I'm beginning to see what true strength is...
It is walking through pain
and not trying to hide from it.
It's allowing real messy feelings to come up
and not try to push them down.
It's letting the Holy Spirit be our comfort instead of turning
to coping mechanisms or trying to numb tough feelings.
Real strength is taking all your sorrow,
your fear, your questions, your doubt,
your heartache and placing it at the feet of Jesus.
It is sitting with these feelings and allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to you.
It's about not running to hide but running to Him.
Lay down your whole heart to Him.
Turn to Him first before anyone or anything
else and then trust Him to carry these burdens.
This is hard work,
holy work that purifies our hearts.
It's not easy.
It's a process but God will meet with us
and as we pour out our weaknesses
He makes us strong.
2023-07-05 16:39:25