Love to read and write books especially about life and mother
Dream the way you always do!
Speak the way you always do Run to layout where you always go This running rotating world cannot stop you to dream The dream you dream in night is not the dream The dream you dream about life is the dream that you have to dream Dream is a story which depicts and derives your goal in life Whereas which you pretend is that you have to dream in life Life is nor a doll or yourself It's a magical presence where you are left to dream Life cannot be explained as a solution Life is a special grail which should be holy for you so that you could Feel the presence in LIFE So,Dream the way as you always do and spread the good vibes around you and in you May you be grateful for your works and even for your ton of love DREAM THE WAY YOU ALWAYS DO!
Doing hard work and that you have achieved Spell the truth of your work Knowing the dark you kept silence Spell the truth of the silence Spell the truth of that Having your consciousness You have lost it Spell the truth that made you lose the consciousness you had Nevertheless you have to reappear the world you were Forgotten your responsibilities Spell the truth of that You will never be over confident If you don't get over in word confident Confess to confident that you've Added over to it Spell the truth Why did you add the over to it Truth is spelled To recognise the capability you have You are greater than the Lord because he didn't create you you were created by yourself Spell the truth can make a life Spell the truth can destroy a life Spell the truth to rescue a life Become the one that I wondered Spell all the truths you have You are the one without any magic created yourself Spell the truth why did you lose the magic that that you created TIME IS NEVER LESS CREATE THE MAGIC AGAIN YOU WILL KNOW WHAT YOU ARE BY SPELLING THE TRUTHS YOU HAD OR HAVE #spell the truth
Singing aloud
Make your voice higher Make your voice sweet Sing with me to just remember the beat Singing is an art which will make your love for life apart from hating it sing with me aloud to make a crowd People will call you the best For singing your whole life rest Sing for truth Sing for breath Owe to you never underestimate the beat Smashing their dreams They all come to sing Singing is an art which will realise you You are the sender of God who awakes try to keep the person happy Because all of us are having the best voice in world #LOVE ME AND YOU BUT NEVER LOVE YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU WILL BE PROUD
Morning or Mourning
Cry with whom you live is mourning Smile with whom you spend day is morning Where the sun sets is mourning Where the sun rises is morning Cry and smile differ because you are the one who suffer Smile make a person happy Cry makes a person sadden more Remembering God name and waking is morning Remembering the person dead and praying to God for rip is mourning Mourning and Morning differ but it is just you who make them differ Come from mourning to morning To give hope in grief Keep a smile and remember God Good morning to whole world
My sister and me
Our relationship is and was as we are now Time never changes us We change time She invented angry in me She knew the weakness in me She visited the most wonderful Places with me in dark She knew she was the best but can regret it Sisters are the one Who come from the same soul Soul who we live in We fight but get unite We will never ever be apart Because we both are a part A piece in plate But which gets stick in the way We refuse to make confessions Because we already confess God made us in a house Because we fight like cat and mouse She and me be the idol for being Best humans that I may wonder All are the best not only me Be the best if you have a sister SISTERS ARE THE BEST
The way she gave for me
She gave the courage to live as me But some muttered to love like me I was never sure why did she sacrificed her life for me? But I always knew she did everything that I wondered She confessed when she bet She praised when I get The goal I had and have The way she gave for me Was with wonders and liberty She could never expand the time I gave to her because she knew I would get upset by that She implemented fashion in me She made me a fairy From the way she gave me She knew I would cry when no friends talk to me So she always been a friend to me So I love her more than me Because she is everything to me Being a woman she became father and mother to me I will and will give the way that you Gave to me. To my dear mum Who is and was the dearest to me
The best thing
The day Mum knew I entered to The world She can be perspective or fortunate For having daughter's like us She could even love the part I know But she never revealed the part I did Confessions confirm and confront us Being the most blessed child I am But vain never goes apart Just to develop apart From the world The best thing I could knew Was is to be the daughter that I could do I never been in dark Because the best thing is Mother
Love you mother
Love you in my heart Never knew it could beat so hard Love you in my write As you have been in my right Can you guess what You did the amazing creature in land You never been far from me Let you be the peace I knew I will remain grateful to you mum So I will always remember you Love and love you my mother Because I may have felt When I was in your womb That you were the best And will always remain Care yourself from vain Care yourself from great adversity Love love love to you mum