You have been my guide
Ever since anything started.
You have been my best friend,
A true best friend.
Your love with never stop showering.
You will be the ultimate one
To protect me.
My heart is wrapped with your
Love and affection.
You carry all the pain
In your heart without uttering a single word.
I do not have enough words to explain your quality.
You set an example in front of my eyes.
You are the one who
Inspires me to break all limits
Explore and get the best of all.
You are the best creation of God.
Nothing can ever stop you.
You are like the Moon to my Earth.
You are the best
You will be the best.
You cannot be compared to anyone else.
You are your own comparison.
Dear mother,
I love you....
2020-05-10 18:46:17