2 a.m.
(2 a.m.,I was sleeping.. Suddenly my phone vibrated.It was her,I picked up. She said it was over!) Calling me 2 a.m.,you said you didn't want me more! I was so stunned to ask the reason for.. I didn't want that for sure. (I called her asap..) Baby, why you are doing this to me?? I didn't want this to be.. I asked her baby please.. Don't do this (She stayed silent..) Babe,do you hear me? I can't lose you You are my world, that is damn true.. She said it was too late.. She wanted me to forget! I screamed,how can I forget.. In her voice it was only hate Babe,you said you won't leave I was so fool to believe.. (She got angry and shouted from the phone..) Why should I stay with you.. When you have nothing to do.. You are just lame,can't even stand in front of them.. You are just a shame! (I couldn't think.I was sobbing.) I just said babe, for godshake You are telling those moments were fake! Babe ,I promised you to be your armour.. I swared to god , I would destroy anything that would harm her! But, how could I save us when you did this blunder.. (No reply from her..But I didn't stop) Babe, think about it..We can fix this shit Babe, tomorrow can we meet?? Babe, babe please reply. You can't make this relationship die! (I checked the phone, found out she cut the phone long time ago..She never called back..I was talking to myself ... I threw my phone into the wall and screamed loudly..)
2020-07-13 15:07:55
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Valour And Faith
Great thought Dip bhai 👏👏👏 But so sad 😥😥😣😣
2020-07-15 17:05:30
Схожі вірші
Сумую без тебе
Сумую без тебе, кохана Так важко на серці мені. Приходь ти до мене жадана, Щоночі. Хоча б уві сні. Загляну в кохані я очі, Не йди, прошепчу. Я люблю. Та довгі безсоннії ночі, Вбивають вже душу мою. Прошу я, відкрий моє серце, Ти подихом ніжним своїм. Відчиню заховані дверці, Закриті на сотні замків.
Присвячую тобі вірші українською, Бо не знаю, якою мовою висловлювати свої почуття. Хоча, для тебе, мабуть, краще російською, Але я вірю: зрозумієш і так. Бо коли ми зустрінемось, важливим буде лиш погляд: Серце не потребуватиме слів, Йому буде байдуже звідки ми родом, Навіть, якщо з ворожих країн.