Defying the odds!
What's your definition of success? Being that person whom everyone wants you to be and handle all stress?? I can't think of what am I going to do next.. I am afraid of trying new things cause people may think it's out of context! Some think of me, I am rude cause I don't get attached to people so easily.. Tell me how will I live without them when they will be not there for me.. Change is a part of life it's easy to say doing it isn't a easy task.. How can I trust everyone out there, all I can see faces covered with mask over another mask!! Everyone is saying, no pressure do whatever you want to be.. I am not blind, whenever I look into my parent's eyes,I can see what they are expecting from me.. People say reading other books than in syllabus makes the brain blunt and for arts! In both 10th and 12th got 100 in maths, topper of my school from science, stupids,am I being too harsh?? Never wanted to be writer, I write cause it makes me to stay as normal as I can.. I hide inside the castle made of my own thoughts,I am not never will be a perfect man.. Depressing thoughts comes everyday like they are regular guests in my head.. Can't count how many people left me for not saying I care for them when I should have said.. I am not afraid of death why should I when everyday I die a lot! I rarely express my feelings,the only time I open up when I start to jot.. What's your definition of perfect when the word itself just an illusion nothing else.. I see the world though a broken lens so stay away from me with your fairy tales!! I don't believe in eutopia,it is created to cover up the mess we created here.. There are too many clones, trying to find originals,I know they are rare.. There is no such thing as destiny,we all are caterpillars going through moulting process to be the butterfly.. Can man be able to fly like pre-'destined' birds,if they gave up and didn't try?? I don't trust the system where still donating poor people money considered as a holy job done.. Why can't we abolish the difference of economy, helping people with money,still I won't admire you as the perfect one!! I am just a teenager trying to see the world through different angles.. If you can't put faith on yourself, I don't care you worshship how many angels!!
2020-10-09 16:57:36
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This one's damn good!👌
2020-12-22 17:15:28
@STELLA RAYMOND thank you very much..😊
2020-12-23 04:14:53
Схожі вірші
У серці...
Я думками завжди з тобою, Ім'я твоє шепочу уві сні. Як добре, що тою любов'ю, Я буду зігріт навесні. Колись я кохався з журбою, Всі враження їй віддавав. Проте, нагороджений долею, У серці тебе я сховав. І швидко темрява зникла, Зростало в моїй душі світло. Так швидко надія розквітла, Прийшло в життя наше літо. Я марю тобою кожну годину, За тебе і щастя своє я віддам. Для мене ти світ, ти - родина, І буду любити наперекір літам.
Тишина ночного неба
Полный город одиноких улиц И фонарики вокруг в глазах горят В темноте стен полыхает ветер молча , Сцены шелеста теней играя без конца ... Мнимость разных звёзд по небу Освещает путь ко царству сна Тем , кто в глубине ночи не встретил , Свой покой без тучь мыслей сполна ... Тишиной ночного насладиться неба , Рано или поздно станет легче слов ... Без ответов улетят запреты Давних чувств и всех тревог Звук сверчков дополнит кредом Пейзаж сердца споведь звёзд , Лишь о том , что дни болело От полных будней забот