Call it too late
Life in raps, cracks about Packed up in little bags In a short tracks, that’s how it’s done Still I don’t know how. Steal an hour for the soul And down I go And drown still low In my head some thoughts But it works so slow… I need some space, Give me some space, May it be too late, Call it too late.
2020-08-20 17:01:37
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Mehak Kapoor
INTERESTED IN WRITING? A BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU! We Are Giving A Chance To All The Writers ( no matter if new ) To Be A Chance Of My Anthology Group presented by Mehak kapoor (Compiler). In Short, We Are Publishing An Anthology Book And Every Writer Will Get A Chance To Get Published Their Writeups In Our Book. Now, you might be thinking What Is An Anthology Book??? Anthology book contains writeups of many writers. The book is not written by just one person. In short it's a combination book of many writers. Many writers give their writeups( quotes, writeups, tales) for the book. In return your write up will get published in the book along with your picture, name, and bio. WHAT YOU WILL GET? • NAME, BIO, OWN Picture in the book. • 4 pages for your content. • 1 page for your bio, photograph and name in the book. •Soft copyof appreciation letter • E- certificate and E-book •Distribution on online market. Submit an entry fee of Rs.199/- *Topic - Any *Language - English or Hindi
2020-12-12 17:46:37
Схожі вірші
Unbreakable heart
Behind your back people are talking Using words that cut you down to size You want to fight back It's building inside you Holding you up Taking you hostage It's worth fighting for They'll try to take your pride Try to take your soul They'll try to take all the control They'll look you in the eyes Fill you full of lies Believe me they're gonna try So when you're feeling crazy And things fall apart Listen to your head Remember who you are You're the one You're the unbreakable heart
Все й одразу
Ти завжди хотів все й одразу. Жага зрушити гори з місця, не торкаючись навіть каменя. Писав про світло в своїй душі, але від тебе ні променя. Тобі моря по коліно, це звісно, але ти навіть не увійшов у воду. Ти з тих, хто забув про природу слова. Раніше вірші — це була мова любові, а ти радієш кожній римі, бо знаєш, що вони випадкові. Повторюєш, як мантру що прагнеш визнання та безперечної слави. Не занадто великі бажання, навіть без крихти таланту? Ти можеш римувати, але в тебе не має душі: Твої очі порожні, як і твої вірші.