Multiculturalidad Global
Tu Dios es judío,
Tu ropa es china,
Tu teléfono es coreano,
Tu computadora es estadounidense,
Tu comida es multicultural,
Tu música es global,
Tu arte es universal,
Tu conocimiento es compartido,
Tus amigos son de todas partes,
Tu mundo es un mosaico,
Tú eres ciudadano del mundo. ¿Y aún así te sientes solo?
La globalización ha traído consigo una mezcla fascinante de culturas, productos y conocimientos de todo el planeta. Cada nación y cada persona contribuye a esta gran red interconectada que llamamos humanidad.
Nuestras ropas, tecnología, música, arte, comida y entretenimiento son el resultado de una colaboración. Somos una especie migrante y curiosa que ha explorado, intercambiado e innovado a lo largo de la historia.
Hoy en día, más que nunca, estamos unidos por una red invisible que trasciende fronteras y nos recuerda que, en el fondo, todos somos familia en este hogar llamado Tierra. La diversidad es nuestra mayor riqueza y la conexión global nuestro mayor desafío.
Así que, la próxima vez que uses un producto o disfrutes de una experiencia multicultural, recuerda que eres parte de una gran historia de intercambio y colaboración. Celebra la diversidad, conecta con el mundo y sé un ciudadano global. Porque al final, todos somos extranjeros y todos somos de aquí.
De tinta y papel, en mis manos se funden,
las palabras fluyen, las letras se hunden.
Escribir, acto sublime y poderoso,
donde se liberan los sueños valiosos.
El alma se desnuda en cada línea trazada,
los pensamientos encuentran su morada.
Con cada palabra, un mundo se crea,
donde los corazones encuentran su aldea.
La pluma se convierte en un pincel de magia,
dibujando versos con amor y alegría.
Las frases, hilos invisibles del destino,
tejen sueños enlazados con fino hilo divino.
Escribir, verbo que brota de las entrañas,
palabras que saltan, como chispas extrañas.
Se entretejen en cuerdas llenas de sentimiento,
embriagando a quien las lee con firme aliento.
La tinta fluye cual río de cristal,
dibujando en el papel historias sin final.
Escribir, un acto de creación eterna,
donde la pluma se alza como bandera.
En cada palabra se escribe un pedazo de ser,
una ventana abierta para el alma entender.
Escribir, un viaje hacia lo más profundo,
donde el corazón se eleva en el mundo.
¡Oh, escribir! Pasión que nunca se agota,
versos que brotan desde lo más remoto.
Elevas la voz, das voz a los sin voz,
y con tus letras, el alma se hace voz.
I Pray
I pray for renewed strength over you.
I pray His living water would flow into every parched place in your heart.
I pray His goodness would flood your
heart and overwhelm your spirit.
I pray you would hear Him
singing over you in delight.
I pray He would bring refreshement
and the peace of His presence.
I pray He would hide you under His wing and you would feel how safe and protected you are there.
I pray He would help you in every area you are lacking. I pray He would provide insight and guidance. I pray He would lead you to still waters and that you will sit and drink Him in.
Taste and see that He is good.
Breathe in His sweet fragrance.
Rest in His grace.
I pray for the Spirit of God to surround you today.
In the name of Jesus.
En los confines de este vasto abrazo celeste,
donde convergen los sueños y realidades,
un lienzo de maravillas nos regala la existencia,
el Mundo, eterno testigo de nuestras vidas.
Sus montañas majestuosas se alzan orgullosas,
acariciando el cielo con sus cumbres inmensas,
sus ríos, cual venas de vida, fluuyen sin cesar,
nutriendo la tierra y desbordando alegría.
En los valles verdes danzan los campos,
sus flores en fragancia, un dulce deleite,
mientras los bosques susurran secretos antiguos,
invitando a escuchar la canción de la naturaleza.
Las olas besan las orillas con suavidad,
el océano en su vastedad refleja nuestros anhelos,
bañando las playas con su espuma de pureza,
uniendo continentes con la fuerza de un abrazo.
Pero el Mundo también lleva en sus entrañas,
cicatrices que nos recuerdan nuestra mortalidad,
dolorosas cicatrices de guerras y desigualdades,
que nos llaman a actuar por un futuro mejor.
Entonces, dejemos que este poema sea un llamado,
a amar y cuidar este mundo tan preciado,
a valorar cada ser vivo y su singularidad,
y a tejer puentes de amor y compasión en cada comunidad.
Porque el Mundo es nuestro hogar compartido,
una responsabilidad que nos une a todos,
y en nuestras manos está el poder de protegerlo,
con amor, respeto y un cuidado inquebrantable.
