I'm lost, lost in the maze of my thoughts, i can't find the exit, i stopped looking. I thought i was free but it was only an illusion, i was just locked in a room of glass in which, for lack of air i began to die, here it is, my glass maze. I didn't manage to break those windows, they are too hard, i couldn't find help, i became invisible, i didn't manage to keep hope, he escaped of this prison without me. Then i got used to this cage, i found distractions, people saw me, i even thought i was going out, i spent my days with headphones in my ears thinking i had found people capable of make me coming out, i was happy, i thought i was happy, so happy that i forgot the walls of my transparent prison. Then i wanted to join them, my allies, forgetting the barrier between us i rushed, i ran into this wall and i collapsed, not him, he remained in place. I still did not manage to get up, i did not manage to stop my tears, i realized that i had been lulled by illusions, promises, that i had veiled my face, that reality hurts and the wounds really never heal. I don't know who i am anymore, this cheerful, shy, assosiable person, who loves his life, who hates her, who dreams, who nightmares, who trusts, who loves, who hates, i don't know more than i want to do, stay in this toxic but quiet cage or get out, cry or wipe away those tears, smile or take off this mask that sticks to my skin, dance in the rain or wait for the storm to end, i don't know anymore if i can trust or not, i don't know if i can get attached again or not, i'm afraid, i'm terrified. So i continue, i move forward because i have no choice, i advance the music fully in my headphones, my eyes riveted on the ground so as not to see people, shoulders bent so that no one sees me, i advance in i don't know which direction, hoping to find what i'm looking for ... I'm lost, lost in the labyrinth of my thoughts, i can't find an exit, i stopped looking.
2021-01-25 17:15:57
Схожі вірші
ثورة تطور -
يا رفاق البرنامج بالأصل باللغه الروسيه لأن من الواضح ان مطوره روسي انا الحين بتوجه للحساب الرئيسي بالبرنامج و اطلب منهم يسوون سفراء و بعض التعديلات و اذا ردوا علي اعطيكم اسم الحساب تروحون تطلبون منهم بعد، ممكن يسمعون لنا لأننا كثار البرنامج لا يدعم التعليقات بين الفقرات التصويت يكون عالروايه كلها اظن ؟ و اتوقع باقي التفاصيل بسيطه بالنسبه للواتباد عطوني كم ساعه اخلص واجبات المنزل اللي علي و برجع منها كثير ايمن كلب ذا مارح يخليني اترك البرنامج و ينتصر هو، زائد ان كثار قالولي كلام خلاني احس بالذنب و منكم اللي قفل حسابه و هالشي حزني جداً اهم شي اني فضحت السفراء و ايمن عشان الكل يعرف حقيقتهم 😂💕
Полум'я життя
Взлетить жарптицею в небо, Серед зірок замерцає... Якщо душа палає, Плумья у серці не згасає. Якщо здається що гасне, Треба жити ще краще. Полум'ям не можна у порох перетворити, Полум'ям цим можно лише душу зігріти. Можна ще краще палати, В очах вогонь віддавати. Полум'я твоє нізащо не погасне якщо є мрія, Любов та віра.