application for UGS
I know myself better than anyone else does. Only I can say about myself that I am the most unpredictable and purposeful person. I’m unpredictable because I have a huge variety of different interests: I can get interested in psychological books, but on the very next day I will start studying the art of photography. I don’t think it’s good that I can’t focus just on one thing at the time, but I am always trying to learn as much new things as I can. Anyway, the hardworking side of me helps to finish all this things I started.
I want to be a writer or journalist. I want to be a person who can let know about himself to the whole world. I like to talk, communicate, learn new language to be able to open one more door to the different culture. I am also excited when I find out something new for me. Something like a history event, that I’ve never heard about before, or a new mathematical formula. And I love to share with this information with everyone!
Since I was 15 I started writing small stories that would be easy to read. I realized I am pretty good at writing when all my friends told me they love my stories! After that they asked me to write something new. My friends shared my works with teachers at school. And a little bit later the whole school knew me like a local author. A lot of people were saying I am talented and I couldn’t believe it. Teachers made me participate in republican competitions and olympiads. I was even published in small newspaper a few times.
I like writing because I like the process of recreating the feelings into words. I like the moment when you read what you wrote and can totally imagine and feel what it’s talking about. I like how you can create your own characters. You create your own world. It’s amazing!
But there’s another side of journalism exists. And you have to tale it seriously. It’s about political events or economy situations. From my point of view, journalist must know what his work is about and, of course, check the information and sources he/she uses. Unfortunately, I know what the “Informational War” is. Such a type of a war can be a bad weapon against the countries. It makes me sad when you can't explain to every citizen that news reports may not be true. I was born and raised in Donetsk, and only a year ago I moved to Dnipro. I faced terrible times. Since 2014 I wanted to escape from there, but it’s not easy to do. Anyway, a lot changed since I moved and only memories left. I was telling this just now to show that I faced enough to get a good life experience. After that I know how wrong the TV can be. I was seeing what’s actually going on in the city, but 3 different countries were telling absolutely different stories about that. Even in social media you can't find the truth. The disinformation makes you go insane when you don't even know what's going on outside. All they do is just playing with your emotions. So after analyzing my experience I understand how important it is to say truth.
I think that my application would be incomplete without what I wrote above. My hobby became a big part of me and my life. Hopefully, I will find the right people who will help me make my dreams come true and I will get into a good college/University that will help me to improve my talents so I could improve my country.
I think every challenge in your life is a chance to make your life better. I got only one big “problem” that changed my life. It is the biggest disease not only in my life, but in life of every Ukrainian too. It is the war in Donetsk - city where I was born and where I’ve lived for the last 16 years. I can’t explain how hard it is to live among not smart people who chose to build a “republic” with an economic hole instead of budget. Anyway, experience of living in the city like that makes me much stronger. I faced a big destruction, so I did my best to go back to normal life in Ukraine and make people better, so nobody will build any other republics never again.
So, when i was in 9th grade, the boy named Maxim came to our class. I wasn't very confident, but everyone always likes me, so then it wasn't a big problem to me. I spoke to maxim sometimes, but it didnt a start of e new friendship, but in November small group from our lyceum goes to the Saint-Peterburg, and me and Maxim was in it. In Piter he was so sweet and funny that i think we should be friends so told him a couple of my secrets. Unfortunately, when we went home, he started to use this information against me. He knew that i think im fat or that im not the prettiest girl in the world, so he started to bullying me. It was very sad to me, because nobody didn't stop him, they just thought that it's a funny joke. But i didn't. Anyway, now i'm sure that im not fat and i like myself, and maybe i even thankful to him because this situation makes me stronger and more confident.
I know that the USA education quality is higher, so it will allow me to be more effective like a professional in my circle of interests. First, it can help me improve my country by teaching me and showing how the successful country works. Journalism is one of the most powerful and effective departments in every country. By doing the right things you can improve primarily ukrainian society, and this can bring us, of course, to the better version of Ukraine. Nowdays we have a lot of problems such as war or lack of funding, but we can solve them if we start from the smallest point - people, and this is the main part of journalism.
The lyceum where I studied has many extracurricular activities,. One of them is a club for writing where you create a newspaper about lyceum’s life. It calls “Newspaper of smart people.” When i was in 8th grade I thought it would be so much fun doing that, so I joined and started writing short articles about the life of the students here. But the year after the newspaper was looking for template designer, and my IT teacher suggested me like the best candidate for that. So I upgraded the design of a simple school newspaper to the new level. But in 10th grade the school commission decided I would be a good leader, so my name was always in the first column on this school newspaper.
I can surely say it was an amazing experience in working like a big team with other students!