Revolución Global
Revolución, un grito que brota de lo más profundo del alma, un movimiento eterno en busca de transformación y cambio. Es el deseo ardiente por romper las cadenas que nos aprisionan, por luchar por una justicia global y equitativa. El mundo entero se pone en movimiento, se levanta en una danza frenética de renacimiento. Cada corazón late al ritmo de la revolución, clamando por un futuro mejor. El viejo orden se desmorona, dando paso a la transformación radical que tanto anhelamos. Las fronteras se desvanecen, mientras nos unimos en la búsqueda de una nueva realidad. La justicia se convierte en el faro que guía nuestros pasos, iluminando el camino hacia una sociedad más justa y solidaria. En esta revolución, el cambio es inevitable, y el movimiento imparable es nuestra fuerza. Juntos, construiremos un mundo lleno de paz y libertad.
Revolution, burning heartbeat,
a call for transformation,
a magma that burns the chains, a cry for a new dawn.
In the cracks of time, it gestates, the seed of profound change, an unprecedented movement, raising the voice of the brave.
The masses stir in a clamor,
an indomitable force rises,
breaking the barriers of fear,
igniting the flame of hope.
Old paradigms fade away,
the walls of power crumble,
and in their place, a horizon emerges, full of opportunity and rebirth.
Revolution is a wind that blows, overturning ignorance and oppression, drawing new paths, where justice and love merge into action.
Every step, every gesture,
is a testimony of bravery,
it is the fire that ignites change,
the force that propels rebellion.
May revolution be a verse,
written with passion and fervor, where hearts open,
and we become agents of a better world.
Two words.
They could’ve been left out.
Two words.
Out of over 783,000 other words.
Two words.
God had a purpose for them.
Jesus wept.
Two words.
The shortest verse in the Bible.
These two words draw us to our Savior.
We tend to try to hide our emotions from the world, or push the sadness to the back of our minds.
But with these two words God wants us to know it’s ok to be sad.
God wants us to know He sees us.
He understands.
Jesus, the One who always was and always is,
The Creator of the universe
The First and the Last
The Beginning and the End
The One who knows He has overcome satan, sin, and death
The Savior of the world
Because this world hurts.
We can know that Heaven
and a great reunion awaits us,
but it doesn’t completely take away
the hurt that we feel while we’re still here.
Jesus knew that.
He felt that.
And He wept.
Jesus loved deeply. And hurt deeply.
And if you’re feeling this way today, it’s ok to let the tears fall.
But know that one day,
your Savior
is going to wipe them all away.
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
Revelation 21:4
Justice, universal virtue,
a lighthouse of rectitude in souls, an eternal yearning that cries for equity, for an ideal world.
In every heart beats the utopia,
of a fair and honest system,
where the manifest right is respected, and the balance does not sway.
The blind force of the law,
must be guided by morality,
where the weak find a place,
protected from oppression and disdain.
The blindfold that covers your eyes, represents your impartiality, but also your vulnerability, when making certain whims.
May justice be a melody,
heard in every corner,
inspiring every heart,
to fight for rectitude and harmony.
Because only then humanity,
will be liberated from oppression, and we will find redemption, in the embrace of equality.
Justice is a fundamental pillar,
that sustains our existence,
a dream that requires persistence, and together we must conquer.
Lord Help Us
Oh, that we would take our eyes off ourselves, Lord help us.
Our lives became His to be used the day we chose to follow Him.
Our lives are no longer about us but our stories are being written for His glory.
Our stories are being written so we can testify to the lost about our Savior.
Our pain is our story being written so we can come along
the broken and be used to minister about hope.
Our suffering is our story being written to transform
us into the image of Christ.
We must lose our life to find it.
We must deny ourselves and pick up our cross.
We must walk the narrow path to Christ.
O, God hide us behind your glory.
Use everything in our lives to draw the lost
and broken to you.
Empty us of ourselves.
Rid us of self importance,
ego and pride and fill us O,
mighty God with humbleness.
Fill us with the power of your Spirit.
In the name of Jesus I pray.
Amen and amen.
I sought the Lord and He answered. Time and time again He has been faithful to help me and He will continue to show up and fight for me and for you.
He is working even now on your behalf. He hasn't left you.
He has a plan and purpose for every season of your life.
He is trustworthy and true and you can depend on Him. He is our rock and our blessed hope, the Lord Jesus.
Rectitud & Justicia
En el ámbito de la justicia y la rectitud, existe un delicado equilibrio, donde la equidad y la integridad moral se entrelazan. Es un mundo que busca defender los valores que definen a la humanidad, donde se protegen los derechos de los débiles y se rectifican los errores de los poderosos.
