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1k reads
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Just saw the original good girl hit 1k reads. I know it isn't a big deal, but thank you anyways :)
@Soft kiri thank you 💕
What's your fave 2018 movie
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
What's your best movie this year so far? Mine's Love Simon💕
Just saying hi
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
It's been a long time since I posted on here. Just wanted to hi and I've started school :(
Anyways I hope everyone has a great day!
Surgebook update
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Who else is chilling for a new surgebooks update🤔
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Hey guys, it's me again --I know, I know. I talk too much-- but hear me out.
Sooo I discovered another interesting thing yesterday.
Who has ever heard of Mukbangs? Ok if you haven't it's basically where people eat large amount of food while chatting.
Last night I came across a Mukbang YouTube channel and- damn it's so satisfying to watch.
Yes you'll feel immensely hungry but trust me it's add...
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Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Hey guys. So I just discovered this tv show and OMG! It's so amazing. The name of the show is 'Westworld' and I highly recommend you watch it.
P.S it's for a mature audience, so basically 16+
It has a bizarre plot and I was so sad I didn't discover it sooner.
Only 2 seasons are available so you can binge watch it -can't wait for season 3-
If you watch it and you like it, text me on here and le...
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@GoneWriting lol np
Hey, so I haven't updated 'The Original good girl' in a while. Honestly, I don't even know if I should continue the story.
I'm experiencing major writer's block.
What are your thoughts? Should I dump the story or continue?
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Try outlining. And then leave your train of thought for a while and do something else. Works every time.
@GoneWriting thank you love💗
@cherioo oh and listening to music. 😉
My poem book on inkitt
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Hey guys, it's been a while since I posted. Well I just wanted to tell you guys again to help me vote on my poem book on inkitt. It will be highly appreciated. You can also give me review by clicking on the star icon.
Here's the link to the poem book:
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New Surger
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Heyo guys, I just met @friddah. Guys follow her, she's new, let's make her feel at home on surge.
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New Inkitt account!
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Hey fellow Surgers! I know you're tired of me already.
But I have news. So I just joined inkitt, it's another reading and writing app just like Surge. I published a poem book there.
Please leave a nice comment and review, also follow me if you want. It will be highly appreciated!
Also give me a vote, I'm participating in a contest.
Link to my poem book :
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@Soft kiri thank you!!
More active Surgers
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
I'm happy to see more people active on here.
I've read a lot of awesome poems amd some eye opening blogs.
I finally feel like I'm part of something (not to sound typical) I know Surge is going to be an awesome app.
If you need any help you can pm me!
Checkout my new instagram page
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Hello guys, so I finally made an Instagram page for my writing. I'm going to post mostly poetry.
The poems I post on there aren't on Surge.
So check it out, like and follow :
The original good girl (TOGG) update!!
Новини, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Hello fellow Surgers!
My book The Original good girl has be updated.
Chapter 3 is now available.
Краще за добу
щось написане, але чи варте воно уваги - без поняття.
Давно я не займалася чимось подібним. Та й узагалі — письменницькою діяльністю. У мене з’явилося бажання продовжувати писати, проте цей певний криз думок не дає мені розвинути жодної ідеї. Можливо, почну писати частіше щось типу цього, хто зна. У буд...