«once upon a time in my near future»
Особисте, Думки вголос
“Today is a significant day for Ukraine”, said a tall, stately man in a solid suit. “Today, after so many years we finally solved the conflict for which a lot of ukrainian families sacrificed something”.
I was standing beside the stage with other journalists. The microphone in my hands was trembling with an excitement. This day began...
“Finally, we can say that our country, that has fought for independence throughout its history, has finally become free from any conflicts. After several peace agreements, we’re ending the political conflict with Russia and the war in the Donetsk region”.
This words were so strong that it gave me goosebumps. I was born in Donetsk and would never have thought that this region could turn into an economic hole, and several hundreds of people would die for its release.
I remembered that one day after a math test in school. I and my classmates went to the backyard of the school. We were in light dressed, anticipating summer holidays, and suddenly someone shouts, “Fighter plane! There’s a fighter plane!”. We look up and start welcoming it and raising our hands to the sky. We didn't realize that it’s a fighter plane, and we didn't understand what’s going on.
I am thinking: can we talk about human rights while loud pops of shells are heard outside the windows and only a bunch of pearl barley is left from the food under the table? What rights were they talking about, if people can't leave that “republic"? We are closed here. We are limited. Who chose a life like that? Did anybody asked me whether I want to live like this or not? What kind of protection of children's rights can be discussed, if I have not known what a peaceful life is anymore since I was 11? As soon as the war started, we all were thinking it’s just temporary. It’s all going to finish in a few weeks. But it didn’t...
The president was keeping saying that “the country has a difficult time” with using economic terms along with epithets, but I understood that war would still be going on in this area. It will end up with an economic crises, hyperinflation, unemployment, low birth rates, suspended construction workers, and weapons. It will end up with people who no longer believe in peace. This people are falling asleep with the sound of explosions outside. And the worst thing is that I am the one of these people...
This conflict could be solved back then in 2014 when there wasn't a single victim. Both sides could come with the consensus, but, apparently, they didn’t need it. Everyone around is making money on us. But we’re just trying to survive. No one needs us anymore.
We are almost dead.
position paper for MUN
Delegation from the Saudi Arabia
Represented by Chernova Anastasiia
Position paper
International Efforts to Combat Money Laundering; Beneficial Use of Sanctions; Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for All; Electronic Waste; Technological Recycling Efforts; Sustainable Industrialization
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most centralized countries in the Middle East. Known for its abundant oil supply, desert land, and strict adherence to Islam, Saudi Arabia is a culture that is very different from those of Western nations. Analyzing the national and business culture can prepare a Westerner for working in Saudi Arabia and help them avoid intercultural conflict. The Saudi Arabian economy is dominated by oil, which accounts directly for nearly forty percent of gross domestic product. SA economy has always been different from that of other Middle East countries, especially since it has never been dependent on exports and production of goods.
International Efforts to Combat Money Laundering and Beneficial Use of Sanctions
Money laundering in Saudi Arabia is an enduring problem. Saudi Arabia is among the first few countries to give special attention to the countering of money laundering by committing to and complying with many rules and international conventions and putting them into practice. Recently, Saudi Arabia and several member countries of the FATF have decided to intensify their efforts to fight money laundering on three levels – local, regional, and international.Saudi Arabia established its Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) regime with the issuance of the Anti-Money Laundering Statute in 2003 and its Implementing Regulations in 2005. These laws provide a statutory basis for criminalizing money laundering and terrorist financing activities. Article 11 of the Law created the Saudi Arabian financial intelligence unit (FIU), which is responsible for receiving and analyzing reports on suspicious transactions.Article ten of Saudi Arabia's Anti-Money Laundering Law of 2003 requires financial institutions to develop AML/CTF training programs that must be reviewed annually for adequacy.
Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for All
Saudi Arabia plays an important and growing role in global energy markets. Saudi Arabia is the fastest growing electricity consumer in the Middle East, particularly of transportation fuels. In 2005, Saudi Arabia was the world's 15th largest consumer of primary energy, of which over 60 percent was petroleum-based. The total output of all power generation facilities is 49 billion kWh, which is also 102% of its own needs. Solar photovoltaic systems are the only renewable energy source that can affect the grid. The SA Government has committed to increasing the installed capacity of the grid-connected solar power from 71 megawatts in the first half of 2016 to 350 MW by 2020. Energy in Saudi Arabia involves petroleum and natural gas production, consumption, and exports, and electricity production. Saudi Arabia is the world's leading oil producer and exporter. While most of this is exported, domestic use is rapidly increasing, primarily for electricity production.