En este ámbito, la justicia no es simplemente un concepto, sino una presencia viva, una encarnación de la verdad y la rectitud. Se yergue erguida, sus ojos agudos y perspicaces, sus escamas sostenidas con un equilibrio inquebrantable. Con cada caso que se le presenta, profundiza en el laberinto de la evidencia, desenredando los hilos del engaño y la parcialidad, buscando solo la pureza de la verdad.
Sus decisiones no se ven influidas por el beneficio personal o la presión social, ya que se guía por un sentido innato de la rectitud. Ella se erige como guardiana de los vulnerables, asegurándose de que se escuchen sus voces y se reconozca su dolor. En su reino, nadie está por encima de la ley, y los poderosos son responsables de sus acciones.
Sin embargo, la justicia no está sola. Junto a ella toma forma la rectitud, abrazando la virtud de la compasión y la empatía. Aboga por los oprimidos, prestando su fuerza y exigiendo igualdad para todos. Su voz resuena con una decidida determinación de desmantelar las barreras que perpetúan la desigualdad.
En este ámbito, la justicia y la rectitud funcionan en armonía, sus propósitos están entrelazados. Son los pilares sobre los que prospera la sociedad, guiándonos hacia un futuro donde prevalezcan la bondad y la justicia. A través de su incansable búsqueda, inspiran a las personas comunes a enfrentarse a la injusticia, a luchar por lo que es correcto y a garantizar que la llama de la rectitud nunca se apague.
Pero no son perfectas, estas encarnaciones de justicia y rectitud. Pueden tropezar y cometer errores, porque también están sujetos a las limitaciones del entendimiento humano. Sin embargo, es a través de su falibilidad que nos enseñan la virtud de la humildad, recordándonos que una verdadera búsqueda de la justicia requiere un crecimiento y una reflexión continuos.
En este ámbito, la justicia y la rectitud no son ideales efímeros. Son la base sobre la que se construyen las sociedades, el faro que ilumina nuestro camino hacia un mundo mejor. Y mientras haya quienes luchen por la verdad y la equidad, su legado resonará en los anales del tiempo, inspirando a las generaciones venideras en la búsqueda eterna de lo etéreo.
En el vasto claustro de la ley
donde los derechos se entrelazan,
donde la balanza debe equilibrar,
la Justicia alza su voz.
Con su mirada serena y tranquila,
escudriña cada caso en su mesa,
analiza cada detalle y testimonio,
en busca de la verdad desnuda.
No se deja llevar por las pasiones,
ni por las voces de la multitud,
sino que en su mar de imparcialidad,
nada pasa desapercibido.
Se viste de imparcialidad y ecuanimidad,
con su toga de sabiduría y experiencia,
y sostiene en su mano la espada de la veracidad,
dispuesta a cortar cualquier mentira.
No importa si eres rico o pobre,
si tienes poder o eres desvalido,
la Justicia no se deja intimidar,
y defiende los derechos con fervor.
Pero no solo busca castigar al culpable,
sino también reivindicar al inocente,
y en su inmenso conocimiento,
busca la forma de reparar los daños causados.
Es un faro que guía en el oscuro camino,
un baluarte de protección y equidad,
que asegura que nadie esté por encima de la ley,
y que todos tengan un juicio justo.
Poema de Justicia, llamado a la reflexión,
a recordar que todos somos iguales ante la ley,
y que solo en su imparcialidad y sabiduría,
podemos encontrar la verdadera justicia.
Fullness of God
To realize your visions and dreams, to have faith that moves mountains, and to have the confident bravery to ask God for what you want, you must accept God’s pure love and pure goodness toward you as a matter-of-fact thing.
To know the love of Christ is the beginning of being filled with all the fullness of God. He is able to do more than we ask or think, but it is only in relation to the amount of His power that we allow to work within us. We choose how much of His love we accept. We choose how much of His Word we believe. We choose how much of His power we want to work through us and in us.
God's Love
God's love is unfailing.
It is an everlasting love.
No other love compares to the love of Christ Jesus.
As God says in Jeremiah 31:3, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.”
Nothing at all can separate us from God’s eternal love: “I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38–39).
For Sion's love I will not shut up, and for the love of Jerusalem I will not rest, until his justice comes out as a radiance, and his salvation lights up as a torch. Then the people will see your justice, and all the kings your glory; And you will be put on a new name, that Jehovah's mouth will appoint. And you will be crown of glory in the hand of Jehovah, and headband of kingdom in the hand of the god of yours. Isaiah 62: 1-4 [RV60]
En el vasto espacio de mi ser,
donde los sueños se hacen realidad,
surge un grito desesperado,
un canto a la libertad.
