Pain makes us doubt whether we'll ever see the light again, whether we'll ever know the comfort that once held us, the hope that once buoyed us, the warmth that once enfolded us.
And then, in walks God, bringing all the light and comfort and hope and warmth that we didn't think was possible here -- in this impossible place.
God does not fear your pain.
He does not turn his back or forsake you.
He already made the commitment to step inside --
with skin on,
robe dusty from the walk,
throat parched at the well,
finger writing on the ground,
heart heaving with betrayal,
forehead dripping with blood,
wrists pierced,
eyes that let you know he meant it when
he told a thief on a cross that they'd
be together in paradise
in just a little while.
He's literally got skin in the game. We're not alone.
There's no valley too dark,
no canyon too deep,
no heartbreak too great.
When the pain goes deep,
God goes deeper still.
2023-04-28 15:54:49