Reversal to mode
I look down as I walk along
A solitary figure in the pitch black night
The cold getting to my bones
The rocks piercing my bare soles
Unwanted streams on my cheeks
I lift my head to reverse the flow
I now see the moon and stars
The night was not so dark afterall
Allowing myself to bask in their light
Soothing warmth surrounds my skin
Grass tickles my bare soles
Lips curled in a determined grin
I walk along looking skyward
Ironical twitch
She has come so far alone
For a purpose but yet alone
Admist a crowd alone
In a conposition like a single note
A small girl in a huge crowd
In search of the moon light
In the black dark night
Gone since long is her laughter
Yet there remains the twitch of her lips
I like the sound of you
But in a fix I am shoved by you
One time you say one thing
And the next, I wonder if you mean the thing
I am not cruel or vile
I have in me a sweet innocent heart
Rather child-like
Quite like yours
I have no intention of harming you
Or hurting you
True! We set on a discovery path
And we are discovering along the path
New horizons and hopes
Please do share your sincere hopes
For me to figure
If I can deliver
Is it true that what you say is not what your heart is screaming?
Or is it true that what I say is not according to your brain's planning?
As long as you are lost
I am lost
I do like the sound of you, inside-out
But how to figure you out?
Well-guarded gates take time to open up
For whom it is applicable is a mix-up
Strong, sad her
When she has been so strong and independent for all this while
But yet, mere words can pierce her heart and stab her chest
I wonder how i can cradle her
How i can erode the sadness
How i can bring her light
Light and colours and happiness
She deserves the best
She deserves to be cherished
She deserves to be loved
She deserves to be happy
She deserves rainbows
And a thousands lights
She is mesmerising
Breathtakingly beautiful in all aspects
Yet i wonder how i can cradle her
How i can erode the sadness
How i can bring her light
When mere words can pierce her heart
Stab her chest
In the damp cold night
I open my mouth to shout
No sound comes out
Yet my heart is screaming
Tears streaming
Hands clenching
Knees shaking
My mind is void
My heart devoid
I am screaming my lungs out
Yet no sounds come out
The cold night is damp
My pinkish cheeks are damp
I want to get rid of this void
This feeling
What is this I am feeling
Tears welling up in my eyes
What is this void I am feeling
My heart feels like lead
Why am I feeling as such
My limbs fall haplessly to my sides
Why this void when all is fine
I am engulfed by helplessness
Please help me
Please help me
What is this I am feeling
I am drowning in a sorrow
An unknown heart ache
A mysterious heart break
This feeling is not unknown to me
But the cause of it is
This torment
This helplessness
Why do I feel them
What is this I am feeling
Tears welling up in my eyes
A hole deep inside
There's a hole deep inside
Growing by the day
Sickening emptiness
I feel depressed
Staring at the horizon
Thinking about all those
Good / bad / situations / people
Perpetual struggle
Pushing back tears to smile
Swallowing screams to be polite
Anger I wish to vent
To away this turmoil
Heart-breaking void
I feel miserable
I feel a hole deep inside
La Solitude
La solitude est la meilleure amie de l'homme
Car quand on est seul, on evite les disputes, les reprimandes, d'être ignorer ou gronder
Mais parfois la solitude vous rend malade
Car vous êtes sans support, sans conseils, sans quelqu'un pour parler, pour vous faire comprendre et pour comprendre
La solitude, tout comme l'eau et le feu, est la meilleure amie de l'homme aussi bien que son ennemie
For some moments
I felt the world come to a standstill
For some moments
I was convinced the hands of the clock were still
For some moments
I did not know whether the tempest was in my heart or yours
For some moments
I knew I was definitely yours
For some moments
Innocent desire
I would like to remain a child
To keep the innocence which purifies
To be away from the harsh life
To possess an innocent smile
To keep worries a mile
I would like to remain a child
To fill the heart with warmth
To be someone's comfort
To be someone's joy
To make someone proud
I would like to remain a child