Libertad, oh dulce libertad,
soplo de aire fresco en mi piel,
eres la fuerza que me impulsa,
a volar alto, a ser fiel.
Libertad, tesoro invaluable,
que se conquista con valor,
eres la llave que desbloquea,
las cadenas que encadenan el corazón.
En tus alas majestuosas,
me elevo por encima del dolor,
descubro nuevos horizontes,
y en cada paso, más y más amor.
En la libertad encuentro mi esencia,
mi verdadero ser en plenitud,
me descubro, me redescubro,
en cada acto de gratitud.
Libertad, aliento divino,
que aviva el fuego en mi interior,
me inspiras a ser auténtico,
a trascender cualquier temor.
En cada palabra al viento,
en cada decisión que tomo,
libertad, eres mi guía,
mi faro, mi sagrado tesoro.
En la plenitud de la libertad,
me encuentro con mi verdadero yo,
me abrazo con mis sueños,
y vuelo alto, ¡oh, libertad, me despojo!
Me despojo de prejuicios,
de limitaciones impuestas,
me despojo de miedos,
y danzo en tu esencia más diestra.
Libertad, flor en el jardín de mi vida,
fragancia que embriaga mis sentidos,
eres el regalo más preciado,
que la existencia me ha concedido.
Así, en el vasto espacio de mi ser,
donde los sueños se hacen realidad,
surge un grito desesperado,
un canto a la libertad.
Then I said: Behold, I come;
In the scroll of the book it is written of me;
Doing your will, my God, has pleased me,
And your law is in the middle of my heart.
I have announced justice in a great congregation;
Behold, I have not restrained my lips,
Jehovah, you know.
I did not hide your justice within my heart;
I have published your faithfulness and your salvation;
I did not hide your mercy and your truth in great assembly.
Jehovah, do not withhold your mercies from me;
Your mercy and your truth keep me always.
Psalms 40:7-12 [KJV]
En un rincón del corazón,
donde los sueños y la pasión se entrelazan,
donde las palabras cobran vida,
se esconde un poema esperando ser revelado.
El papel en blanco aguarda ansioso,
el suspiro del lápiz que lo dibuje,
las letras que floten en su superficie,
como notas danzantes en el viento.
Las musas susurran al oído,
versos que emergen del pensamiento,
se entretejen en un juego de emociones,
que despiertan mil sensaciones.
El amor se viste de palabras,
se enreda en versos y metáforas,
desborda el alma en cada estrofa,
como un río que fluye sin cesar.
Los sentimientos se pintan de tinta,
en cada verso que se desborda,
el dolor y la alegría se entrelazan,
como notas armoniosas en una sinfonía.
El poema es magia pura,
la voz del alma hecha poesía,
es la expresión del mundo interior,
que encuentra en las palabras su guarida.
Así, en cada verso se revelan,
las lágrimas ocultas y los sueños,
los miedos y las pasiones desatadas,
en un grito de libertad y quietud.
Que nunca se silencie el poema,
que siga escribiendo su melodía,
que encuentre en los ojos del lector,
la resonancia que lo llena de vida.
Porque el poema es eterno,
se adentra en el alma y se graba,
es un legado de emociones guardadas,
un puente entre el corazón y el papel.
Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him, so that glory may dwell in our land.
Mercy and truth met; Justice and peace kissed.
Truth will sprout from the earth, And justice will look down from heaven.
Jehovah will also give good, And our land will give its increase.
Justice will go before him, and his steps will put us on the way.
Psalms 85:9 - 13 [KJV]
I'm beginning to see what true strength is...
It is walking through pain
and not trying to hide from it.
It's allowing real messy feelings to come up
and not try to push them down.
It's letting the Holy Spirit be our comfort instead of turning
to coping mechanisms or trying to numb tough feelings.
Real strength is taking all your sorrow,
your fear, your questions, your doubt,
your heartache and placing it at the feet of Jesus.
It is sitting with these feelings and allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to you.
It's about not running to hide but running to Him.
Lay down your whole heart to Him.
Turn to Him first before anyone or anything
else and then trust Him to carry these burdens.
This is hard work,
holy work that purifies our hearts.
It's not easy.
It's a process but God will meet with us
and as we pour out our weaknesses
He makes us strong.
In The Valley
In the valley God is planting things within you.
He is planting deeper faith within your heart.
He is planting greater levels of trust.
He is planting strength and perseverance.
He is planting seeds of intimacy.
He is digging up the rocky parts of your heart that have to be softened.
He is the Master.
He knows what He is doing.
