANT, I'M LOOKIN' INTO THE EYES OF THE TRUTH... Consciousness is kept alive... WHILE THE BRAIN IS DYING... No need to remind me of my past I know him better than everyone else, I save the amount of papers in my wallet, I got my chance and spent it completely, I'm not obsessed with security, I ain't see her even point blank, I won't go back, I go forward, No one hangs noodles on my ears, My main fuel is fear, I DO EVERYTHIN' I WANT AND I AIN'T HEAR ANYONE, I'M CHANGIN' I AIN'T FEEL LOVE... I joined the topic with all my head to maintain online status, But really I don't give a fuck 'bout it, I can’t be focused until there's no motivation, I can’t always keep up the conversation, When there is motivation, I'm on the wave like in the ocean, Tearing me inside, like a MACHINE, I have my own style and fashion, I used to get money from whole areas, You're constantly jokin', I cannot take you seriously, I thrive at breakneck speed, My life is changin' literally every second, Whiners say I am cheatin', I think 'bout the future ALONE, I work and get money that drips right into my wallet, I work and know that everyone thinks that I live only with violence, I work productively in silence, I rest in the morning and work all night, I get my remuneration for work, and become satisfied, I feel tired and hurt, BUT I GRIT MY TEETH 'TIL A SPLASH OF BLOOD, AND WORK FURTHER... HAHAHA... -Cvld Blvvded... Do you really like this way of life?... This is complete self-destruction... -Yeah... I know... I like this way of life... EVEN IF IT KILLS ME... Every day more and more higher level of degradation... I'm my own dyer of life, and you're nobody to me... I stained her WITH ALL COLORS, I've nothing to do, only sadness in my soul, I GO CONSTANTLY IN A HOODIE, THERE'S A BLACK HOLE IN ME, It swallows my body, KILLS ME FROM THE INSIDE OUT, I'll take the money from you, the devil behind me, YOU WILL FALL TO YOUR KNEES, The body will kill while the mind is dreamin', I talked 'bout my business, I still climb up on it, But still, all my actions lead me to one outcome, THEY LEAD ME TO SELF DESTRUCTION, THEY LEAD ME TO SELF DESTRUCTION, THEY LEAD ME TO SELF DESTRUCTION, THEY LEAD ME TO SELF DESTRUCTION... Yes, I'MMA NARCISSISTIC EGOIST, Cuts on the wrist are still VISIBLE, They think 'bout fucking, but I think 'bout somethin' else, YES, I'M INDIFFERENT AND STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD, AND WHAT WILL YOU DO TO ME BECAUSE OF THIS SHIT? I WAS RAW AND CRUEL FROM CHILDHOOD, DO NOT SPARE ME, My life is built as if with bricks, I dealt with schizophrenia, it's the worst disease for me, I was breakin' my health, was a masochist, THE WORLD IS CRUEL, WINS THE ONE WHO GETS UP FROM HIS KNEES, THE WORLD WILL NEVER BE IN HARMONY, HE, LIKE ME, SELF-DESTRUCTS... Who cares? EVERYONE AIN'T GIVE A FUCK.... He, like me, self-destructs... And rots...
2020-03-13 06:32:56
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"I trust only myself"... It's true for me too.
2020-03-14 06:11:18
Схожі вірші
Приходи (RU-UA)
Черничные пироги, молоко с мёдом. Приходи. Почитаю тебе стихи и раны замажу йодом. Буду исцелять поэтапно все твои трещинки и порезы, даже в твоё заледеневшее сердце, поверь мне, — смело полезу. Повір! Залізу без страху. Без жалю, не боячись. Бо наше розпалене вогнище змушує бути хоч чимось. І тільки не хвилюйся — ми не розчинимось. Ні одне у одному, ні у часі. Мы снова столкнёмся, неспособные противостоять этой связи. Истощенные, но в друг друге, нашедшие дом. Якщо не перше життя, то і не перший том. Не перший різновид мов у моїх віршах. Не найдёшь меня в жизни? Отыщешь во снах. За той дверью, где я нам в пирог добавляю чернику. Приходи. Мне одной без тебя здесь ужасно дико.
Минає час, минуло й літо, І тільки сум залишився в мені. Не повернутись вже в дитинство, У радості наповнені, чудові дні. Я пам'ятаю, як не переймалась Та навіть не гадала, що таке життя. Просто ляльками забавлялась, І не боялась небуття. Любити весь цей світ хотіла і літати, Та й так щоб суму і не знати. І насолоджувалась всім, що мала. Мене душа моя не переймала. Лиш мріями своїми я блукала, Чарівна музика кругом лунала. І сонечко світило лиш мені, Навіть коли були похмурі дні. І впало сонце за крайнебо, Настала темрява в душі моїй. І лиш зірки - останній вогник, Світили в океані мрій. Тепер блука душа моя лісами, Де вихід заблокований дивами, Які вбивають лиш мене. Я більш не хочу бачити сумне. Як птах над лабіринтом, Що заплутав шлях, літати. И крилами над горизонтом, Що розкинувсь на віки, махати. Та не боятись небуття, Того що новий день чекає. Лиш знову насолоджуватися життям, Яке дитинство моє знає.