New year plans
Новини, Цікаве, Особисте
Hello everyone,
I know its been a while since I posted anything. XD im really trying to find the time. Anyway first of all wishing everyone a happy 2021. Hoping that this year we can learn to live life to the fullest.
Then some cool anouncements. First of all I persoonly been working really hard on my book called loner wolf. Like I think it is almost finished. But while working on it I also noticed i really need to work on it with some eddeting. Making things flow better.
Second news if you like my writing and want to read more about life, mental health and other more fun things. I have a blog which I update a lot. https://prettyrose177.wordpress.com/
Them thirth thing, i am planning on sharing more poems.
Stay safe, Stay healthy and keep a mask on.
Till next time.
Life update
Новини, Потрібна допомога, Питання
Hello everyone,
I know I've been offline again for a while.
School took a big big toll of me and I had no energy for social media. Like I was and still am a bit exhausted. It's been a super stressful period. And won't really stop till the year is over.
So yeah that's a short version of a life update.
But I do have some good news. So a while ago I talked about starting my own small business in selling handmade jewelry and thing.
My business is online! You can find the webshop here: https://www.etsy.com/nl/shop/RoseJewerlyShop
And for more pictures and updates you can following the Instagram account; @rosejewerlyshop
And yes I know I spelled it wrong. But I spelled my Etsy shop wrong, so had to be consistent and did it every where.
Also I love to have you feedback on my bracelets and what you would want to see.
And yes I am still writing. Mostly poems at the moment. But some are still raw and need to be edited.
I love to hear from you guys.
Till my next update!
Random hobby
Новини, Різне
Hello everyone,
So it has been a while since I wrote a post. Mainly because my life is super busy and consuming of my energy.
But I did want to share something. So I love books. But one other hobby of mine is games. And then in special games with a good story line.
So I almost finished my new Al time favorite game and wanted to share it.
It's called final fantasy 15. It been out for a while and I have the royal edition.
I would love to tell more. But the story made my almost cry. I don't want to spoiler anything.
Anyway, do you have any games you like to play? I'd love to know.
Have a great weekend!!!
Dark rose
Deep dark red roses.
With black edges.
Dark green leaves
And hard thorns.
Such an beauty.
But one prick
And then it hurts.
I look at all the books I've written.
Some full of happiness.
Others with memories of pain and hurt.full with the trials in life.
I gaze at them.
Run my fingers through the pages.
And I read the stories and adventures.
The things that sculpt me to be who I am todag.
Reliving the moments. Some I which I could redo.
Others I would love to relive.
And those I wish that would stop haunting me.
Then I get to the last book.
Looking at this blank page.
The unknown.
A story that hasn't been written yet.
But it will be a new chapter.
Anxiety hits me.
But I have good hope.
Hope for a blissful future.
One with less hurt and more happiness.
Words of wisdom
Some people say you are not worthy,
That your efforts are useless.
That you are useless, ugly and worthless.
And it is with their rudeness,
They try to break you.
And sometimes you get so tired.
and you want to break down.
Then I would like to tell you.
People aren't always fair.life isn't always fair.
They put others down, to lift themselves up.
But you are not alone in your fight. You deserve to get respect, kindness and justice. And all the happiness in the world.