And at the right moment all of these things that He planted will begin to bloom and they will be exactly the things that you needed to walk in your purpose.
Nothing is wasted in the valley.
He is doing a good thing within you.
Allow Him to work, don't work against Him.
You will bloom, beautiful one
and you will walk in the fullness of God as you leave the valley behind.
I Want To Be
I want to be the type of woman who anoints Jesus’s head with oil.
I want to be the type of woman who finds the Living Water and then goes off running to share of Him.
I want to be the type of woman who weeps at Jesus’s feet for thankfulness for the sins that were forgiven.
I want to be the the of woman who reaches for His cloak for healing.
I want to be the type of woman who sits at His feet and listens even when the busyness of life is calling.
I want to be the type of woman who gives Him her everything.
I want to be the type of woman that follows Jesus to the cross.
I want to be the type of woman who sees life through Calvary and the price that was paid.
I want to be the type of woman that Jesus appears to.
I want to be the type of woman that when Jesus looks at me He sees a beautiful heart.
I want to be a woman who is constantly seeking Him.
I want to be a woman known for loving Jesus.
Yes, I want to be that type of woman and every day He is turning me into her.
Swimming is self-development.
Swimming is a responsibility.
Swimming is good for the mind.
Swimming is all about trust.
Swimming is my therapy.
Swimming is power.
Swimming is peace.
Swimming is not just a sport, it is a way of life!
Cuando Me Vuelva a Enamorar
Cuando me vuelva a enamorar, quiero reír sin parar; quiero volver a ser una niña; quiero confiar sin pensar que me van a fallar; y/o lastimar, quiero sentir que soy yo a la que más quiere; quiero pasar los mejores y los peores días a su lado; quiero pelear sin razón para perdonar con razón.
Quiero sentir que vuelo y que no hay nadie mejor; quiero descubrir el porqué de las cosas; quiero bailar sin parar y que él sea mi pareja favorita; quiero estar segura de quién soy y quién es; quiero que no haya nada mejor que nuestro pequeño o grande tiempo juntos; quiero ser la mujer de sus ojos y que él sea el hombre de los míos; quiero aprovechar el tiempo que no estuvimos juntos.
Quiero lograr ver en él lo que nunca antes vi en nadie más; quiero cantar como loca canciones de amor; quiero que ame lo que hace y no se queje de ello; quiero que cumpla sus metas aunque sean locas, extrañas o muy inalcanzables; quiero conocer una nueva cara del amor; quiero tener los mejores detalles.
Quiero darle mi corazón completo y no solo trozos de él; quiero recordar cada día por qué estaré a su lado; quiero que exista el tiempo juntos y el espacio; quiero que viva cada día como si fuera el ultimo; quiero agradecer cada detalle; quiero que sea porque lo gano a base de hechos y no de palabras; quiero que se convierta en un gran amigo.
Quiero que se note la ilusión; quiero que tenga la confianza de decir lo que pasa en todo momento; quiero que sea yo la excepción de su vida; quiero que vea en mí una amiga, un apoyo y una guía; quiero guardar en mi los mejores recuerdos; quiero que no seamos dependientes el uno del otro.
Quiero sonreír todo el día; quiero que existan enojos y celos pero saber solucionarlo en el momento adecuado; quiero que cambie mi mundo en un instante; quiero que se note el amor en ambos; quiero diversión para los dos.
Quiero que apoye mis sueños; quiero que se sienta orgulloso de la persona que soy y seré; quiero que baste estar juntos para tener un buen momento; quiero comprenderlo y quiero que me comprenda; quiero que todo sentimiento sea reciproco; quiero que me abrace con fuerza y me sienta protegida.
Quiero que mis ojos brillen cada que lo vea; quiero que no importe el pasado y sólo se viva el presente; quiero estar consciente de que todo puede pasar; quiero que una carta valga más que una flor; quiero que no le aburra lo simple; quiero que acepte mis fallas; quiero sentir que es real.
Simplemente ser la más feliz de todas, no arrepentirnos de lo que vivamos, aun cuando sé que no todo será perfecto; que hay días insoportables y dolorosos, porque sé de los malos ratos y comprendo el que no todo dure para siempre, si no cuidas de los momentos. Sólo quiero hacerlo a él el más feliz y que no tenga duda de estar a mi lado.
Cuando me vuelva e enamorar, simplemente quiero volver a sentir.
Pray for people.
Pray for the ones you know.
Pray for the ones you don’t.
Pray when they ask you to.
Pray when they don’t.
You have this gift inside of you.
Full of power by the Holy Spirit.
The same power that rose Jesus from the grave lives in you.
Pray all the time.
For everyone.
And watch God work.
