Selena-Ann-Mary Black
Всё об мне - загадки, но их отгадку знают только близкие мне люди!!!:)
Блог Всі
Small fragment! (Maybe it will be a big story!)
Цікаве, Думки вголос
Two rather young men in raincoats entered the tavern and sat down at an empty table. - Beer or ale!? - One of them asked a friend. - And something to eat!? -I'd like a mug of ale and something to eat. - His friend replied, his bright green eyes flashing! - Okay, I'll order from the bartender! Approaching the counter, a rather young guy said: - Hello, please, we have two mugs of ale and something to eat for two! -Good! Aren't you Mitch!? - Asked the bartender. - I am... And who are you!? -Kent Coltrane! -Kent it not to be! -I think it so... But who with you!? -Oh, that is my old friend his name is Eric! -What are you doing here!? -We need to meet with one lady... -Okay but will be careful! -Thanks Kent!.. Mitch come back to Eric from the table and they are waiting.
Little letter to my dear friends!!!:)))
Цікаве, Особисте
I so want to meet with one best girl, I always thought that she a little princess 😉 And I want more than only friendship, I want to trust my little sicrets to her!😏😏😏 She always will need to me! And with other I'll, want to write a story!!! Because I know that she agree!:))) And it will be very fantastic 😊 And if he will can to help us all will be good ☺️☺️☺️ I think all about it and I want!!! Also I want to see and to read some books of her:))) We together must to beginning and our end will very finally!:))) Only for you, my dear friends!!!😘😘😘
Little letter for my dear friend:)))
I know that I want and that I can! But now I want to write for my dear friend 😘😘😘 I will write and you will read 😉 Can we will be here together always!?! I will promise something for you and you will promise something for me 🙂❤️ I think all will turn out ☺️ And so we will begin together 😊 Can we will to be here together always!?! 🥰😘❣️