Please forgive me for being me
I've been looking all my life for you, Every step I've taken til now has been towards you, Therefore it's hard to miss you every day, Please forgive me for being me. I want to make you happy when you're sad, I wanna make you laugh when you're serious, I want your guarantee to let me love you, You're the only one I want to care about. Please forgive me for being me, Sometimes I drive you crazy and make you nervous, It's so hard to keep all "the want" I have for you, Therefore I screw up more than I want to. I want to love you every day, I want to have you in my arms, Maybe all this make me sound selfish, Please forgive me for being me...
2020-04-30 02:06:55
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Wow... This is just wow... But you are who you are and no one can change it.
2020-04-30 07:13:58
Схожі вірші
Я тебе по-справжньому кохала...
Я тебе по-справжньому кохала... Так, неначе зовсім не жила. І тобі лиш серце відкривала, Я тебе кохала, як могла. Я тобі всю душу і все серце, Все віддам, ти тільки попроси. Я тебе кохатиму до смерті, Я з тобою навіки і завжди. Я тобі відкрию таємниці, Все, що маю — все віддам тобі. І поля, і чистії криниці, І прекрасний спів тих солов'їв. Я тебе по-справжньому кохала, Весь свій час, я віддала тобі. Я була наївною . Не знала, Що не брешуть тільки солов'ї.
Morgan Ray and Rose. ⏺English translation⏺ I will find flowers among the fragments of people, give them to you. I am so pleased that there is you, your love for me. I will give you a sea of hope, and lights that do not fade. My heart is only you, it falls asleep without you. I'm giving everything I have in me for you to paralyze the rocks. I don't want to To conquer fate, together to the very edge. We'll be gone on the penultimate day, but our lines will remain. All love is sealed here, in our phrases and ellipses. So, let's rise high, and forgetting about the holy, Falls of the rock. I'll take your hand, and everything, all around It's going to be the way you dreamed.