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
Ephesians 6:18
Battle Belongs
God prepares you for battles
He knows you will face.
I have seen this to be true.
When you dwell in the presence
of the Most High He will build up
your most holy faith.
He will teach you the ways of warfare
and prepare your fingers for battle.
He will build you up brick by brick
upon His Word so that when the earth
begins to shake under you, you will not fall.
He will teach you to listen to His orders
and how to obey like a solider on the front line.
He doesn't send you out into a battle ill equipped. No, He goes ahead of you.
He anoints you with His power and protection.
He covers you with His full armor and places the weapon of praise and prayer into your hands.
He sets a Mighty Fortress around you and His ring of fire protects you from your enemies.
He covers you on every side.
He never leaves you as you go
through the battles of this life.
He is right there.
Upholding you.
Strengthening you.
Teaching you.
Comforting you.
He makes you more than a conqueror through His Spirit. He makes you a great warrior for His Kingdom.
He takes your weakness and shows just how mighty He is to save. His Spirit empowers you.
I know we will face battles...
we are either headed into one right now,
in the middle of one,
or on our way out and by the
grace of God we will overcome.
He goes before you,
He hems in behind you,
He brings you through.
The Almighty God, victory is in His name.
Love & Grace
God is endless love and grace that we can’t control.
Or earn.
Or distribute as we see fit.
That’s God’s job.
I have learned to rest in this peace.
Recently, I encountered a believer who would rather argue.
He wanted so badly to be right.
He wanted so badly to get a say.
Maybe you’ve met someone like that, too.
Tonight, for the ones who believe God is love deep in their bones, too.
I want to say you’re safe right here.
And you’re safe with God.
Because the endless love and grace wasn’t just made for me and you.
But for every last one of us ❤️
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”
[1 John 4:7]
Don't look ahead to the challenges of
tomorrow, dear one.
Stay present in today.
Stay present in the truth that God has gotten you this far.
Remind yourself that no matter what comes He is already there.
He has given you tailor made grace for today.
He is sustaining you.
He is carrying you through today.
Look to where you are right now...
You are standing by His grace.
You are still going, by His strength.
And with each day He will show up for you.
He will help you.
He will remain faithful.
He has given you grace for today,
and He will continue into all your tomorrows.
Rest in that perfect grace He has given today.
Love Never Fails
Oh, dear friend.
His love never fails.
His love is a perfect love.
It holds you.
It will never let you go.
From now until all eternity you are
loved with His perfect love.
We make mistakes.
We are flawed and imperfect
but God's love is bigger.
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him (1 John 4:8-9).
El amor eres tú cuando te brillan los ojos porque lograste ver eso que tanto te costó. Eres tú cuando volviste a abrir las ventanas para que entre el sol, después de tanta lluvia. Cuando decidiste quererte más que nunca. El alma brilla cuando por fin entiende que toda luz se enciende por dentro y que empieza en ti.
But the wisdom from above
is first of all pure.
It is also peace loving,
gentle at all times,
and willing to yield to others.
It is full of mercy
and the fruit of good deeds.
It shows no favoritism
and is always sincere.
And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.
James 3:17-18
It's time to get up and move on. Get up and make the bed of your faith. Change the sheets of discouragement. Replace them with refreshing, clear words of hope. Dust off doubt from all surfaces of your spiritual home. Bathe in the debris of any disbelieving words you have spoken. Put on praise garments for the God who loves you beyond your imagination. This is a new day. It's not like yesterday. You can lie on a bed of discouragement for another day or choose to believe that God is the keeper of his word, and nothing he promised you will fail. All things are possible if you choose to get up and move on.
1 Kings 19:7 NLT Then the angel of the Lord returned, touched him and said, "Get up and eat some more, otherwise the journey ahead will be too much for you."
FULLNESS is a “time word” that we must understand. Our lives are keyed around times of FULLNESS where in a moment everything we have been waiting for manifests and time changes. (Acts 17: 20-26). He predetermines our time and place so we can grab hold of our purpose. Faith, our response to the One who knit us together in our Mother’s womb, works from time and place.
Billie Alexander sent me this picture of a beautiful full moon of Iyar tonight in San Diego—the fullness of the month of healing!!! Receiving and praying for many!
“Who is this that looks down like the dawn, Fair and beautiful as the full moon, Clear and pure as the sun, As majestic as an army with banners?” Song of Solomon
We learn His plan of FULLNESS for our life as we Shabbat, celebrate Firstfruits, and understand Feast Times, like Passover, Pentecost, and Feast of Tabernacles.
Your days are timed in the earth realm. He made you to enjoy life and war as you press toward your times of FULLNESS.
