Drug ballad
(I was a drug addict a few years back..I am sharing some dark past of mine and how I survived from that.. Hoping it might help..) Well,I was 17 when a friend of mine asked me if I want to try something new.. I thought why not,I went with him and it will change my life,I wish I knew! He took me to a man at riverside and bought a packet of something,it was white.. I didn't know what that was than but I was feeling it's something not right! I saw he torn the packet put some of it on his hand and sniffed that all.. I was curious also afraid so I denied it,he laughed at me saying you have no balls! It hurt my ego,I took some and sniffed that fast and shit.. I won't gonna lie to you,I was feeling so damn great and happy I have to admit! I heard he was saying something but I was feeling I was not there.. I couldn't control myself, I was drunk before but it was too strong to compare! That's the beginning, slowly I became slave to this habit.. It was helping me to forget my stress so I fooled myself by saying what would happen by just taking a bit?? I belong to a middle class family and it was far more expensive than my can of beer.. I started to steal money from my parents,I was so desperate that I was out of any fear! I was bunking classes, stopped talking with others,all I was thinking of drugs.. I broke up with my girlfriend too,my addiction was stronger than her hugs! Day by day,I became so addicted,I needed more money to buy more.. My mother first noticed the missing money, she asked me why that much money I was needing for?? I pushed her at the floor and ran to my room and sniffed some more to release stress!! I just wanted to forget her god-damn face.. I wanted more money so I could buy more drugs for me.. I was so desperate,the pain in my parents' eye,I was too blind to see! I was aware that I wasn't doing something good but I just couldn't stop it.. Whenever,I got normal ,I could only see how I was destroying the family bit by bit! I looked into my mother's eye,she was helpless and facing too much pain.. I couldn't bear it anymore,I cried and told them everything and requested to keep me sane.. They admitted me to a rehab, there I came to know all and analyzed my deeds.. There were people from different ages,there were even some kids! I was insane during the starting,I begged everyone to give me some powder to sniff fast.. I tried to even kill myself,I was traumatized then I was about to burst! Well, it's been 3 years now, finally I was released and came to home back.. I can see after so many years, my parents were smiling again that they lack! Now, I am completing my study,I am different than my old me.. I am also greatful to him,cause he taught me what I shouldn't be!!
2020-09-26 17:18:58
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@JENOVA JACKSON CHASE thanks a lot..🙂
2020-10-02 12:08:16
This is perfect 🖤
2021-01-26 05:05:45
@CVLD BLVVDED thanks a ton..🙂
2021-01-26 08:47:39
Схожі вірші
Ти — моє сонце у похмурі дні, І без тебе всі веселощі будуть чужі. Ти — наче мій рятівник, А я — твій вірний захисник. Не кидай мене у часи сумні, Бо без тебе я буду на дні. Прошу́, ніколи не залишай мене одну, Адже без тебе я точно потону. Хто я без тебе? Напевно, мене просто нема... Розкажу я тобі про все із цього "листа". Постався до цього обережно і слушно, Щоб не подумала ти, що це, може, бездушно. Адже писала я ці рядки довго, І ти не посмій не побачити цього! Ми же ж з тобою змалку завжди були разом, І дружбу нашу не зруйнуєш навіть часом. А ти пам'ятаєш, як на кухні говорили про хлопців? Ми зберігали всі секрети, наче у таємній коробці. Смієшся ти, як завжди, смішно, І не сказати про це буде грішно. Дуже подобаються мені наші розмови, Особливо, коли ти "ламаєш" свої брови. Чудово, коли твоя найкраща подруга — сестра. Адже не залишить в біді ніколи вона. А завжди буде поруч. Навіть якщо сам чорт стоїть ліворуч.
Печаль прячется в словах
Полны отчаяния слова Достигли й душат вдруг меня Не знаю дальше как мне быть И стоит ли их отпустить Всю грусть ,что прячется внутри Пусть заберёт с собою дни А шоколад утешет впредь Всё горести уйдут под дверь Но чувства ,что живут внутри Не скроешь с время позади Ведь вырвуться с оков груди Их не сдержать нечем увы ... Как не было мне тяжело Я не смогу забить их льдов И холод тот , что тронул весь Согреть не сможет даже лесть...