C) Electronic Waste and Technological Recycling Efforts
Saudi Arabia produces three million tons of electronic wastes annually. It is expected that this number will increase with increasing purchasing power, and new technologies are constantly replacing the old ones. BBy 2032, Saudi government is aiming to generate about half of its energy requirements (about 72 GW) from renewable sources such as solar, nuclear, wind, geothermal and waste-to-energy systems.Through the Extended Producer Responsibility Framework, responsibilities will be shared among key stakeholders in the e-waste value chain. Under the EPR, manufacturers of coated electrical and electronic equipment will have to assume responsibility for the collection and proper treatment of e-waste. These producers are companies that produce or import coated electrical and electronic equipment for delivery to the local market.
Saudi Arabia, municipal solid waste is collected from individual or community bins and disposed of in landfills or dumpsites. Saudi waste management system is characterized by lack of waste disposal and tipping fees. Recycling, reuse and energy recovery is still at an early stage, although they are getting increased attention. Waste sorting and recycling are driven by an active informal sector.
The Saudi government is aware of the critical demand for waste management solutions, and is investing heavily in solving this problem. The Saudi government is making concerted efforts to improve recycling and waste disposal activities.
Sustainable Industrialization
Industrialization of Saudi Arabia was carried out at a leading role of the state, so in the economy now company's and corporations is dominated with a high proportion of state capital, private capital, etc. There are company with the participation of foreign capital. Saudi National Bank grew up in the 1970-80 from the oldest monetary office by family Al-Radgihi, which belongs to 44% of Bank shares. "National Industrialization Co." and "National Agro-Industrial Development" is the first company's in the country' which was made with private capital. State oil company "Saudi Aramco" and the state holding company oil and mineral resources "Petromin" includes 14 large companies and acts as the basis of all the structure of the industry. Foreign joint-stock part is in some of these companies like "McDermott", "mobile oil investment". In petrochemical and heavy industry is a similar structure: basic place is holding company Sabic ("Saudi Basic Industries Corp..") and 70% of capital belongs to the state.
мы не заслуживаем
я родился в стране с красивым флагом,
только люди тут не красивые.
уродливые внутри, проженные какой-то гнилью,
будто девяностые высосали кровь из улиц,
и остались одни хрущевки, сталинки и грусть.
будто страна ушла в дефицит
и не вернулась,
будто каждое слово соседей растяяяяяяянулооось
и обвилось петлей вокруг шеи. живём? выживаем!
стремимся в Европу!
толкаем всеми народами!
но только, по какой-то причине,
толкают одни рабочие низшего чина,
депутаты и президенты лишь орут о том,
чего не сделали
и увы никогда не сделают.
улучшаем страну? конечно!
плывём по течению жизни,
правда, река вводит в окоченение,
и чаще всего ты тонешь,
но об этом позже.
порой мы жалуемся
мол, неудобно возводить украину с колен,
когда ты сам на коленях,
а на спине огромным камнем лежат кредиты,
но каждая красивая речь президента прожигает сердце,
и я дальше, уже с уважением
к красноречивому гражданину
и полный энтузиазма,
иду на завод работать за минимальную зарплату.
и большинство из нас проживет и умрет в квартире
которая видела все кредиты
на стиралку, машину, обучения сына,
которому и достанется эта квартира
и сверху нее десяток кредитов.
каждый новый год мы слышим,
что президент только на нас и трудиться
аж стыдно становиться,
что человек столько работает,
а измений нет....
удивительно, вроде период застоя в истории уже был...
ну ничего, «можем и повторить!»
меня учили
красивой истории Украины,
я восхищался:
столько бороться за независимость!
стоять кулаками и грудью горой за то,
что имеем сейчас.
бизнес-центры, высотки до неба,
Богдану Хмельницкому и не снилось это!
и смотришь: добились!
и по́том, и кровью, которая навеки на этой земле запечаталась
имеем грусть печальную.
вековая история? зачем оно надо..
если можно обворовать и ещё сверху взять взятку,
если можно быть депутатом,
клясться в верности нации,
но при этом забыть о банальном равенстве.
кричать, заявлять, "смотрите!
мы можем, мы как в Европе!"
а в итоге, мы живём хуже
чем в средневековье.
и правда,
«ще не вмерла України
ні слава ні воля»
но добьем эту суку, "така її доля!"
простите, "хто за незалежність цієї держави"
когда-то пожертвовал жизнью
"мені дуже прикро, що я розумію
того, чого депутати не розуміють.
і мені дуже прикро, що ви так боролись
за Україну, за землю, за націю,
а ми зараз маємо лише історичні цінності
і деякі історичні пам'ятки.
мені дуже прикро, що з курсу історії
не видно цієй боротьби.
ви цієї землі заслуговуєте,
а ми, як ви бачите, ні. "...