Dios, satisfacción del alma
Dios, Dios mío eres tú;
De madrugada te buscaré;
Mi alma tiene sed de ti, mi carne te anhela,
En tierra seca y árida donde no hay aguas,
Para ver tu poder y tu gloria,
Así como te he mirado en el santuario.
Porque mejor es tu misericordia que la vida;
Mis labios te alabarán.
Así te bendeciré en mi vida;
En tu nombre alzaré mis manos.
Como de meollo y de grosura será saciada mi alma,
Y con labios de júbilo te alabará mi boca,
Cuando me acuerde de ti en mi lecho,
Cuando medite en ti en las vigilias de la noche.
Porque has sido mi socorro,
Y así en la sombra de tus alas me regocijaré.
Está mi alma apegada a ti;
Tu diestra me ha sostenido.
Pero los que para destrucción buscaron mi alma
Caerán en los sitios bajos de la tierra.
Los destruirán a filo de espada;
Serán porción de los chacales.
Pero el rey se alegrará en Dios; Será alabado cualquiera que jura por él; Porque la boca de los que hablan mentira será cerrada.
Salmos 63:1 [RV60]
My Soul
"Bless, my soul, the Lord,
and don't forget any of his blessings!
The Lord forgives all your wickedness,
and he heals all your diseases.
The Lord rescues you from death,
and he showers you with favors and mercy from him."
Psalm 103:2-4
Lion of Judah
You are invincible in battle. You are like the morning sun. So strong and so real, that you have no equal, and the enemy trembles at your gaze. You are so faithful and tender at the same time, that a girl can caress you, that apart from fighting, you also know how to play, like a pure and innocent puppy. I love you, because when you are with me I am happy, and it is not by chance that I want to be close to you. Oh, she speaks again, and that I can hear you, repeat the miracle in me, and that I can hear you, unleash the power of Your voice once more, roar of a lion, from the Tribe of Judah.
"Stop crying, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has already won!" Revelation 5:5
God's Glory
God's glory in your life doesn't always show up in big waves of power. No, sometimes His glory is like a gentle stream of water.
Grace filled.
His hand over your life in subtle ways like doors being opened. Your decisions being directed.
You can see His that His favor is evident by the paths that you are led down.
And though maybe you didn't see a big move of God all at once you can see little marks of His presence weaved all through of life. You can see His Spirit that has gone ahead of you.
Yes, sometimes His glory doesn't come in the way of fire but instead comes as a gentle dove.
Sometimes His glory doesn't come in the way of a rushing wind but instead by a still small whisper.
Sometimes His glory doesn't come in the way of the highest mountain but instead shines forth from the deepest pit.
Sometimes His glory doesn't come in a burning bush but instead by a gentle burning within your own heart.
His ways are different than our own.
But if you look closely I know you will see evidence of His faithfulness all around you.
He is the good Shepherd.
He is gentle in heart and sometimes His glory shows up in the most subtle ways, but one thing I know for certain...He is always there.
In the power and in the stillness.
In the fires and in the slow burning.
In the shouts and in the whispers.
On the mountains and in the valleys.
His glory is all around us.
I Love You
“I got you tea” means I was thinking about you.
“Wanna grab lunch” means I like spending time with you.
“Just checking in on you” means I care about you.
“I‘m here if you need me” means your mess is safe here.
“I just need somebody to talk to” means I trust you.
“Make yourself at home” means you can be comfortable with me.
“Can I get your take on this” means I value your input.
“I saved you a seat” means I like us together.
“I’ll be there but I’ll be wearing pijamas” means I am here to be vulnerable and real.
“Can we talk about this?” means I want to preserve our relationship because it’s important to me.
“You’re invited” means your company is wanted.
“I’m sorry” means I want to keep you around and I’m willing to fix it when I mess up.
“Let’s get pizza and wine” means I’m down for some fun.
“I love you” means I love you…no matter what you have and no matter what you do. On your best days and on your worst days. Through the good and through the bad. I’m here for it and I’m here for you.
Always Good
Even when life doesn't seem fair,
Even when it seems your prayers are going unanswered,
Even when the answer is no
He is still good.
The Lord proved His goodness and His love
for us on the cross.
Nothing changes the cross.
Nothing changes the price that was paid.
He is always good.
He is always kind.
Fix your eyes on Him.
Pain makes us doubt whether we'll ever see the light again, whether we'll ever know the comfort that once held us, the hope that once buoyed us, the warmth that once enfolded us.
And then, in walks God, bringing all the light and comfort and hope and warmth that we didn't think was possible here -- in this impossible place.
God does not fear your pain.
He does not turn his back or forsake you.
He already made the commitment to step inside --
with skin on,
robe dusty from the walk,
throat parched at the well,
finger writing on the ground,
heart heaving with betrayal,
forehead dripping with blood,
wrists pierced,
eyes that let you know he meant it when
he told a thief on a cross that they'd
be together in paradise
in just a little while.
He's literally got skin in the game. We're not alone.
There's no valley too dark,
no canyon too deep,
no heartbreak too great.
When the pain goes deep,
God goes deeper still.
but don't allow yourself to be used.
but don't allow your heart to be abused.
but don't be naive.
but don't lose your own voice.
Take a breath, my friend.
If you are anxious, breathe.
If you are worried, breathe,
If you are sad, breathe.
If you are nervous, breathe.
If you are tired, breathe.
If you are lonely, breathe.
If you are angry, breathe.
If you are bored, breathe.
If you are unsure, breathe.
Take a breath, my friend.
If you are anxious, you are still enough.
If you are worried, you are still enough.
If you are sad, you are still enough.
If you are nervous, you are still enough.
If you are tired, you are still enough.
If you are lonely, you are still enough.
If you are angry, you are still enough.
If you are bored, you are still enough.
If you are unsure, you are still enough,
You are enough.
You are always enough.
You are more than enough.
You are wonderful.
It is hard to believe that God can bind up our deepest wounds.
The ones that come from loss and grief and devastation.
Because the hope becomes too heavy.
And the healing becomes impossible to hold.
And it can feel like we are just going through the motions.
But in the still of our endless nights.
God is building a bridge to whole.
And He is reinforcing every step with grace to catch you wherever your feet and heart may fall.
Today, trust in this peace through every hurt:
God is building a brighter day.
He will walk with you across every crisis.
And He will walk with you through every change.
“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.”
[Philippians 4:19]
Yo me alegré con los que me decían:
A la casa de Jehová iremos.
Nuestros pies estuvieron
Dentro de tus puertas, oh Jerusalén.
Jerusalén, que se ha edificado
Como una ciudad que está bien unida entre sí.
Y allá subieron las tribus, las tribus de JAH,
Conforme al testimonio dado a Israel,
Para alabar el nombre de Jehová.
Porque allá están las sillas del juicio,
Los tronos de la casa de David.
Pedid por la paz de Jerusalén;
Sean prosperados los que te aman.
Sea la paz dentro de tus muros,
Y el descanso dentro de tus palacios.
Por amor de mis hermanos y mis compañeros
Diré yo: La paz sea contigo.
Por amor a la casa de Jehová nuestro Dios
Buscaré tu bien.
Salmos 122:1 [RV60]
Jehová es la porción de mi herencia y de mi copa;
Tú sustentas mi suerte.
Las cuerdas me cayeron en lugares deleitosos,
Y es hermosa la heredad que me ha tocado.
Bendeciré a Jehová que me aconseja;
Aun en las noches me enseña mi conciencia.
A Jehová he puesto siempre delante de mí;
Porque está a mi diestra, no seré conmovido.
Se alegró por tanto mi corazón, y se gozó mi alma;
Mi carne también reposará confiadamente;
Porque no dejarás mi alma en el Seol,
Ni permitirás que tu santo vea corrupción.
Me mostrarás la senda de la vida;
En tu presencia hay plenitud de gozo;
Delicias a tu diestra para siempre.
Salmos 16:5 [RV60]
En medio del odio, descubrí que había, dentro de mí, un amor invencible. En medio de lágrimas, descubrí que había, dentro de mí, una sonrisa invencible. En medio del caos, descubrí que había, dentro de mí, una calma invencible. Me di cuenta, a pesar de todo eso… En medio del invierno, descubrí que había, dentro de mí, un verano invencible. Y eso me hace feliz. Porque esto dice que no importa lo duro que el mundo empuja contra mí; dentro de mí hay algo más fuerte, algo mejor, empujando de vuelta.
Encuentro libertad en un sorbo de té. En la poesia, en un momento vivido, fuera de este mundo mío.
Encuentro libertad en su palabra. En su presencia, en esa calidez que me transporta a otra galaxia.
Encuentro libertad en un amanecer. Pinceles que transforman en arte las nubes. Encuentro libertad en el arte. En plasmar en un lienzo una idea de un mundo mejor.
I like the moon, she keeps the best love stories, those not written, those that are not fantasy, but realities that have become eternal.
If there is a book that
you would like to read but
it has not yet been written,
then you should write it.
The reality is, it is that it doesn't matter if you ignore the truth,
debate the truth, discuss the truth, or don't apply the truth;
no matter what you do with the truth,
the truth does not change.